

A genius from earth gets transmigrated as a slave from the world of his favourite anime and manga series One Piece. Let's see what awaits him in his second life and if he can fight for what he never had in his first life... FREEDOM! Notes: -No Harem -No system This is my first work. English isn't my first language. If you like it please leave a review!

xXyan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

Snake Princess

1 year has passed since my first kill. I was currently getting dressed up by some maids in a butler outfit. I was to accompany Saint Sharlia to a slave auction. I was usually forced to join her in these kinds of events so she could brag about me to her other celestial dragon friends. I was currently 12 years old, I got taller and my body developed more. One year ago when fighting my first human being I awakened my observation haki. From then on I made a lot of progress on it. Nowhere near future sight level of course, but I could cover the whole Rosward mansion with it.

I went undefeated in the arena. I continued to get stronger, I had no luck awakening my armament haki and I didn't even know if I had conquerer's haki. I continued training my body and devil fruit. I could keep up the bone armour, which I call reinforcement, all day.

The maids finished dressing me up and I had to say, even though I am still a child, I am pretty handsome. My ashy hair had grown to shoulder length and it was loosely tied behind my head. Even though I had to go through a lot to get where I am, my sky blue eyes still held a fire in them. I will get out of here someday and I would finally be free.

The agents stopped chaining me when they saw that I wasn't struggling and following orders. I stood at the door beside two auction house guards as Saint Sharlia was talking with the other celestial dragons and comparing me to the other slaves present. Soon the auction started and I couldn't get the scowl off my face. How can they violate a creatures right to freedom? Despicable! I would surely get my revenge. I could kill them all right now probably but I would surely get killed in doing so, I wasn't willing to risk this second chance. I needed to get more information before acting. If I blunder right now it is going to be over for me. I watched with a enraged expression as the world nobles were buying slaves. Halfway through the auction, I saw something that shocked me. On the stage where the slaves were presented were 3 twelve years old girls. The Boa sisters!

I couldn't believe this! This confirms that I was reincarnated before the raid of Fisher Tiger. I began to form a plan in my head. During the raid, I would take advantage of the chaos and kill Saint Sharlia!

As I continued observing I saw that Saint Sharlia bought the Boa sisters for 500 million berries. I was then sent back to my cell. Some hours later I could see the wave of new slaves coming in. There wasn't any space left and the slaves were put in the same cells with no regard. This was a problem as the male slaves that were put with female slaves couldn't contain themselves and usually forced the women to have intercourse. Sometimes the roles were even reversed. Luckily I was the arena champion which gave me special privileges so I was still alone in my cell.

Walking past my cell I could see the Boa sisters. Boa Hancock's beauty was evident even though she was still an adolescent. They were walking behind a guard, fear evident on their faces. I could hear the screams receding through the halls. A guard soon came and banged on my cell door.

"Get up, monster, you have to fight again!"

The guards began calling me a monster as I killed every opponent that I faced in cold blood. I realised that I needed to get over my fear of killing if I wanted to be free and after one year I could do it almost naturally.

I tiredly sighed and got up. I followed the guard to the Arena. When the crowd saw me they began to cheer. I was the undefeated champion, I haven't lost a duel in my 2 years of fighting here.

Out of the other side of the arena came a tall bulky man. He was at least 3 times my height and had the physique of a strong man. I got in my starting position, creating a sword out of concentrated bone. I dashed behind him and jumped up to his neck slashing. To my shock, the skin on his nape hardened and my sword didn't do any damage. He turned towards me and swung his massive blackened arm towards me.I He had armament haki! I predicted this move using observation haki and rolled out of the way to make some distance between us.

"Come back you little vermin! I'll kill you!"

I ran circles around him, when he got close I used my finger gun to make some distance.

I need a plan... Using a blunt force like when I fought the lion wouldn't work as haki worked differently. I need to overpower him with brute strength, outstanding agility and speed. I made my sword bigger adding more reinforced bones. My usual bone sword became blunt on one side and became a katana. I can use more force this way! I dashed towards him aiming for his chest. He parried my sword with his left arm and took a swing at me with his right. I slid between his legs and tried to cut him again. He didn't expect this and didn't have time to harden his skin with haki. I dealt a blow to his back. I tried to jump back to make some distance and asses the situation but before I could react I was sent flying to the wall.

"Can't run anymore, little fox?" He taunted.

"Shut up. I'll kill you." I responded in a cold voice.

"Hiohiohiohio! I'd like to see you try trash" He responded.

We dashed towards each other. Bone met hardened skin and the clashes could be heard in the whole arena. We were at a standstill, both of us couldn't overpower each other. for every slash I managed to connect he hit me back. I couldn't keep this up for long as he was more durable then me.

"Hiohiohiohio! I admire your fighting spirit, kid! Tell me your name before I kill you" He said as he jumped back.

"Sora. Sora Minamoto." I responded.

"I'll remember you Sora Minamoto!"

He rushed towards me with his blackened fist. I couldn't dodge out of the way I was to tired. I couldn't give up yet. I reinforced my hands with bones and planted my feet on the ground. I suddenly dashed towards him and slashed my bone katana at him. Moments before the katana met the fist, something unbelievable happened. My blade turned black with an wshy grey tint. I have awakened basic armament haki! Blackened bone met blackened flesh and my katana went right through his skin cutting his arm off and leaving a nasty cut on his chest. The whole arena was silent. The bulky man fell on his back. Blood oozing from his body. Suddenly the crowd burst into roars and cheers.

"What's your name, old man?"

"Vincent... Vincent Leywin..."

"You were an worthy opponent!"

The man smiled.

"Hiohiohiohio! You really are a monster... Awakening armament and observation haki at such a young age. I have one thing to ask... If you ever get out of here... I have a son his name is... Reynolds, Reynolds Leywin. He is probably the same age as you, I trained him myself... You can find him in the first part of the New World. Take him with you... and tell him... tell him that I love him..." The man took his last breath.

"I promise... I will tell him that!"

With that said I began to walk back to the cell block as the crowd was cheering. I will look for this Reynolds when I get out of here.

I followed the guard back to my cell. I was exhausted the strain put on my body by the fight and the awakening was to much. I could barely stand up. When I entered my cell I collapsed and everything turned black. I think I'm going to sleep for a bit...

When I woke up I could see that I collapsed on the floor. I got up and started eating the food scattered on the floor. I leaned against the wall and began disinfecting and bandaging all my wounds. Thanks to my devil fruit I had a higher pain tolerance and regenerating capabilities. I finally unlocked armament, even if it was out of pure luck.

I feel that I am also starting to slowly forget the storyline of One Piece. With no notebook to write down what I remembered, it seems that I will completely forget the world building and maybe even some important events.

I was broken out of my stupor when a guard banged his weapon on the door of my cell

"Little monster, Saint Sharlia gave you a reward!"

The guard pushed a girl in the cell.

"Have your way with her!"

I didn't move. The guard left soon after. I got up and looked at the girl. When I got close, she quickly got up and kicked me in the jewels hard. I didn't even have time to react. I fell on the floor in pain.

"Oi, what's wrong wit you?" I asked still on the ground.

"Get away from me, you pig!"

I looked back at her. She was the future most beautiful woman in the world, Boa Hancock!

"Calm down! I'm not going to do anything to you!"

"Shut up, male! I'll kill you!"

The guards came to the cell across from mine and put her sisters in there while she was still threatening me.

"You tried to touch me, be ready for your death" she said with an angry tone

She ran towards me and launched a kick to my neck. I dashed behind her and delivered a gentle haki infused chop to her neck. She soon fell down being knocked out cold.

"Troublesome woman!" I exclaimed.

I soon took her by the arms and carried her to the concrete bed. Before I could put her there. From across the hall her sisters began shouting:

"Get your hands off her, pig!"

"We'll kill you!"

I didn't even acknowledge their presence. I leaned against the wall trying to catch some sleep. I decided to keep my observation haki activated as to not get my neck snapped while being in dreamland.

Boa Hancock POV:

I can't believe I am forced to share a room with this boy! I will surely kill him! And reunite with my sisters. He can easily overpower me so I have to dispose of him while he is sleeping. I approached him stealthy and threw a punch at his face.

3rd POV:

Sora woke up and tilted his head to the right.

"Will you keep trying to kill me the whole time we will share a cell?" he asked in a annoyed tone

"Shut up, pig! If I leave you alive you will force yourself on me" replied an angry Boa Hancock.

"Yes sister! Kill the male!" Sandersonia and Marigold cheered from the other cell.

While Sora was evading Hancock's attacks the slave prison head guard came and banged at the cell door.

"Little monster! Get ready to entertain the arena!"

"I am still recovering from a life threatening injury" I replied with and angry tone.

"Who cares? Did you have your fun with the girl?"

"I didn't even ask for female company" I replied with killing intent in my voice.

"Well from now on she'll stay in this cell. Get ready!"

The guard left Sora to get ready and he immediately retaliated. Hancock was subdued in a few seconds. Her face was on the ground while Sora was standing on her back.

"Look here, girl! If you don't attack me anymore, I promise I'll protect you from the guards."

Hancock knew that some of the corrupt guard would take advantage of the women slaves and would force themselves on them She also knew she was really beautiful and she could feel that Sora was strong but she still wasn't sure if he had what it takes.

"I don't need the help of a male!"

"Tsk" Sora said in an annoyed tone

He then left to the arena leaving Hancock to her own thoughts.

One hour later a fat guard came to the door of the cell.

"Girl, let's have fun!" he exclaimed with a awful grin. Hancock knew who he was! He has seen him raping other slaves before.

Hancock POV:

I was scared. I don't know if I can defeat the guard. The guard rushed towards me. I tried to escape but the cell was too small. He caught me by my clothes and ripped them. I tried to scream but to no avail no one was coming. My sister were screaming for help but no one came.

"Oi, what are you doing in my room" a cold voice asked.

I looked behind the guard and saw that Sora came back.

"Little monster! Just look the other way or I'll punish you!" The guard said arrogantly.

Oh no! He'll probably leave me to my fate since I was so mean to him... I don't want to do this! Suddenly the guard went crashing into the other side of the cell. Sora came up to me and gave me his shirt, revealing a huge claw mark on his chest. He rushed at the guard and beat him until he couldn't breath anymore. He was crying for help the whole time. It was a brutal sight. He was drowning in his own blood when the other slave prison guards came to see what was happening. They quickly restrained Sora and started beating him. I could only see his brilliant blue eyes that had a burning fire in them showing his determination. He didn't even flinch while being brutally beaten and kept eye contact with me.

Sora POV:

I could probably kill all the guards that were beating me right now but I would definitely be killed if I do that. I beat the perverted guard to a pulp, he is currently dying, drowning in his own blood. The bastard deserved it! I hate people like him! Soon they took the guard and left me alone. I could feel my body slowly regenerating. All the broken bones were rearranging. I sat down on the ground. I wanted to sleep but I couldn't because of the discomfort. So I can still feel pain... I suddenly felt some bandages being wrapped around my body. I looked to the right and I saw Hancock wrapping me in bandages with a subtle blush on her cheeks. I soon let the darkness take over and went to sleep.


A/N Thank you for reading! If you have any tips please leave them in the comments!