
One Piece: Build The Strongest Beast Pirates

patreon.com/FanfictionTranslation ====================== Barbarossa Kaishu transmigrates to one piece and becomes the older brother of Kaidou of the Beasts while possessing a stronger physique talent! After the Battle of the Gods Valley, the Strongest Assistant system was activated. It can continuously improve the loyalty of the crew members while letting their Zoan-type devil fruit evolve. Sengoku: Why all of the Beasts Pirates are Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit Users?! Five Elders: Damn it! How can the Beasts Pirates be scarier than Rocks Pirates? Garp: My iron fist can't even break Kaishu's defense at all! Imu: How can there be such a terrible monster? Why even Uranus can't kill Kaishu!!

0StolenDream0 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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289 Chs

Seriously Wounded And Dying

Kaishu looked at the samurais, who started to kill each other and felt speechless for a while.

Can't you see that he and the Beasts Pirates are Wano's worst enemies?

That idiot Kurozumi Orochi wouldn't think that he would support him after killing the Kozuki Family, would he?

Forget it; Kaishu couldn't understand the brain circuits of these samurais.

Take Kozuki Oden, for example, who can be said to be an out-and-out pervert.

When he was six years old, he started to regularly roam the red light district, and when he was 15 years old, he kidnapped women at night to form a harem in the mountains. 

He also puts green hats on many men in Wano.

But these people still worship him extremely and even think that Kozuki Oden is a bohemian, a person who lives and acts free of regard for conventional rules and practices.

In Kaishu's view, everyone in Wano, whether they are samurais or civilians, has been brainwashed by the long-term rule of the Kozuki Family.

It's no wonder that in the Manga, Kaido and Orochi's request is to let Kozuki Oden dance naked in the Flower Capital, which lasts for five years.

Doing so not only gives them time to expand the power of the Beast Pirates but also eliminates the deep-rooted beliefs of the people in the Kozuki Family.

"Oden-sama, are you okay?"

Kanjuro had also been affected by Kaishu's explosive punch. At this moment, he was in a mess and suffered a lot.

However, he still quickly ran to Kozuki Oden and helped him up from the rubble.


Kozuki Oden's face was a little pale at this time, and his whole body was covered with wounds.

He didn't expect that, despite teaming up, the gap between them and Kaishu would still be so big!

"Kanjuro, take everyone and my father back to the Flower Capital."

Kozuki Oden clenched his two swords while staring at Kaishu resolutely.

"But Oden-sama, so you are already gravely wounded."

Kanjuro looked anxiously at Kozuki Oden, who was about to fight to the death, with tears on his face.

"Don't be sad, Kanjuro, take everyone away."

Kozuki Oden gave Kanjuro a thankful look, then he stepped forward with two swords in hand and said firmly:

"Protect my father; he is the Shogun of this country. Nothing must happen to him."

"For Wano, please!!"

Hyogoro also stood up at this time, and when he heard what Kozuki Oden said, he smiled boldly and said, "We samurai haven't lost yet!"

"Life Liberation!!"

Alongside Kozuki Oden's loud roar, his wounds began to heal rapidly. His entire body flushed, and a reddish steam came out of his body.

"Oh? Is it the secret technique of burning the vitality?"

Looking at Kozuki Oden, who was emitting steam all over his body while his momentum constantly rose, Kaishu smiled calmly.

Kaishu has seen too many of these kinds of methods.

Like the Marine's Life Return (Seimei Kikan) and Luffy's Second Gear in the Manga can achieve the same effect.

They are all techniques to gain powerful strength in a short time by burning vitality.

"I swear on the honor of the Kozuki Family. You won't be allowed to act recklessly again! Pirates!!"

Kozuki Oden was glowing red all over his body, and his aura had broken through to a higher level.


A playful smile suddenly hung on the corner of Kaishu's mouth: "Then you… better be careful!"


The sound of the sharp blade piercing into the flesh echoes through the battlefield!!


Kozuki Oden's pupils dilated, and he lowered his head in disbelief, only to see a bloody sword protruding out of his chest.


Kozuki Oden turned his head stiffly and looked in disbelief at the man who attacked him from behind.

But this time, what he met was not a respectful and adoring face.

But a face full of triumphant and sinister looks.

"Oden-sama, Kurozumi Kanjuro sends his regards."

Kanjuro stabbed the sword in his hand all the way, and then he approached Kozuki Oden while smiling evilly.

Kozuki Oden's pupils dilated, and he understood everything instantly: "Kurozumi Kanjuro...."



"How?!! Impossible!"

"Kanjuro, what are you doing?"

"Kanjuro, you actually assassinated Oden-sama!"

"Damn it, I will never forgive you."


"Gufufufufu, well done, Kurozumi Kanjuro!!"

All the samurai who saw this scene were shocked, especially Kin'emon, Denjiro, and several other retainers.

From shock to disbelief and then to fury!!

Only the Kurozumi Orochi in the distance laughed heartily and triumphantly.


Kozuki Sukiyaki was gnashing his teeth, and when Kurozumi Orochi said Kanjuro's full name, he knew that this had been a conspiracy planned by the Kurozumi family for many years.



Kanjuro showed no mercy as he pulled out the sword with all his strength and quickly backed away.

Kozuki Oden clutched his chest, but he couldn't stop the blood from oozing out.

"It's really funny..."

The corners of Kaishu's mouth turned up as he laughed mockingly.

"Your Excellency, the Kurozumi Family is willing to join hands with Your Excellency to destroy the Kozuki Family."

Kurozumi Kanjuro saluted slightly and humbly said to Kaishu.

"Did you just say joining hands?"

"That's right!"

"Ya ha ha ha..."

Hearing this, Kaishu burst into laughter suddenly, and then he shouted coldly: "Stop joking! What qualifications do you have to join forces with me?"

"You're just a bunch of rats in the gutter!!"

Kanjuro's face changed instantly, and he said seriously: "Your Excellency underestimates the Kozuki family; there are still many families in Wano loyal to..."

Before Kanjuro finished speaking, a fist magnified in his pupil.


Kanjuro held up his sword to block it, but he was sent flying together with his sword.


Kaishu appeared in front of the seriously injured Kanjuro instantly, then he grabbed him and looked at him with fierce eyes while saying: "I don't need others to tell me what to do."


Under Kanjuro's frightened and distorted scream, Kaishu bit his neck.

Soon, under the horrified eyes of Kozuki Oden and Hyogoro, a mummy was casually thrown by Kaishu into the ruins, causing a cloud of dust.

"It's your turn!"

Kaishu's green eyes looked extremely terrifying under the moonlight.


Kaishu charged at Kozuki Oden with wide-open palms like a cannonball.

"Don't think about it!"

Kozuki Oden gritted his teeth and endured the extreme pain on his body. 

"Oden Two Sword Style: Samurai Great Spirit!"

The figures of the two flashed past at breakneck speed, making the onlookers can't see anything but only catch an unusual sound.


That was the sound of blood spurting!

Accompanied by the sound of blood spurting out, there seemed to be something hitting the ground, followed by a slight 'plop' sound.

Borrowing the light from the moon, the samurais looked over suspiciously, but the scene that caught their eyes shocked them wildly!

It was Kozuki Oden with his chest ripped open, exposing the bones and viscera inside!!


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Early access up to

Chapter 126: Of 'One Piece: Build The Strongest Beast Pirates'

Chapter 17: Of 'I Quit The Straw Hats Pirates At The Beginning And Joined The Beast Pirates'