
One Piece: Ant king Meruem Template

Before Roger execution, Kira traveled to One piece world and witnessed first hand the Pirates cruelty and the dark side of the Navy. Just as he was planning to get some devil fruits, a sudden ding rang in his mind. [The template system is bound] [Searching.... HxH Ant king Meruem successfully bound] ________ The early chapters are translation for Chinese fanfiction, but the author Abondened the work. I liked the story, so I'm going to finish it.

Floki_Star_1199 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Creating an army



May 10, 1500, in the sea calendar, on Behemoth Island.

In front of a mountain cave facing the sea, a nearly ten-meter-tall snapping turtle crawls in a peculiar manner. Upon closer inspection, one can see green blood flowing from the corners of its mouth. As the snapping turtle moves, the dense grass up to ten meters high on its back unconsciously splits to the sides.

The reason for this strange movement is that someone is pulling the snapping turtle's tail, guiding it into the cave. The person responsible is Kira, who has been living alone on Behemoth Island for a month.

During this month, Kira has had an eventful life and has come to understand the power of Behemoth Island. He has discovered that not all creatures on Behemoth Island are as formidable as the Red Wing Dragon. The Red Wing Dragon, standing at five meters tall, is actually the cub of the Red Wing Dragon King, the Lord of the Sky, one of the four major forces on Behemoth Island.

Due to its pure bloodline, the cub possesses remarkable strength. Kira has learned that it is only in the early stages of its growth, comparable in combat power to a brigadier general. Through his observations, Kira has realized that the fully matured Red Wing Dragon King, currently the Lord of the Sky, has a strength nearing that of a vice admiral. This explains why both the navy and pirates avoid Behemoth Island and consider it off-limits.

Behemoth Island boasts a complete food chain, a well-balanced ecosystem, and powerful creatures who rarely leave the island. Instead of being a sanctuary, Behemoth Island could be described as a natural prison.

The four major forces on Behemoth Island are:

1. **The Sky Lord Red Wing Dragon Race:** Led by the Red Wing Dragon King, with strength close to that of a lieutenant general, dominating the skies.

2. **The Lord of the Earth Burst Bear Race:** Led by the Burst Bear King, with the strength level of a lieutenant general, controlling the land and plains.

3. **The demon Group, known as the Lord of the Forest:** Possesses a three-headed demon wolves with the strength of a lieutenant general, dominating the forest.

4. **The Tiger Race:** Led by the Lord of the Mountains, with the strength level of a lieutenant general, claiming the highest mountain on Behemoth Island.

Friction is frequent between these four major forces. However, whenever they attempt to harm one another, a wolf howl emanates from the center of Behemoth Island. Regardless of the intensity of the ongoing conflict, both sides retreat to their own territories when the wolves howl.

Kira knew that on this island of giant beasts, there was a specific creature with incredible strength that dominated over the four major groups. Though curious, he decided against venturing out to explore it just yet. Although a month had passed, Kira hadn't made much progress and was still far from reaching the rank of lieutenant general.

As Kira carried the corpse of a snapping turtle into the cave, he observed the pile of flesh and bones in front of him.

"System, open the properties panel!"

**[Host: Kira]

**[Template: Meruam (3%)]

**[Physique: 230/460 (Human Form / Ant King Form)]

**[Spirit: 210/410 (Average value of ordinary people is 10)]

**[Ability: Absorb Devil Fruit]

**[King's Guard: 0]

**[Soldier Ant: 0/15 (embryo)]

**[New template: 0]

**[Combat power assessment: colonel/brigadier general]

The higher the quality of the hatched soldier ant embryos, the stronger the soldier ants with higher potential. Soldier ants show loyalty to the ant king, but there is a probability of betrayal if their strength surpasses that of the ant king. When facing the ant king, soldier ants exhibit half of their combat power and instinctively fear him. The King's Guard is loyal to the Ant King but makes decisions based on what they believe is beneficial to him. No matter how powerful the King's Guards become, even if they surpass the Ant King in countless ways, they will remain loyal and never betray.

"Without even realizing it, I've grown so much stronger in this past month. If I were to face myself from a month ago, even without the form of an Ant King, I would be the victor. It's time to proceed, with the final battle involving sixteen soldier ants, a corps leader, and ten soldier ants being born. I hope you won't disappoint me after all the effort I've put into your creation."

Kira carried the snapping turtle's body into the cave, and his body gradually developed an exoskeleton while his tail pierced through the turtle's back armor with sharp needles. A fleshy egg began to form on the turtle's back armor, dropping down and emitting a pulsating heartbeat. As a drop of Kira's blood fell onto the fleshy egg, he silently anticipated its hatching. A powerful heartbeat resonated throughout the cave.

*Knock knock... Knock knock...*

The fifteen flesh eggs previously stored in the cave synchronized with the newly formed egg, producing a symphony of heartbeats. Kira put a lot of effort into cultivating these sixteen soldier ants. As their culture medium, Kira used colonel-level behemoths. While Kira can't guarantee these soldier ants, he can ensure that once they hatch, they will be at least at the level of lieutenant colonel. These soldier ants come in both humanoid and chimeric ant forms. The heartbeat of the flesh eggs grew stronger with continuous development, causing the originally soft shells to gradually harden. Despite the lack of a light source in the cave, the sixteen flesh eggs appeared to be illuminated, as if someone was holding a flashlight. The hardened shells gradually revealed humanoid monsters of different shapes.

The flesh eggs formed on the giant snapping turtle had a shadow reflecting a turtle shell on their back, complete with spikes on the elbows and knees. The shadows reflected by the flesh eggs formed on the giant beast rhinoceros were bloated, with a thicker neck than head. However, the position on the top of the head had a sharp horn. The shadows reflected by the flesh eggs formed on the giant beast leopard were thin, with extremely long arms and legs. The hard shell also vaguely showed the texture of the muscles on the legs and arms. A variety of chimeric ant soldiers were about to hatch, and Kira sat at the cave entrance, tilting his head and admiring his masterpiece.

This ability to create life made Kira sigh in awe of the strength of the system and chimeric ants. It perfectly fused the genes of the giant beasts it belonged to, resulting in the formation of two distinct forms: the human and the chimeric ants, following the rules of these genes and the pirate world. This ability was truly formidable, almost perverse. Kira wondered if even the Four Emperors, like Kaido, who ruled the New World, sought out devil fruits that granted control over animals. On the other hand, Kira could easily achieve such operations.

*Click...* The hard shell of the hatching chimeric ant soldier ant produced a crack, and Kira knew that his first subordinates were about to be born.


Shout-out to my patreons Ghost, Bruno Oliveira, Chance C, and Mohammed Alshamsi . Thank you so much for your support!!

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