
Chapter 11: Sabo

Sabo had disappeared and everyone was freaking out. Kai was a little worried even though he knew that Sabo would be fine until he set sail. So he decided to pay him a visit. He walked to the kingdom and used his fruit to scan around the city and look for Sabo. Eventually he found him in one of the mansions and he turned invisible and flew into his window.


"Yo." Sabo replied to the mysterious voice absentmindedly.

"AHHH!" Sabo came to his senses and screamed as he turned around ready to fight the intruder.

"Wahaha! I got you pipe boy! You should have seen your face! Wahaha!" Kai started laughing at his friend. He wasn't worried about the noise of Sabo's scream as he had made a barrier inside the room with wind to soundproof it. He learned this after he heard Shanks and Makino one time and thought it would be helpful in the future when he meets a nice girl.

"What are you doing here?" Sabo whispered.

"Can't I come see my friend?"

"You can but now that you know who my parents are do you still even want to be friends with me?"

"Pfft. You're a funny guy Sabo. Why would I care if you're a noble?"

Sabo was a little shocked at his but a smile formed on his face.

"Holy shit!" Kai exclaimed.


"I just remembered. I'm a noble too. I totally forgot I technically used to be a prince! Wahahaha! That's pretty funny!"

"Huh?" Sabo was confused. What did Kai mean he used to be a prince?

"Yea I used to be a prince before I ran away. Totally forgot my dad was a king until just now."

"Shehehe. You're such an idiot Kai" Sabo laughed at his friend.

"I'm not an Idiot!" Kai yelled back as he smiled at Sabo seeing that he was doing good. They spent the rest of the day together talking and laughing just like always until Kai left at night.

Everything happened just like in the manga as Sabo decided to leave and Ace used and unlocked haoshoku haki on the bandits. Kai made sure no one got hurt as he watched over everything invisible. Sabo set out on a boat and was about to get shot at when Kai flew over and saved him from the cannon ball.

"I found you a better boat." Kai said as he flew away with Sabo and landed on a boat in the ocean heading towards Goa.

Kai walked up to the cabin door and knocked someone opened it and looked down at the kids frowning. "Who are you and how did you get on this boat?"

Kai spoke a little loudly and used the air to make his voice travel towards the door of a certain room. "We are Luffy's friends." The door opened and a large man walked out staring at the kids.

"Do you know what you're doing kid?" A man with a tattoo down the left side of his face asked.

"I have a new recruit for you. He hates nobles so I think he'll fit right in."

"You mean this brat? He looks like he still needs his mom's milk. This place isn't a game for you kids. Get lost." he tried to shut the door on the kids but Kai stuck his foot in it forcing it to stay open a crack.

"Hear me out uncle. I'm not playing around with you. This will be worth it. Plus it's either this or I drag him with me and grandpa Garp to the marines." Sabo visibly flinched when he heard Kai say he would take him to the marines. He didn't want to be a marine.

"Hey I never agreed to this! I'm not gonna be a marine! I refuse! Since when have you wanted to be a marine Kai? Did Garp's fist of love finally make you an idiot?"

"I'm not an idiot! You wouldn't understand even if I told you so shut it." Kai shook his head as he wasn't here to argue with Sabo.

He looked at the man and said "See I told you he'd fit right in, Dragon." Dragon glared at Kai when he mentioned him by name.

"Pipe boy, just show him what you can do." He stared at Dragon not backing off from the haoshoku haki he was releasing only at him "That's not very nice uncle. At least give the kid a chance."


"Alright I'm gonna need a pipe. I forgot to bring one with me. You know, saving lives and everything, I'm a busy guy." Dragon shook his head at Kai wondering if this kid was insane before he heard, "Oh found one" and saw a pipe floating towards Sabo.

"You're an unique kid." Dragon was astonished and was wondering who this kid was. He decided to give the Pipe boy a chance as if he was anything like this kid he would be a valuable asset for them in the future.

Kai turned to Sabo and said "Alright, here's your audition for the revolutionary army. You got this kiddo. Try your best! You're gonna be a star!"

"Revolutionary army?! What did you drag me into th…" Sabo was cut off by Kai pushing him towards some random guy. "I believe in you! I'm so proud of you my boy!" Kai said as he wiped a fake tear from his eye.

"They grow up so fast, don't they Dragon. Not that you would know. Wahaha!" Dragon tried to punch him but his hand passed right through his head, slightly shocking Dragon. He glared at the kid as if warning him that the next one would have haki.

"Calm down uncle, it was a joke. A joke. You know, to make people laugh. Have you ever laughed? I'm gonna make you laugh before I leave. Besides you're like a million times better than my dad. He used my sister's life to blackmail me. What an asshole right? I'll tell you about him later."

Dragon couldn't get a read on this kid; he seemed to be both the smartest and dumbest kid he ever met. He was playing a dangerous game right now. Making fun of the world's most wanted criminal the first time they met and acting all friendly with him at the same time.

"Why did he need the pipe?"

"That's what I said! You have no idea how many times I tried to make him use a sword or even a club! But he refuses every time! Fuckin' pipe boy. I don't get him." Kai said as he watched Sabo start to fight a full grown man in order to test him. It seemed like a close fight but the man was holding back. After all he was fairly strong as he was an officer in the revolutionary army. He was probably around Kai's strength, maybe a bit stronger. Though Kai would never lose a fight too him because he was so much faster.

"He's not bad. I'll give you that. But why is he even here?" Dragon asked and Kai told Dragon, "Short version: Runaway noble, brothers with Luffy, hates his parents. Anyway, he'll tell you his own story later." Then the two of them went back to watching the fight.

A while later Kai asked Dragon. "He's pretty good right? He's not much now but he has the spirit which means he'll be great at haki. Plus he's starting early and has crazy talent. Maybe he could be your chief of staff one day, pfft. Sounds like the perfect position for a Pipe boy. Wahaha"

Dragon snorted and smirked.

"Ah shit, I almost got you. I swear one day I'll make you laugh uncle."

"You won't be able to trust us." Everyone else on the boat said in unison. This made Dragon smile.

"He's almost there! Quick, you, say something funny!" Kai pointed at a random guy.

"Why did the chicken cross the ro.." Kai smacked him into the floorboard before he could finish.

"Who let this guy on the boat? What kind of dumbass actually says that?" Kai facepalmed and shook his head before walking back over to Dragon.

"Shishishi…" everyone heard a faint sound coming from Dragon and went dead silent.

"No fucking way."

"Did the boss just laugh?"

"That kid did it?"

Mumbles were heard from everyone until Dragon looked over at them with a deadly look in his eyes and everyone started whistling and turned away except Kai.

"Really? You went with Luffy's laugh and not Garp's? What's wrong with you uncle? You're not nearly cute enough for that. Way too scary looking." Kai shook his head and sat down on the railing beside Dragon like nothing happened and started watching Sabo's fight again.

Kai blinked and when he opened his eyes he only saw the ocean in front of him and felt a pain on his face. He looked to the right and saw the boat. Dragon was standing in the same spot with his arm stretched out like he just punched someone. Kai looked back down at the ocean and back at Dragon.

"I can't swim, asshole!" Kai yelled at Dragon like it was the end of his life.

"You'll figure it out." Dragon said with a smile on his face as he looked at Kai who was slowly falling towards the ocean. He could barely hear a mumble of something like stupid Dragon bastard, can't even fly like a real dragon I'll sell him out to the marines. Asshole. Before he saw Kai floating in above the water for what he felt was too long and heard.

"I'm air remember? Of course I can fly! Heh. I'm a better dragon than you are." Kai said as he realized Dragon couldn't touch him anymore.

"You're an annoying kid." Dragon just snorted with a smirk on his face again mildly amused at the kid.

"Hey guys I almost got him twice! Someone's gotta write down the day!"

"I already did!" mob 27 on the ship said.

Kai flew back to the ship and Sabo finished his fight. Kai, Dragon and Sabo all walked into the cabin and they started talking about things. Sabo told his story and was accepted into the ranks by Dragon who decided to start calling him pipe boy when Kai left as he found it funny, but didn't want to give the kid the satisfaction.

Kai started talking to Sabo with Dragon still in the room and told Sabo his full backstory as he knew he wouldn't see him for a while. "I told you I was a prince, pipe boy. I bet you didn't even believe me. Also." He looked at both Dragon and Sabo and told them his plan to become a marine in order to save his family and how he was gonna help Luffy become the pirate king. "So if you hear about a brave marine named Fujin who licks the celestial dragons toes like the rest of the government and marines, that's me!" He said with a smile on his face. Before he turned to Dragon and asked.

"I gotta know. What's with your name? You wanna kill the celestial dragons and your names Dragon? Is it a coincidence? Or what?"

"I don't know. I'm not Oda." Kai and Dragon both nodded sagely.

"Anything you want me to tell your kid? Did you know, he doesn't even know he has a dad. That kid is something else sometimes."

"No, as long as he is fine that's all that matters. What do you mean he doesn't know he has a dad?"

"I mean he has no clue. He probably doesn't know he has a mom either. Someone really needs to teach him the birds and the bees. Maybe then he will actually get with all those princesses. Hmm. Should I test that out?" Kai started talking to himself about something Dragon and Sabo didn't understand.

"Anything you want them to know pipe boy?"

"Tell them that I'm doing alright and that I'll see them again."

"Of course, I'm gonna miss you Sabo."

"I'll miss you too Kai."