
One Piece: Forge

One Piece fan fiction cause why not!! A story where you don't even need to add other things from other animes because it already has enough content for a few decades and will still remain things to do! So i decided to do one too, even though i'm shit at writing but i try my best to do at least a readable one!! I don't know how much will take and i might drop it. The story isn't meant to be too serious, it's more created to improve my grammar respectively english. Enjoy reading. Notes: No harem No system

GalacticBlueGoose · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Prologue: Freedom

"Hey!! You'll let me here starve to death?! That's not how you used to be!!"

"Wasn't your choice to be a pirate, brother?"

"That's not a good argument!! How can you do that to your own brother?!"

A boy shouts behind the iron bars, making a strong noise in the entire prison

"Keep your mouth close. We aren't in a forest...."

"How does a forest is related to my big mouth?! Makes no sense!!"

"The cuffs are made from sea stone, you won't be able to get rid of them so stop screaming unless you want to get tired out."

A smoke trail comes from the ashtray beside the person from the Navy. It is quite dark inside the room so both faces of the Navy person and the boy cannot be seen.

"When i'll get out of here you'd pay for this and i'll create a big name for my entire crew!!"

"Crew? You mean just yourself....?"

"Shut up!! I will gather some comrades on the way..."

"Don't make me laugh, brother. You won't get out of here even if i let you! Don't forget a vice admiral is here!!"

"I beat him until he gives me the keys!!"

"Are you stupid?!"

Suddenly silence envelops the prison room.


"...Am i....?"

"Don't ask me!!!"

The navy person's childish scream is interrupted by the sound of the door followed by a middle aged man's voice.

"Rear Admiral Rini!! We're preparing to sail and get to our next location, the vice admiral wants you to accompany us! Would you like to take the offer?"

The man who speaks is a beginner navy soldier that is in good terms with the vice admiral, it is told that once he helped him against a savage lazy cat from the eastern islands and saved his life, just rumors though...

"I accept. I can't stay forever here without sailing, i won't be able to be promoted as the next vice admiral after all."

The Vice Admiral Rini is a woman around 1.68 cm tall with a white suit, black gloves, long gray hair and green eyes, she also has a cute bunny hat.

{ Steel D. Rini, Rear Admiral of the Navy HQ} (Narrator box)

"Don't make stupid moves, you are restrained after all!" Rini says while she exchanges stares with her brother.

"Yeah...yeah go and do your shitty work and leave me in peace...." Rini's brother says that while he nearly snores from exhaustion, because of the sea stone his moves and stamina are very reduced being able just to make short moves.

"I take my leave now." Rini gives him a " Hmph!" and she leaves with the beginner navy soldier slamming the door before them.


Now what...? They've told me food will come around this time...maybe did they forgot or something...?

"Rini left alongside the Vice Admiral so no big shot would be around to bring me back in prison but the problem is that i don't have a ship and i can't do anything about the sea stone..."

"I will die from starving....? That's too cruel.."

Just some hours had passed and i already hear loud noises, the sounds seem of cannonballs so something definitely it's happening while i'm imprisoned here. It's some stupid pirate here that wants to die...?



No vice or rear admiral is here so there's a chance that this could be possible. Maybe someone can uncuff me but i can't imagine random pirates doing such a pleasant thing, now i'm really worried about who's behind this cement wall.

In a matter of time, my cell was enveloped in dust and voices can be heard.

"A captain of the navy huh...i reconsider killing you if you'd give up."

A pirate with a gun appeared, the gun is similar to a Mag that is pointing at the Navy Captain. The pirate was staying behind the hole he made in the wall and the Captain was near beside me.

"You are "Grim Bullets" Lever, right?! Why are you here?!!" The navy captain shouts

Being cuffed, for me looking at these two was like looking at an action show. They noticed me but continued their not really "fight", it's no need to say but that Navy Captain had no chance being against the pirate who was using a gun.

"None of your business"

I'm feeling that the Navy guy is more stupid than me...

The gun-user pirate has a black hat and his head is entirely covered with a scarf of the same color as his entire outfit. Being full black to the point you're unable to see his face, it makes him the most mysterious man i've seen until now.

The only thing you can see from this guy is his black pupil eyes that are slashing like daggers through people.

Those eyes are enough to make one weak individual tremble in fear.

His whole body is covered in a black robe and the only places you can see his flesh is on his hand which holds the gun and his eyes, the rest is enveloped by the black cloth.

Once the battle between the Navy fellow and the mysterious pirate ended, one of the black-clothed guy comrade came in rush behind him and shouts.

"Captain! We provided food and a good sum of berries, we are ready to embark at any moment!! Did you finish here??

"Yeah, we are ready to go then, we have no reason to stay here! Announce the crew that in less than 15 minutes we'll sail."

Captain Lever seems calm and happy about the result coming on this island. If my sister and the Vice-Admiral were here, it was another story though.

After the chief gave the instructions followed by a big "Yes!" from his subordinate, the pal went to speak his captain's leads to the entire crew who waited for them.

The pirate captain was standing in front of me with some menacing eyes that seem ready to pierce through my body, but instead of killing me as i thought, he threw the key of my cuffs, turned his back and went through the wall hole created some moments ago.

He has my gratitude because he saved me but i don't know why he did that, maybe he held pity for me....who knows?

My hands were finally free and my powers regain begin.

"Captain Lever huh....? I gonna remember that name..."

My first fanfic is One Piece. ONE PIECE IS REAL!!

It'll have a lot of grammar and words mistakes but i try my best to improve!

Comment with your own created One Piece character and maybe it'll appear in the story(i won't promise anything)


GalacticBlueGoosecreators' thoughts