
One piece CP0 with betraying system

Carlos travels through the world of pirates and accidentally awakens the betrayal system. As long as he betrays his own faction, he will be rewarded. In the past few years, he personally destroyed several large pirate groups through division, instigation, and sneak attacks, and attracted the attention of Stussy. So Carlos became a member of cp0 and was sent to New World to collect information about Beasts Pirates. If you enjoy please support me on my patreon Future 30+ chapters at patreon.com/Fanficbeelze Additionally, I have many other works readers may be interested in. Please enjoy! 

Fanficbeelze · Anime et bandes dessinées
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103 Chs

Chapter 72: Beyond The Limits Of This World

It turned out to be an S+ level reward, killing sword intent?

Listening to the system prompts in his ears,

Carlos tried hard to suppress the ecstasy in his heart.

Without too much hesitation, he said in a deep voice:


The next moment, his eyes suddenly went dark, and he suddenly fell into a state of dreaming and waking.

The whole person seemed to have turned into a sword.

There is no joy and no sadness.

Even if all the people in the world were killed by him, there would be no fluctuation in his heart.

In the face of this state, everything seems to be as worthless as dust.

Just a look or a thought can cut through everything in the world.

Nothing should be cut down, nothing should be killed.

Kill the enemy to prove your strength.

Killing friends is to prove one's mettle.

In order to pursue the ultimate killing method, even one can kill oneself...

This is the ultimate ruthless way to kill!

At this time, Carlos' eyes seemed to have lost all life, and what was left was only ruthless coldness.

It seems like a thousand Ten Thousand Years have passed, and it seems like only a short moment.

Carlos slowly opened his eyes.

"Is this the intention of the sword? Entering the Tao through killing and destroying all things. It is so powerful that it almost lost itself, fell into the abyss, and became an unconscious killing machine.


"What should be killed and what should not be killed is up to me to decide!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Carlos' eyes seemed to turn into two sharp sword auras,

It penetrated several thick walls and disappeared thousands of meters away in an instant!

"Open the properties panel!"

Host: Carlos

Age: 27


Armed Color (Excellent Level), Observation Haki (Excellent Level), Conqueror's (Penultimate Level), Swordsmanship (Excellent Level), Kryptonian Bloodline (Entry Level)...


Behind Enemy Lines, Shark Bullet Technique, Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan (Inferno Style·Flame Control, Susanoo), Energy Absorption

Identity: World Government (CPO)/Marine (Marshal)

The swordsmanship is the same, but it has become transcendent without even realizing it.

I see, is it beyond the limits of this world...

Carlos's heart was racing.

At this time, his strength should have completely reached the Four Emperors level.

No, it might be even stronger!

If faced with Kaido again.

Carlos has the confidence to kill him openly without resorting to any external means!

"With such strength, this world can no longer restrain me...

My thoughts gradually drift away,

While Carlos was silently thinking about Marine's future plans,

Suddenly, there were bursts of chaotic and rapid footsteps in the corridor outside.

The inadvertent action just now caused quite a commotion in Naval Headquarters.

Momousagi strode towards the office and opened the door. Just when she was about to say something, her expression suddenly changed.

It felt like a sharp blade was constantly moving around her body.

Instinct told her.

If she took another step forward,

She would die!

Momousagi felt a chill in her heart, took a few steps back in a hurry, and couldn't help but say:

"Carlos, you..."

"No need to panic."

Looking at the group of people standing outside the office,

Carlos laughed dumbly and waved his hand gently.

The next moment,

The invisible aura that shrouded the office disappeared instantly, as if nothing had ever happened.

But Momousagi understood that what she felt just now was not an illusion.

Unknowingly, Carlos became stronger again.

What a terrible man...

Momousagi stroked the hair beside her ear and suppressed the doubts in her heart.

"Sir Carlos, according to your instructions, everyone has gathered in the square, please give instructions."

Carlos nodded slightly and stood up from his seat.

"Now that we're all here, let's go."

Marineford Square.

Nearly 50,000 Marine soldiers lined up neatly in a phalanx, and the sound was extremely mammoth.

At the front of the team are Ghost Spider, Dauberman, and other Naval Headquarters Vice Admirals.

Among them are seven giant Vice Admirals, who are tens of meters tall and look like hills.

Some were wiping their swords carelessly, some crossed their arms and sneered, some squinted, and some held cigars in their mouths with disdain.

It brought an unspeakable sense of oppression to everyone present.

The most eye-catching ones are the four people standing on the high platform:

Akainu, Kizaru, Ryokugyu, Fujitora.

Because the distance is too far, the face cannot be seen clearly.

They were just standing casually, but they gave off bursts of breathtaking momentum.

Behind them, there is an empty chair.

The temperature is very high today, and the scorching sunshine is mercilessly scorching the earth.

There was no impatient look on the faces of everyone present; they were just waiting quietly for the arrival of a certain man.

Seemingly bored with waiting, Ryokugyu held a cigarette in his mouth and turned to look at Fujitora standing aside.

"I don't know the purpose of calling me here this time."

"Knowing life, what do you think?"

Fujitora held the staff sword in both hands and said calmly:

"If nothing else, it should be Marine's new Admiral."

After the reform order of the world government was issued,

Aokiji refused to stay in Marineford, and did not choose to follow Sengoku to travel around the world. He did not know where he went.

So there was a temporary vacancy in Three Admiral.

"Oh? The new Admiral? It must be the two of us!"

"Don't think too much. You still have to listen to Carlos for the final arrangement."

Ryokugyu slowly exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Carlos? In my opinion, Sakazuki should be the marshal."

The two chatted without a word,

Suddenly, Fujitora seemed to feel something and turned his head to "look" in the direction of the distant port.

There seemed to be quite a commotion there.

At the end of the road,

A tall man wearing a black trench coat, holding a cross black knife, walked slowly towards the square.

Although there was a slight hint of fatigue between his brows, it was difficult to conceal the unstoppable aura throughout his body.

Although the sailors wanted to come forward and ask why he came,

But under the opponent's sharp eyes like an eagle,

It was really difficult to muster up the courage to stop him, so they all retreated.

"Why is this guy here?"

"I heard that a few days ago, he escorted a warship and got into trouble with the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"You can block the Whitebeard Pirates with one person, and still come back. He is worthy of being the greatest swordsman in the world."

"Looking at him like this, he seems to be here with bad intentions..."

Ghost Spider quickly stepped forward with a gloomy face and blocked Dracule Mihawk's way.

"Marine is holding a major gathering. No matter what your purpose is, please leave immediately!"

As the saying goes, there are three things a new official needs to do when taking office.

Marine had just reformed and split into two parts.

Carlos, as the initiator of this reform, is also the new marshal.

Many new arrangements will definitely be made for Marine.

For example, internal personnel adjustments and future planning goals.

The opponent is a Warlord of the Sea, and they really shouldn't appear at such an occasion.