
One Piece: Fūjin

Shun a boy from East Blue, will embark on a journey of revenge, getting on the way a legendary fruit that was lost long ago, what will he do with this power? Will he become a hero or a demon? PS: The protagonist is not reincarnated or anything like that, he is a human who belongs to the world of One Piece, only created by me. As for the devil fruit, I will only say that it can control the air.

Redniro · Anime et bandes dessinées
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40 Chs


Donny had a look of fear and doubt, not understanding why this dwarf attacked him and his two companions. They had joined Eldorrago's gang a few weeks ago and had done nothing to enrage anyone.

"You... cof... what do you want-"


Before he could finish the sentence, he got punched full in the face.

"I ask the questions" Shun said in a cold tone.

"Hey, why do you always do the same-" Before he finished speaking Donny quickly shut up as he noticed Shun clenched his fist.

Seeing this Shun didn't attack him and asked.

"What pirate gang do you belong to?"

"I belong to the cof... pirates of Eldorrago, so you'd better let me go-" Donny answered, falsely hoping that if he mentioned his captain the dwarf would be afraid.


As expected, Shun punched him again.

Donny felt the burning pain on his face and cursed in his mind this dwarf, who wouldn't let him finish a damn sentence.

"Idiot kill your two comrades, what difference would killing one more make?" Shun said in a mocking tone.

"Besides, no one saw my face, your captain can't know who killed his subordinates." He added.

"Glup..." Donny swallowed nervously, as the dwarf's reasoning was true.

"If you tell me everything you know about the deal the Eldorrago pirates had with the nobility of the Frauce Kingdom, information about your captain and the most powerful subordinates, I'll let you go" Shun added.

"Y-you'll let me go?" asked Donny with a certain hesitation and trembling in his tone.

"Yes, I keep my promises, not like you, I give you my word if you give me the information I want" Shun replied.

"Okay" Donny decided to believe him. Besides, it was the only alternative he had left since if he didn't talk it was certain death. He was not loyal to his captain since he joined only a short time ago and gave more importance to his life.

"Start by telling me about your captain, what he is like, his strength, and everything you know about him" Shun said, as he rushed him and held the bone knife threateningly.

Donny trembled with fear and answered quickly:

"Our cof... captain Eldorrago has a bounty of 10,000,000 bellys, he has long red hair, he is very greedy, but he only wants gold he doesn't want any other kind of treasures, I don't know why he will be like that" Donny said looking at the black hooded dwarf to see if he was satisfied with the information.

Shun while listening to this information was thinking.

*That's a lot of money, so it must be very powerful, in all my life I never had even 1% of those 10,000,000 bellys. If the captain has such a reward, his subordinates must also have some reward*.

"Any of you 3, do you have any reward?" asked Shun. If it was yes he would have to go look for the corpses of the other two, he can't afford to lose so much amount of money.

"N-no, we joined a few weeks ago, so we still don't have any bounty on us" Donny replied swallowing nervously thinking that denial would make him angry.

"Useless..." Shun said with a scornful face.

Donny heard him clearly and made a blank face.

*So I could only beat 3 subordinates who are beginners and were also drunk* Shun thought a bit saddened by his lack of strength.

If they had been one of the main subordinates, he would have had no chance of killing them, let alone killing his captain Eldorrago.

Besides, he could have won, for all the conditions that presented themselves, low light, they were drunk and their guard was down.

"Fuu" Shun sighed in disappointment, knowing that his revenge would be slow in coming.

Donny seeing this got nervous, thinking Shun was angry.

"Well, what kind of fighting does Eldorrago specialize in?" Shun asked, waiting for an answer, if he fights with swords, an axe, or something similar.

"E-eh from what little time I was on his ship, I know he has some kind of devil fruit, but I never saw him use it, I only heard it from older crew members who saw Eldorrago using it" Donny replied.

"Devil fruit, what's that?" asked Shun with a raised eyebrow.

"You know, those miracle fruits, that give extraordinary powers" Donny replied with a longing and greedy face.

Shun was going to punch him, for talking garbage, but when seeing his greedy look made him hesitate a little.

Besides, he had a power he couldn't explain, even though he never ate a strange fruit, he can see and sense the presence of others, even if they are hidden from view or if it was hard to see them naturally, like when it's dark or through walls.

"What other members of your crew are powerful?" Shun asked, continuing the interrogation.

"The only one who has a bounty like Eldorrago is Mr. Golass, he has a bounty of 8,000,000 bellys, he has dark skin and black colored hair he also fights with a great sword and has a lot of strength" Donny replied while coughing up some blood.

*Another problem, he almost has the same bounty as Eldorrago* Shun thought with a frown.

"Tell me everything you know about the deal between Eldorrago and the Frauce nobles" Shun ordered.

Donny hesitated whether to talk or not, as it was very sensitive information, and if they found out that he spread this information they might cut his head off.

"Is that information more important than your life? Besides, once I release you, you can leave this realm, I doubt Eldorrago would waste energy on someone so useless." Shun said with disdain in his voice.

Donny nodded but was annoyed by the way he said it. He was already thinking, of a way to get revenge once he is released.

"The deal was made behind one of the main coal mines, very important people from the Frause royalty gathered, to finish closing the deal they had with our captain Eldorrago."

"What is the deal about?" Shun checked that the information he got was true and asked again. Besides it was the same place where he found his little brother's body, so he is already sure that they are the culprits.

"Our crew traffics slaves, a few weeks ago we were contacted by an official from the Kingdom of Frauce, to make a big transaction that included many slaves and therefore a lot of money, even the queen knew about this deal and gave the go ahead according to what I heard from the captain" Donny explained.

*Eldorrago pirates, Frauce nobility and Queen Dedessinée* I already have all the culprits, thought Shun as his eyes got a cold look.

Even though he lived far away from the capital of the kingdom, Shun knew who the queen was, as it was public information.

His revenge was going to be difficult, first, a pirate group of 18,000,000 bellys bounty between the captain and vice-captain, although killing them won't bring much consequence, killing Queen Ban Dedessinée and all the corrupt nobility, will make him a wanted criminal all over the world.

After all, they were still a legitimate kingdom.

*There's a long way to go* Shun thought bitterly.

He knew he did not have enough strength to achieve his revenge, as an expert hunter he knows that to hunt his prey he needs to be sure he has a chance to kill it, and currently, he does not. So he must become stronger before thinking about his revenge.

If he had to destroy an entire kingdom and be a wanted criminal so be it, what made him bitter was that it wouldn't be quick, as he has to become, stronger, but how?

As he was absorbed in his thoughts, Donny became nervous and asked.

"Anything else...?"

"Do you know the name of the official who contacted them?" Shun asked.

Donny tried to remember and after a while, he answered:

"Ban Daichi, he is the left minister of the kingdom, as far as is known he is a close relative of the queen, he was at the meeting a couple of days ago."

"Well, that's enough" Shun said.

He didn't need to ask how his brother got there, since even they must not know, they were just there out of curiosity and got caught, all he wanted was to confirm who were the ones who killed him and he already knows that, from all the information he gathered.

"S-so you'll let me go free, r-right? Donny asked, afraid that the dwarf would not keep his promise.

"Yes, I keep my promises" Shun said as he walked over to Donny to untie him.

Donny sighed in relief but saw that Shun falsely stumbled and the hood on his head popped off from the sudden movement, leaving his face visible.

Although there was darkness in the alley, Donny could see Shun's face as he stood so close and got a little used to the darkness.

"You're... a brat!" Donny exclaimed in surprise, although he knew this person was a dwarf he never thought he was a boy entering his pre-teen years, he thought he was a midget or something like that.

"O-oh no... my face was completely uncovered, now I can't let you go" Shun said in a monotone.

Donny noticed that Shun was acting, and he was acting very badly, even the stumbling was noticeably fake.

"Y-you shameless brat who are you trying to fool!" shouted Donny indignantly at such shameless behavior.

Before he could continue speaking, Shun with his knife stabbed him in the stomach.

Donny felt great pain and looked down to see a large amount of blood gushing out of his stomach. Little by little Donny's life was drained out of him. Shun did not give him a quick death, unlike his companions who had to kill them quickly so as not to have any problems.

Aside from the pain, Donny was very indignant at what a scoundrel Shun was. If he wanted to kill him, why should he have acted this badly as an excuse? This outraged and angered him more than the cut on his stomach itself.

"Look who's talking about scoundrels" Shun said in a cold tone as he saw Donny's eyes were closing more and more.

After a few minutes, Donny died. Shun made sure he was completely dead just in case and even stabbed his heart to make sure.

*I must improve my performance* Shun thought as he inspected Donny's corpse to see if he had anything of value, in one of his pockets he had about 2,000 bellys in hand.

"Tsch what a poor pirate" Shun whispered disdainfully as he pocketed the money.

After robbing the corpse, he left the crime scene.