
One Piece: Beastmaster

This is a story of a guy who got transmigrated to the One Piece World, he has a system with too high requirements for operation. He was born in a small village of the One Piece world and does hardwork to improve so it's a slow pace story. The first beasts are Pokemon. Points about the story: 1 MC is not impulsive in making his name so he will build up slowly but steadily. 2. He won't become OP in 3 days because of the system but he will become good in some aspects. 3. He won't run after every one piece girl. Love interest hasn't been decided yet. *Disclaimer: I do not own one piece and its characters, it is own by oda-san* Lastly, English is not my first language, so I would request all to tolerate a little and please help me realise my mistakes by writing reviews. Thank you, Enjoy.

FT_Rhino · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

Bad News, Good News

East Blue

Berry Vine Village

It was a sunny day, the sky was clear and its vastness could be seen all around.

A boy under the shed of a tree was going to get an opportunity that was going to change his destiny or so he thought but

{Initiating lucky draw: World Selection}

{...Selection Failed}

"WHAT!!!" Rudeus shouted with all his might. It was as if he won a billion dollar lottery only to find out it was a dream. "System, what the hell, went wrong?"

{Host doesn't have enough Mental Power or MP to summon beast from the Beast Summoning System or to use its facilities, the Host needs to have enough Mental Power}

"What kind of ridiculous rule is that and even if there is such a rule, why didn't you tell me before?" Rudeus asked angrily.

{For the host knowledge, Beast Summoning System allows the user to summon beasts to this world, so even though the beasts are at initial level, they are powerful. The system can guarantee that the beasts will not harm the Host, but to get the powerful beast to follow the user, the Host needs to be powerful too.

The beasts summoned by the system are intelligent, so they have their own pride. The beasts will not follow the Host order if the host is weak, which also puts restrictions on the system for selecting the world}

{Host was not informed about the restriction as the system started initiating recently and doesn't have host complete status. As for other concerns, the system's user needs to at least pass a certain degree of criteria in both physical and mental status to use the system freely. Currently the host has passed the bare minimum requirements to initiate the system}

"Fu#k! Now I even have to pass criteria for the system to work" Rudeus said to himself.

Rudeus initially thought that he would freely summon beasts that would do the work for him and he would relax and be a young master like the Chinese novels but he was wrong.

'Well, it doesn't sound that bad, now I will at least have the motivation to work hard' he thought. 'First of all, I need to know my current status properly, to be able to plan for the future as to how I will gain strength. It would be good if I build up some strength before I make my power public, so I will take a trip to the forest near the village and if someone ask about the power I could say I ate a strange fruit in the forest'

Rudeus was initially so excited that he forgot that he was just a 5 year old kid and for him to suddenly get such power, the villagers will grow suspicious, as currently he had nothing so no one is paying much attention to him but if he suddenly starts to show such abilities, he might fall in the hands of a pirate and become a tool.

He also knew that currently all the people around the village were being kind to him only because he was just a 5 years old little kid who was adorable while willing to help others, so they allowed him to help with little errands in return for a small quantity of food. But if due to the system like in those novels he becomes as foody as Luffy then no one will give him food or tell him to work.

So Rudeus calmly thought for a while and finally asked the system. "Show me my complete status"


{Name- Rudeus

Age- 5

Sex- Male

Height- 91cm

Weight- 20kg

Strength- 2.2

Agility- 2.7

MP- 5

Skill- nil

Special Skill- nil

Special Power- nil


"So, system, what are the initial criteria for choosing a summon and what are the ways to reach the criteria" this was a question which was bothering Rudeus the most.

{The initial criteria are to train the Host strength and MP to reach 10.

As for how to train or increase the Host's strength and MP are; for strength, as the host is currently in the growing phase it could be achieved naturally when you reach age 15, which is without any voluntary effort or activities. As for MP, it could not be achieved naturally, it could only be trained through meditation and mental exercise}

"Ok, I understood quite a bit" said Rudeus as he got up from his place and started to walk towards his home.

Rudeus parents did have a house on the island, but after their death the Village Chief sent him to the orphanage to stay as it was impossible for a 4 year old kid to stay alone. So, even though Rudeus stayed at the orphanage he came to visit his home, from time to time.

While walking towards his home, he met a few people who either smiled and waved towards him or nodded looking towards him. It was a small village and almost everyone was familiar with one another.

After almost 10 minutes of walking he reached his house, a simple and typical one piece hut which had 3 rooms, one bedroom, one kitchen and one living room with a small table to eat meals.

He went straight to the bedroom and sat down on the bed, closed his eyes and started to arrange his thoughts. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and asked the system

"System, the power level that was shown is it based on this world's power level"

{Host, it was a estimated power level shown on the basis of the people you met till now}

'Ok, that means it is not absolute and it can differ, so it will not be of much help' he thought.

"System, can you give me any training guide to train"

{The system cannot provide any help until the Host becomes one with the system which will only happen after the Host has got his first summon}

'Looks like I expected too much. Well, it doesn't mean I have no way to become strong, though the MP will be difficult to train but if I am not wrong, Observation Haki and Conqueror Haki are also mental skills and even if I can't train Conqueror Haki, I can definitely practice some of the exercises related to Observation Haki. Yes, it will be difficult and I don't know about my talent in it but I hope I will at least increase my MP to reach the system requirement.' Rudeus started to plan in his mind.

He went to the table, took out a paper, pen and started to write down his schedule for tomorrow. He was so busy making the schedule that he didn't even realise that it was already night. After some time he got up and started to prepare his dinner from the food he used to store in this house, finally after he was satisfied with the meal he went to bed thinking about his plans for tomorrow.


Morning, the sun hadn't risen yet but Rudeus got up to start his new way of life. He thought all evening while making the schedule of what he should aim to achieve in this life but later he put down his thoughts and made up his mind to first focus all his energy to activate the system.

Rudeus in his previous life had some MMA training, so he knew the basic way to start his training at least for the physical part. So after he freshened up, did some stretching exercises and started to do running in a circle around his home, he knew that running was one of the prime exercises for the beginners to build up their stamina and endurance.

After the running session he did some push ups and sit ups to complete his today's session. He did workout previously before knowing about the system but those sessions were quite half-hearted as he didn't have any aim to pursue, but now things were different as he found his aim and started to put more effort in training.

After completing the training he went to take a bath, while bathing he was thinking about the thing which was bothering him since yesterday, which was if he was a person who got reincarnated, shouldn't he have more MP than the others like in those novels but even after thinking all evening yesterday he didn't know the reason, so put that thought on the back of his mind.

Finally he came out of the bathroom and changed his clothes and started to meditate to increase his MP as it was the only simple exercise he could do, at least for now. After trying hard to meditate for 45 minutes he got up and prepared to start his daily life.