
One Piece: From Flevance to the King of the World!

You have a new wish order: [Gourmet hunter Alu wants to taste delicious ingredients that he has never eaten before, and the reward is a gourmet cell.] [Illya wants to summon the strongest servant to win this Holy Grail War, and the reward is the Little Holy Grail.] [Valkyrie Brunhilde is looking for the strongest human being. What is the reward in order to defeat the gods ? ? ?] Gustavus Abel has responded to prayers from countless worlds countless times. Although he is a mortal, he is like a god. One day, when he suddenly looked back, he realized that he had already stood on top of the world. And everything in the story has to be told from the perspective of the boy who escaped from the white town that day. This is a translated novel. But you will find that the quality is somewhat higher because I have the luxury of using GPT-4 (and some human editing here and there) Original novel: https://m.bqg124.com/read/136168/

FFAddict · Anime et bandes dessinées
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376 Chs

Chapter 231

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After returning to his room, Abel lay on the bed and activated the system.

[Beginning search for prayer orders. Search complete!]

[One intermediate prayer order has been obtained.]

[Order description: The more people fear something, the stronger it becomes!]

[Order content: 1. Slay the special grade cursed spirit inside Enjin Youth Detention Center. 2. Ensure the survival of Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara (optional).]

[Order base reward: 3000 trading points.]

[Optional order reward: A scroll to create a special grade cursed tool (awarded after completing optional order content).]

[Time remaining to accept the order: 4 minutes 59 seconds.]

[Note: Upon successful acceptance of this type of prayer order, an energy projection of the host's main body will be automatically generated and immediately deployed to the order world.]


"Special grade cursed spirits. Is it really this world?"

Abel was somewhat surprised. It seemed to be his first time receiving a prayer order from this world.

The general background of the world was somewhat similar to that of Chainsaw Man's world he had experienced before, but set in a more modern era.

Cursed spirits here are entities formed from the cursed energy (negative emotions) emitted by ordinary people, their bodies entirely composed of cursed energy, with appearances bizarre and varied.

Cursed spirits are categorized into many ranks, among which special grade is the strongest.

Ordinary people can't see them, and physical attacks are ineffective, while cursed energy attacks work.

Jujutsu sorcerers are the professionals tasked with exorcising cursed spirits, and generally, a sorcerer of the same rank tends to be slightly stronger than a cursed spirit.

Besides, there are also cursed objects and cursed tools, which are odd items containing cursed energy and offer various special abilities.

These were roughly the things Abel knew.

And then he felt troubled.

Because he did not possess anything like cursed energy, how was he supposed to eliminate the special grade cursed spirit as the order required?

"Ah, it seems I need to think of another method," he sighed.

Abel shook his head but did not contemplate giving up. He chose to accept the order directly.

The next moment, when he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a... well, it was hard to describe, a twisted space.

The surroundings, all pipes, rooms, etc., were almost never in their original positions.

The lighting was also dim and gloomy, resembling a scene straight out of a horror film.

Or perhaps even more so!

Because as Abel turned around, right beneath the wall, he saw three bodies barely recognizable as such.

Of these, the one that truly retained a human shape only had an intact upper body left.

His clothing bore the name 'Okazaki Tadashi,' which was likely his name.

As for the rest, they had become lumps of flesh, all mixed together, piled nearby.

"What a dreadful sight."

Far from being afraid, Abel went forward to examine it.

Unfortunately, there was nothing he could use.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Suddenly, a voice of reprimand came from behind. Abel, puzzled, stood up and looked back to find three young people dressed in the uniform of Jujutsu High School walking in.

The one who had just spoken was the man with blackish-blue spiky hair, Megumi.

Beside him, with pink spiky hair and black at the base, was another man, Yuji.

The woman with orange eyes and short orange hair was Nobara.

The trio from the optional content of the prayer order had come to him.

"Oh, just checking to see if there were any weapons I could use for protection, given that they're already dead."

Abel tore off his clothes and wiped his hands.

Then he noticed that the clothes he was wearing were the same as the dead guy's, just without the famous brand.

"This person is..."

Yuji arrived next to the corpse and upon seeing the name on the half-body, he froze.

Just before they had come in, a woman was crying, wanting to see her son, but it was already too late.

"It's tragic indeed. You've got quite the nerve; to remain so calm in the face of death."

Nobara glanced at Abel with a hint of confusion.

At that moment, Megumi surrounded Abel with his Divine Dog shikigami, front and back.

"I've checked the information on the five people trapped here, and there's no information about you at all!"

"Speak! Who exactly are you? What's your purpose for sneaking in here?"

Hearing what Megumi said, Yuji and Nobara became alert and took up a fighting stance.

"Me? Just an ordinary person, I know some swordsmanship. You can call me Abel."

"Right, do you guys have any weapons you can lend me? Maybe I can be of some help soon."

"Stay right there! Don't move!"

"Nobara, go check... Nobara?"

Megumi and Yuji turned in shock, only to realize that Nobara had vanished?!

"Are you looking for that woman? Just now she was dragged into the ground by something."


"Why didn't you warn us earlier!"

Abel also felt regret, "I was just about to go save her when you told me to stay put. I've been very cooperative to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings."

Megumi's face turned dark as his Divine Dog failed to detect any presence of curses.

Turning his head, he witnessed his Divine Dog gruesomely slain against the wall.

"Itadori, run! We'll look for Nobara later!"

Megumi shouted, but in the next second, his body stiffened in place.

A special grade cursed spirit, with a human shape, pale skin like a corpse, and eyes on its forehead stood beside them.

Just the terrifying pressure alone made them unable to move.

While Abel couldn't see the ghastly thing, he sensed something ominous filled with malice.

He slightly furrowed his brow.

Physical harm couldn't kill a cursed spirit, and being unable to see it put him at a disadvantage. There had to be a way.

"Cursed energy, negative emotion perception, Observation Haki."

While Abel was considering his options, Yuji, in extreme fear, forced himself to move. He pulled out a short knife from his waist and slashed at the special grade cursed spirit.

But in the next moment, blood gushed out.

His knife-holding left hand got severed at the root and flew away, landing next to Abel's feet.

Yuji and Megumi couldn't even see the spirit's move.

It was a completely different level!

Yet now, Abel's eyes brightened as he grabbed the severed hand and the short knife.

Swinging it a couple of times, he got a feel for it.

"Hey, describe that monster's physical features to me."

Abel walked towards the two, while loosening up his shoulders.

"Don't come any closer! Run!" Yuji shouted.

Then he and Megumi were sent flying away.

Following his Observation Haki, Abel finally stood in front of the special grade cursed spirit, then he revealed a big grin and swung the short knife!