

A genius from earth gets transmigrated as a slave from the world of his favourite anime and manga series One Piece. Let's see what awaits him in his second life and if he can fight for what he never had in his first life... FREEDOM! Notes: -No Harem -No system This is my first work. English isn't my first language. If you like it please leave a review!

xXyan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

Final Showdown

Kim-Woo POV:

I could feel my consciousness fade away... I lost to a kid... I, WHO HAVE THE WILL OF A CONQUERER LOSING TO A PUNY NONAME PIRATE? I felt an animalistic will take over. I WOULD WILL WIN AT ALL COST.

Suddenly I felt a huge boost in all my physical capabilities. I have heard of this... When a Zoan user goes through a near death experience, their body and mind alines with their Zoan devil fruit and they get a boost of strength... I will completely destroy this man!

3rd POV:

Sora was slowly walking towards the boulder, Kim-Woo crashed into. Suddenly his observation haki flared. Sora raised his sword and blocked a haki punch straight to Sora's heart. They clashes again, but something strange happened... the gorilla man got even stronger! When he began to falter, he jumped above Sora and tried to smash his head into the ground. the Gorilla got even faster and better. Sora tried to slash at him, but he dodged and actually landed a punch on Sora. Sora was thrown a few meters back. He had no visible wounds from the punch. They continued their fight and exchange more blows, surprisingly Sora was outmatched in strength. However they were equal in speed and stamina. Lighting flew around them as the forest was being destroyed, luckily Reimei was fighting a few hundred meters away, as Sora was moving away from the city on purpose. Shockwaves were heard throughout the forest. They were both getting tired. Sora's observation haki surprisingly slipped for a second and Kim-Woo managed to slam Sora against a tree. Dust began to rise up obscuring the view.

"Wototototo, you were weak after all, you can't even take a punch" Kim-Woo said while laughing. He then began to walk away to help Sun-Peng, but he suddenly stopped.

Sora was already up with no visible wounds.

"Huh, you dusted my clothes, they were new! I guess I'll take you seriously." Sora said with a sad sigh.

Sora then took an offensive stance.

"Bone-Man: First Form!" Sora exclaimed. He reinforced his bones so that he will get faster and stronger.

He then suddenly dashed behind Kim-Woo before he could even react. He slashed at his neck. Kim-Woo managed to block but flew into a tree. When Kim-Woo managed to look at Sora, he saw that his pale skin took a yellowish tint. Kim-Woo got up. He knew he had no chance if this fight drags on any longer I will surely lose. He put his whole into this last punch as Sora did the same, they clashed, but Sora's conquerer's haki completely destroyed Kim-Woo's and he was sent flying through the forest. He soon lost all his strength and fell unconscious. The last thing he saw was some icy blue eyes staring at him with a coldness.

Meanwhile in another part of the forest, Reimei was fighting with Sun-Peng. The battle was slowly reaching its climax. Sun-Peng was running out of energy. He kept relentlessly attacking attacking Reimei, trying to hit him. But his observation haki saw everything he couldn't even land a hit on Reimei. It was kind of a sad sight. As Reimei completely dominated the fight and subdued Sun-Peng after he got tired. After tying him to a wall, he saw Sora walking towards him with a badly bruised orange haired man, which he guessed was Kim-Woo. Surprisingly his clothes were really messy and had dust on them.

"Did he land a hit on you, captain?" Reimei asked slightly amused.

"Bastard had am awakening and made go into my first form. He ruined my clothes, I just bought them!" he said with annoyance and anger.

"Did you bring the sea stone cuffs?" Reimei asked.

"Yes, I have them." Sora said as he got some sea stone cuffs out of his coat's pocket. They put them on the unconscious Kim-Woo and Sun-Peng as they started carried them and ran towards the city.

In the city a battle was raging. The resistance soldiers with the commanders were fighting against the rest of the gorilla pirates. Hana was behind the army shooting pirates with a rifle without a scope at an incredible range thanks to her observation haki she managed to land all shots which was really impressive.

The resistance was slowly getting the upper hand. Sora and Reimei sneaked next to Hana and delivered the unconscious bodies of the leaders of the Gorilla Pirates. Hana got up from her place swung her rifle over her head and took their bodies to the frontlines.

"Your leader is dead, surrender and our punishment might be lenient!" Hana shouted.

The battle stopped over half of the remaining forces dropped their weapons and put their hands up, losing any kind of hope. The battle was finally over... The resistance has won! Soldiers were cheering and screaming. After all the prisoners that surrendered were put in a newly built prison as the quartz prison and Royal palace were to be destroyed, because the nation was poor, a huge party happended. Everyone was drinking and singing.

After a huge 4 day festival that happened, we were ready to leave Risky Red Island. We were ready to leave but I wasn't getting on the ship.

"Why aren't we leaving, Captain?" asked Reimei.

Out of the blue, Hana came with a bag and her rifle.

"Hey guys!" said Hana.

"What do you want?" asked Sora.

"Sora... please let me join your crew, I want to become the best marksman in the world and I can't achieve that if I'm stuck on an island!" she asked while she deeply bowed.

"She's a good addition to the crew, captian" said Reimei.

"Hmm, I guess..." Sora said, he does need a sharpshooter and sniper.

Suddenly a teenager came running towards the ship.

"Captain!" a teenager ran towards the ship.

"He's our new cook, Jun." Sora stated.

"Glad to meet you!" he happily exclaimed while bowing.

"Where too next captain?" asked Sora.

"Where the log pose takes us." he said while sitting down.

With that said they all got on the ship and started sailing to their next adventure!


A/N I think I won't publish chapters every day because they're getting shorter and of lower quality. I really don't have time to make good and long chapters if I publish once a day. I usually make chapters of 2500 words but as of the later parts of the Risky Red Island arc they're only of about 1200 words. Would you like 1000 word chapters every day or 2500 chapters once two or three days?