
One Piece: Forge

One Piece fan fiction cause why not!! A story where you don't even need to add other things from other animes because it already has enough content for a few decades and will still remain things to do! So i decided to do one too, even though i'm shit at writing but i try my best to do at least a readable one!! I don't know how much will take and i might drop it. The story isn't meant to be too serious, it's more created to improve my grammar respectively english. Enjoy reading. Notes: No harem No system

GalacticBlueGoose · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

The newbie of the Shadow Pirates

After i uncuffed myself, my butt cheeks felt like they were attached to the ground so the only thing i wanted to do was to stand up after hours of staying in a single place.

I didn't imagined that my sister will turn into such a demon, we change with time...it's a bit sad.

An air breeze approaches me from the wall hole, i walked through it and my eyes felt relived. I was able to breath some fresh air after hours of staying in a stuffy room, i felt reinvigorated.

"Buhehehehehe, this is the best!" I'm feeling full of energy being free once again! A pirate should live on a ship, not in a closed room, right!?

I wasn't able to see too much of this island when i got sent here, it's a really beautiful one!

{A Navy base, somewhere in the North Blue Seas, Winter Jungle Island}

A lively place full of savage winter animals! If this wasn't a Navy base, i'm sure this would been a paradise, such a waste....



It's too cold!! I was too into the landscape and i forgot that it's freezing here!!

Crap! Those pirates are already prepared to sail! That is the only ship i see around!

I need to ask that masked man if he would let me temporally on his ship until i get one for myself!!

( Captain Lever's Pov)

Someone is approaching...we were ready to sail, is that the boy i've saved? It's surely his face...Also why is he running while shouting something?!

"Captain leave this fellow on us! We'll shot at your command!"

"Wait, i know him..."

Everyone beside my vice-captain was surprised, i guess it's normal. I don't have too many friends besides them...i can't really consider that guy my friend though...

"Why captain knows someone like that child...?"

"Who knows?"

I leap from my ship on the ground filled with tall grass, waiting for the boy who was running like he's being pursued by a big animal.


T-That idiot is really pursued by a big animal!!!

He's coming here with something that looks like a Gorilla Lion!

What a weird combination....

"Boy! Lay down!!"

At least he did how i've said cause it'd been a problem if he wouldn't.

The Lion Gorilla was an easy enemy, once the bullets touched him, they pierced directly through skin making tons of holes in its body. If it was some powerful monster, we would had problems.

The boy safely reached me with a hard breathing. At the first sight he seams like he's someone weak so i wonder why he was captured and got sent in the prison or maybe he did something else....

While i was questioning myself, the boy was bowing for some reason.

"Your name is Lever, right?"

"You're right, what is it?"

"Please let me sail with your crew!!"

He wants to be part of my crew or....


"Yes sire!"

Usually i don't let strangers on my ship but this might be interesting.

"Boy, what's your name?"

"My name is Steel D. Friedrich!!"

Steel D. , what's the meaning of that...?

"My name is Lever, i'm the captain of the Shadow Pirates. You are prepared to embark?"

"Yes, i'm happy to sail with you, Lever!!"

"Me too Friedrich."

Our little introduction ended with a handshake and getting on the ship with a new temporally member of the crew.

My men were confused by the situation so i had to introduce him to his crewmates as well.

"I want to have a toast for our new member!! Even though it's for a matter of time, we'll live with this boy from now on so lets make him feel like home!!"

One by one, everyone started to rise their bottles and mugs with a wide smile. No one felt like they shouldn't party today.

"Cheers for the new member of the Shadow Pirates!! Steel D. Friedrich!!!"


Immediately they shouted in joy for the new member while gulping their drinks and start a big party.

The food and drinks were provided from the marine base so no one restrained to feast and feel good.

The night went quickly as you can blink, everybody were dancing and eating like tomorrow is the end of the world

After all had calmed we were waiting for the sun to rise and start a new adventure.

Unconsciously we fell asleep and woke up the next morning. The crew begin to refresh how they could and went to their positions, we call this a regular morning but nevertheless we had a newbie around.

Friedrich is wondering on the board not knowing what he should do. I didn't thought of a role for him and he also wants to help but i really don't know, he isn't suited for much and we have men for everything and what i said him to do didn't really made him happy either....

( Five minutes ago)

"Hey Fried!"

What's with this energy this early in the morning...he ate sugar or something?! He can't stay in a single place....he's going wherever someone does something...

"What's captain? Also, is that a nickname?"

i like he quickly responds..

"Yeah, also i've thought about your role on the ship!"

"What is it?!"

He seems impatient and happy about.

"You can be a cleaner."

When i said that his face drastically went into a dull and irritated one...maybe wasn't a good idea telling him that.


And that's what happened....what role should i give him...?

My thoughts were interrupted by explosive sounds fallowed by my subordinates yelling.

"Enemies in South!! They're attacking!! Prepare the cannons!!"

I would think about Fried's role later! Now i have to do my captain role and lead them to victory!!


My battle cry made my comrades roar meaning the beginning of a pirate battle.

Hehehehe, One Piece sure is searched a lot, and i'm not reffering as a pirate. Thanks for the views, for the first chapter 3k is sure a lot, i hope that my fan fic is ok writed at least. In this big journey i want to learn to write way better so maybe at the final of my One Piece i will become the Writer King and achieve all what writing consists of :))


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