
ONE PIECE: Grimm Tales

Mikel Grimm is a pirate that journey's through all the seas and islands in this world to find something that can cure his disease that drains at his life and looks. Along the way he battles pirates and marines alike with his unique Devil Fruit while making allies along the way and even forming his own pirate crew Will he find the cure in time? or will he die and his time as ran out. *Author here, this is a fanfic set in the world of one piece with my own characters. whether he meets characters from the the original is yet to be known to me, I'm just going to go with the flow as it's my first work so I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. Support and tips/help will be much appreciated and I'll try my best to keep you entertained bye bye.*

DingoBike_24 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Crimson Horizon (8)

Grimm's fist erupted in a radiant orange flame. Small bursts of thermal energy zapped like lightning around his fist. The surroundings felt scorching hot and some of the flowers began to burn away. He bashed his fist right into Bloodthorne's chest and he was sent soaring, hurling up blood. 

Grimm took out a small stopwatch from his trench coat and started it. 'An hour should be long enough to finish this' he thought and he began to apply temporary bandages, from his small little pouch, to his hand and shoulder while kneeling 'These should work for the time being'.

Bloodthorne slowly stood up, still shaking from the attack and holding the place he was hit. "You've eaten a devil fruit?!?!". He was dismayed and perplexed. 'I thought it was only a legend. So they really do exist'. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve and continued to breathe laboriously. 

The two gazed at each other from across the mountaintop and the wind bellowed. Bloodthorne wiped the blood away from his sickle. They were both at a standstill, trying to recover from the damage they'd received. After a few seconds, Bloodthorne began speeding towards Grimm and swirled his sickle and grinned "NOT EVEN YOUR FRUIT WILL SAVE YOU." He bellowed. 

Grimm stood up and took a fighting stance. Bloodthorne went back to slashing like a rabid animal and Grimm still had just enough energy left to dodge but was still recovering and couldn't counter. Bloodthorne continued to hack at Grimm and sliced at his chest deep enough for blood to trickle from the cut. Bloodthorne then sliced downwards and Grimm dashed forwards. Bloodthorne grinned and his arm came to a halt as he pulled his sickle back towards him lacerating Grimm's arm. 

Bloodthorne went for another slam with his sickle but Grimm swiftly back stepped and the sickle hit the ground beneath them. Grimm stamped on the sickle pushing it into the ground. He held Bloodthorne's head and plowed his knee into his face. 

Bloodthorne stepped back leaving his sickle buried in the stone of the mountain and received another strike to the face, the momentum changed in Grimm's favor. Grimm began thrashing on Bloodthorne, he could only block so many as his face began to bruise and bleed. 

Grimm dashed in for the finishing strike but his legs couldn't keep up with him as they shivered 'Shit why now of all times'. Bloodthorne roared at the top of his lungs and swung an uppercut right onto Grimm's chin. "I'VE WON. NO ONE CAN BEAT ME. I AM SUPERIOR!" He clamored preparing to finish it off. 

The sky turned a bright red, as the sun began to turn to blood and encompass rage itself behind Grimm. Despite being in so much pain and exhausted, he still stood tall, even after that mighty punch. The image Bloodthorne saw disturbed him beyond belief and he stepped back. The Crimson Horizon had begun. 

The island began to tremble and it sounded like an earthquake was ensuing on the island. 

"You should be more wary of your surroundings Bloodthorne," Grimm spoke. The blood-red light behind him gave the impression of a demon. Bloodthorne looked back and saw that he was at the edge of the mountaintop. 

SOLAR FLARE Grimm announced. 

His fist turned back into the orange glow of the sun as sounds of scorching flames screamed. You could hear the searing of Grimm's glove this time as it seemed more powerful than the last. 

Bloodthorne could almost hear the souls of the dead behind Grimm and screamed "I WILL NOT DIE TO SOMEONE INFERIOR". He performed one last rush. 

"If you won't accept your death Bloodthorne. I shall guide you". His voice bore no pain. No rage. No joy. Instead, it was empathy. This is what scared Bloodthorne the most. 

He swayed with all his power into Bloodthorne's chest yet again creating a loud boom and shockwave of impact behind Bloodthorne. This time his organs become crushed, a fountain of blood gushed out and his eyes defeated, losing life. He flew over the edge and began to fall down. 

Grimm looked down from over the edge and saw the town and gardens shifting down below. He could hear small gears turning and a quiet ringing in his ears. The entire island was to be transformed into a new shape and rumbled. 

"IS THAT CAPTAIN BLOODTHORNE!?!" Yelled one of the goons pointing at the body descending down from the mountain. 

"HOLY SHIT, IT IS!" Yelled another 

Their jaws dropped to the floor and the slaves looked at Bloodthorne falling and couldn't comprehend it. They were still astonished. 

"Does that mean we're free?" Question one the people, he was no less than twenty. 

"I think it does." replied another

They all stared at each other and shrieked with joy. Their cries of freedom echoed throughout the entire island even overwhelmed the sound of the moving gardens. They cried, laughed, danced, and embraced each other as the Crimson Horizon ended and the light and sky turned back to normal. 

The goons were still in disbelief. Their knees dropped to the floor in defeat. They knew, that without their captain, they were worthless and powerless. 

'Phew, things were beginning to not look so good there' Grimm fell to the ground hugged by the flowers. He rested for a short while before standing back up to look for his sword. After a couple minutes of rummerging, he finally found it at placed it back into its sheath. 

As Grimm was beginning to descend he saw it. "The Crimson Son." He sprinted towards it and cupped it in his hands. It looked like its petals were made of red glass. "Please work" he hoped and placed it into his pouch and walked back towards the edge. He looked at the sun that began to enter its slumber and felt the breeze across his skin, from the cuts in his clothes. He saw how the people were cheering with joy and happiness. He recalled the first day he came to this island. Jherunn. Marigold. When he remembered the goon and his small nose he chuckled a little.

He smiled.