
One Piece - Thorny Path To Freedom

INHERITED WILL! The Destiny of the Age and the Dreams of the People These are things that will not be stoped! As long as people continue to pursue the meaning of Freedom... THESE THINGS WILL NEVER CESE TO BE! “Yea... yea... very cool, but... Have you ever died in an absurd way and reincarnated by a non-canon Dragon Ball character to the One Piece World to make a realistic Isekai movie of your second life?” … … … “OF COURSE NOT! THIS KIND OF SHIT ONLY HAPPENS TO ME!” A lazy salary-man otaku somewhat depressed with his life is isekaied as a normal human in a normal family in the dangerous world of One Piece without systems or balance breaker cheat skills like other isekai main characters… will try to fulfil in this life the dream that he didn’t even dare to dream in his previous life. A simple, almost innocent and in principle not so unattainable dream in this world "LIVING FREELY AND EXTREMLY COMFORTABLY ON MY OWN ISLAND WITHOUT HAVING TO PAY FUCKING TAXES!!!" However… "Oh man..." Neither in this life nor in another fulfilling your dreams without betraying yourself It’s not as simple as we would like --- Links: You’ll be able to see 8 chapters in advance in my Patreon patreon.com/user?u=83938371 --- Technical data: – English is not my native language, so I can make mistakes, especially with set phrases. If you detect an error don’t hesitate to say so, I will correct it and maybe I won’t do it again. – Long Chapters about 3300 - 5500 word count or more. I hate short chapters with barely content – One chapter per week (sometimes with split chapters) unless I have a problem (I'm human, more or less) or I perform the loved “Mass Release No Justsu” – The chapters are published between Sunday and Monday. Split chapters will be published during the week --- Legal disclaimer: This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of One Piece. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content. The picture is not mine, I only modified it. I will try to create my own in the future. --- More about the story (not spoilers, but read at your own risk If you want to start reading knowing absolutely nothing): ... ... ... – This story begins after the end of my other novel “Dragon Ball - The True Legendary Super Saiyan” but it is not necessary to have read the previous book to understand this one. They have a small crossover in chapter 1 or 2 but from there they go their separate ways – The story has a slow start, starting from the protagonist's childhood in Volume 1 (have patience). After that we’ll have a little time skip where the story will move faster. – I'm trying to write a mature story (but always with humour), with plot coherence and where the Mc is not a pusydestroyer69 from the beginning without justification. If you are tired of convenient self-maturbative histories you may like this one. – The story takes place ONLY in the world of One Piece, without traveling to other worlds or anything like that. – The MC will not join the Mugiwara and they will meet very rarely. I want to write my own One Piece story, not edit the existing one about Luffy – The Mc will be neither a Marine nor a Pirate, he will take a radically different path. – The MC is officially reincarnated the 31.12.2022, therefore he only know’s the story until the chapter “1071” of the manga – NO HAREM

Meralman · Anime et Bandes dessinées
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115 Chs

FreedSteel VS Capone «Gang» Bege Family (Part 3)

In a matter of seconds, the individual and joint attack of Perona, Captain Mcnugget, Stephen and Fred managed to wipe out the 80% of the army of gangsters that managed to set foot on the island.


Well! Then you're an ugly idiot!"

"Maybe… but that doesn't change the fact that you'll have to train hard afterwards."

"YOU! You're a demon!"


Yes, maybe a little"

The massacre was turning out to be so easy and practically free of danger that even Fred and company had time to joke and argue among themselves, giving the gangsters a little break

A little break that some of the gangsters tried to use constructively

"Shall we try to attack them now that they're distracted?"



The two monsters shot him at the eyes before he could do anything!

"Don't try anything against them or you'll end up like him...

Just follow Father's orders and go inside him"

Even so ... except for Perona, who had no need... Fred and Stephen were always on the lookout in case their enemies tried to attack them or do something they didn't authorize. At the slightest suspicion of transgression, the two brothers neutralized their attacks or killed them in a simple but highly competitive way.

"Okay, everyone inside…"

And right now the only thing that Fred and company authorized those invading gangsters to do was enter inside the body of their boss. Bege, seeing that his men could do nothing against Fred's team except die uselessly and become weapons in Fred's service, decided to go on the attack after evacuating those who were still alive.

And now that there were no more obstacles in his way, his time to shine came!

"FULL-SCALE ROCK!" Capone Bege shouted, making strange Chuunibyou gestures with his hands that clashed with his serious appearance.

Capone Bege ate the Shiro Shiro no Mi that allows the user to become a living fortress.

Even though he looks like a normal human the insides of his body holds various rooms ranging from stone brick rooms for combat to well-refurnished meeting halls, complete with long-table, chairs and even decorations 

And only when the user unleash his fortress features on the outside like cannon ports, portcullis, drawbridges, stone skin or tank treads can the others see his weird anatomy and even also the mini living people inside his body

Living people that he can shrink to put into his body and return them to his normal size by exiting a certain distance away from the body, just like his munition or any other thing

¡A complicated explanation that becomes more easy to understand once the user transforms into a giant mobile fortress, just like he did right now!

"Wow… he has become huge!" Shouted Perona, who flew directly to him to measure him "Is he bigger than the ships?"

"If you like that you can also become huge in your astral form…" Said Fred, walking calmly towards his next target "But that function as far as I know is useless."



IT LOOKS LIKE A GIANT MECHA!!!" Shouted Stephen, who almost fell to his knees and cried before this science fiction fantasy marvel "I'M GLAD I DIDN'T ATTACK HIM WHILE HE WAS TRANSFORMING."

Once Capone transformed into a giant humanoid castle full of cannons it became easier to understand that this was the true form and capacity as a castle that the Shiro Shiro no Mi gave him and that in his usual humanoid form the castle functions were compressed 

In reality, Bege was an eighty-meter-high fortress where hundreds of people and even cavalry regiments could live without problems!

"You'll regret underestimating me" Said Mecha-Castle Capone Bege, who pointed all his front cannons at Fred and Stephen. "DIE!"

And he shot them at the same time!


This sudden transformation could have taken anyone by surprise and that bombardment at such a short distance could have been a problem even for New World tough guys like Yonkou Big Mom's children.

But not for Fred and Stephen!


Before Bege arrived on the island, Fred explained the powers of his next enemy to his collaborators. Stephen, Perona and Captain Mcnugget knew exactly what they were facing and almost expected him to carry out that transformation and attack!

Maybe Stephen wasn't a human fortress like Bege, but he wasn't far from it either. At the exact moment Mecha-Castle Capone Bege fired his weapons at him, the turrets of his armor were already pointing towards the inside of those cannons.


And just as happened with the ships, many of the Mecha-Castle Capone Bege's cannons exploded from the inside, causing great pain to the Akuma No Mi user!

"And once I learn to launch flying blunt energy attacks with my hammer I won't even need to move to fight."

All the cannons aimed at him or the village were destroyed before they could pose a threat!

However Stephen didn't eliminate all the cannons at once, he wanted to let Fred play a little too.




Fred also had no problem escaping that attack unscathed.

With his great speed he evaded shots with great ease and his capillary barrier was capable of intercepting and turning into petals any bullet or cannonball that was going to hit his body before it exploded. He even had time to compete with Stephen intercepting some cannonballs with his pistol and energy slashes for fun, or talk to Perona, who was flying carelessly beside him.

"Do Negative Hollows work with the castle?" Fred asked as he walked slowly but surely towards Mecha-Castle Capone Bege

"I'm constantly hitting him with everything I have, but it doesn't seem to affect him.

But the dudes inside drop like flies" Said Perona, quite frustrated to find another being immune to her powers "Shall I continue with the attack?" 

"Yes, keep harassing them.

The fewer flies there're fluttering around, the better.

Stephen and I can protect ourselves from their shots, but they're still annoying" Fred replied before starting to theorize "And as for your powers...

I suppose your powers lose effectiveness against very large beings or those that are partially things...

We will test this theory later"

And after raising that doubt Fred exploded in speed!

Before anyone could notice he arrived in front of Mecha-Castle Capone Bege, placing his hand on one of the stone legs and applying his green aura with which he could transform non-living things into living ones, but... 

"Shit, it's not working guys!

We'll have to finish him off in a less convenient way!" Fred shouted at Perona and Stephen before swinging his sword with all his might towards the stone leg he had failed to transform into pistachios.


However, to Fred's relative surprise one of his best cuts so far had only managed to scratch the surface of that stone-hard skin.


I know I still have to improve in strength, technique and I lack Haki but...

Damn, that's hard to cut..." Fred said, somewhat disappointed with himself, but with quite valid arguments to excuse this failure 'I didn't expect anything less from the Akuma No Mi that was able to withstand several beatings from Big Mom...

Well, let's try again, but not here...'


"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" Shouted Mecha-Castle Capone Bege upon receiving the most humiliating attacks of his life "STOP!!"


Fred repeatedly, like a woodpecker, with great strength and speed, cut the same place over and over again until he managed to open a small hole in the stone wall.


Whether Fred or anyone had any method of destroying the castle stone was a real problem, but it became more problematic depending on the area he destroyed.

"FUCKING BASTARD! STOP!" Shouted Shouted Mecha-Castle Capone Bege in pain "YOU'RE ATTACKING MY CROTCH ON PURPUSE!?" 

"MUA HAAHAHAHA!!!" Answered Fred, holding on to the castle facade with his hair and slashing repeatedly in the same place with the sword in his hands "OF COURSE!"


Fred attacked mercilessly in an area impossible to attack for the few still functional cannons in Bege's body due to its angle. Bege had no efficient ways to deal with these kind of threats efficiently except for trusting his subordinates on board his body.

"Shoot! Don't let him cut our father with impunity!!


From the windows and trapdoors, Bege's subordinates came out to help their boss and although they knew that their attacks wouldn't hurt Fred, but at least they thought that could force him to get off his boss's back.



But it was useless...

Fred's red hair seemed suddenly turned green and all the bullets, before hitting the surface of him, were transformed into harmless petals. They couldn't even bother that tireless stone penis destroyer



Seeing that his subordinates were useless in this situation, tired of waiting and with great pain in his crotch... Mecha-Castle Capone Bege mobilized one of his castle-arms to directly hit his enemy.


That attack of gigantic proportions hit his crotch, causing even mor great pain and a certain level destruction… but just as Bege feared from the beginning, he didn't achieve his ultimate goal.

"You failed!"

Fred was able to escape in time and get into position to try to cut down the stone leegs 


"Damn..." Mecha-Castle Capone Bege shouted in fury when he found himself in this absurd situation "YOU'RE MORE HATEFUL THAN THE RUMORS SAID!

Their favorite method of attack, cannons, had proven completely ineffective or even counterproductive, especially against Stephen!

Fred was too fast! So much so that he could close the distance with him without him being able to do anything to avoid it and once he got too close was practically impossible to attack him with his huge, rigid body.

His subordinates couldn't get that dangerous mosquito off of him! His castle-hands were too slow to hit him and he got hurt every time he tried to hit him!

His only consolation was that his powerful defences and intrinsic characteristics protected him to some extent from their attacks and abilities of their strange Akuma No Mi.

However, if he wanted to win he couldn't stay on the defensive, he had to attack! A form of attack that could affect his hateful and incompatible enemies!

As if he were a transformable robot, he put his stone legs inside his body, dropping the entire castle on Fred with the firm intention of crushing him like a bug.

"You failed again!" Shouted Fred, having a lot of fun facing his first super giant enemy "But good idea, this way I can hit your crotch or legs!


However, that wasn't Bege's goal.


With that command enormous tank treads emerged from beneath the castle and set the giant and very heavy Mecha-Castle Capone Bege in motion to chase Fred, whom he attacked with his strange and unnatural castle arms, trying not to give him more opportunities to climb on top of him



Heavy stone blows with a power similar to or greater than that of a supergiant that caused enormous shock waves in the beach sand, which flew everywhere, creating huge holes with each blow.

However, none of them managed to hit the fast and elusive Fred, who was excited to play this game!

"Hahaha! I'm here! Don't you see me?

MUA HAHAHAHAHA!" Said Fred who had positioned himself behind Bege and attacked him again with his sword "Now I empathize with mosquitoes!"


And Bege turned his body 180 degrees in a second to attack Fred with his fists once again.



But once again Fred managed to escape, this time retreating to the position of his bosom friend, who received him as always, with open arms.

"This Fred... those attacks are dangerous and I'm not as agile as you.

Could you please get away from me? You're going to make me his target!

Oh, shit… I think it happened..." Stephen said as he watched bitterly how the Mecha-Castle Capone Bege advanced towards him "Wait…

Is this your revenge for letting some of the cannonballs that were coming your way escape?"

"Noo... of course not... you and your imagination..." Answered Fred sarcastically as he ran towards his angry brother with a nasty villainous smile. "Mecha fanatic, this big boy is yours!" 

Just as Stephen feared the Mecha-Castle Capone Bege ignored for now the elusive Fred and focused his next attack on the easiest target, him.


The giant arm-castle weighing dozens of tons was rapidly approaching him. Stephen didn't have firearms capable of repelling an attack of this magnitude and with all the weight he carried also didn't have the necessary acceleration to evade that structure that was approaching him.

His only alternative was to repel it with his hammer!



From that clash of extremely unequal sizes Stephen didn't emerge victorious, but he didn't lose either...

Due to the impact of the collision, Stephen was thrown back hundreds of meters, creating a large groove in the sand on the beach with the shape of his metal boots, but he wasn't very injured and his hammer wasn't broken either.

"Damn! That thing weighs a lot!" Stephen said with his arms somewhat numb, but with his blood burning. "But it's not a big problem!

I can counter dozens of them!!


However, despite looking like the winner, Bege felt like a big loser. His hand castle had suffered some small breaks after the blow and he realized that there were no easy enemies to defeat on that beach.

'If I can't beat them at least I will destroy everything they have...'

Upon verifying that attacking those monsters with his cannons, subordinates and castle-hands was practically or totally useless, Bege changed his objective.

Bege will advance towards the village and destroy everything he found! 

Maybe he was incapable of defeating his enemies, but he doubted that Fred and Stephen could defeat him before he could destroy their home and the people who lived there!

And Fred and Stephen understood those intentions at the precise moment when Mecha-Castle Capone Bege turned his gaze away from them to focus on the village.

"Well, we're in a hurry..." Fred said before giving Stephen a nasty smile, knowing that he couldn't refuse his next request. "Are you prepared for our combined attack?"

A request that Stephen would flatly refuse under normal circumstances, but now the situation was somewhat critical... and there were no better options to defeat his enemy quickly.

"Ok, we will use your combined attack…

But just transform the ammunition, don't even think about doing anything strange to the beautiful metal armour" Said Stephen, who pointed all his firearms at Bege while Fred covered them with his long, reddish hair.

And… Stephen shot!

¡Ra-ta-tá!; ¡Ra-ta-tá! ¡Ra-ta-tá!; ¡Ra-ta-tá! ¡Ra-ta-tá!; ¡Ra-ta-tá! ¡Ra-ta-tá!; ¡Ra-ta-tá! ¡Ra-ta-tá!; ¡Ra-ta-tá! ¡Ra-ta-tá!; ¡Ra-ta-tá!

¡Ra-ta-tá!; ¡Ra-ta-tá!¡Ra-ta-tá!; ¡Ra-ta-tá! ¡Ra-ta-tá!; ¡Ra-ta-tá! ¡Ra-ta-tá!; ¡Ra-ta-tá!¡Ra-ta-tá!; ¡Ra-ta-tá! ¡Ra-ta-tá!; ¡Ra-ta-tá!

Hundreds and hundreds of bullets hit Mecha-Castle Capone Bege's huge body, but not randomly.

Since the little gangster transformed into a huge castle, Stephen analyzed it with his engineer with notions of architecture eyes and to a greater extent found all the possible weak points of that solid and strange structure... and as the best shooter on the island he directed all those bullets to each and every weak point

Towards the windows, in the internal mechanisms of the tank treads, between the joints of each stone, inside the disused cannons... Each and every one of the points where he could ensure that the bullet didn't ricochet and somehow remained stuck to the humanoid castle.

None of those shots did any real damage to the Mecha-Castle Capone Bege, but that was never the objective of those bullets, they were only the carriers of the real attack.


In an instant those hundreds of bullets transformed into trees!

From inside Bege's body, destroying everything in his path and even killing the lackeys inside by crushing and impaling him.

Between the mechanisms of their tank treads, destroying them from within and immobilizing them on the ground, completely stopping the advance of the Mecha-Castle Capone Bege, even overturning it.

Between the joints of practically all the stones that made up the surface of Bege, which began to expand due to the growth of the trees attached to them and thus deformed the structure of the castle.


Without being able to advance, without being able to attack and without being able to defend...

From the inside and outside the Mecha-Castle Capone Bege accumulated more and more cracks, holes, detachments and breakdowns.


Structural damage that resulted in damage to the 100% biological body of Capone Bege, who had no choice but to reverse his transformation to get rid of that forest growing on top of him.

"Ahhh... ah... ahh..."

With that he finally fell to the ground, covered in wounds and bleeding profusely from practically every possible place, but still breathing, albeit with difficulty.

"Wow, you're still alive, that's good… you're tougher than you seem at first glance" Fred said somewhat relieved as he led his small group on their short walk towards the Bege.

"Well... it has been very easy

I would have liked to see you in trouble, especially Fred" Said Perona, who expected a somewhat more epic battle against that giant enemy, so she was somewhat disappointed with this victory.

"You have to work intelligently, not hard or strongly 

That's why it's important to study" Answered Stephen, although he also had mixed feelings about this victory. It was painful to see that some trees had defeated a mecha partially made of metal

"KYAHHHHHHH!" Captain Mcnugget said, giving the most timely, witty, and insightful commentary of the four...even though he did very little in the last part of the battle.

Bege was defeated


Brutally defeated, humiliatingly defeated, struck down, destroyed, beaten... any term fell short in the mind of the mafia boss after experiencing that unilateral massacre.

'This is the end...'

His vision became blurred after suffering so many injuries and the blood flowing from his head and falling into his eyes made it even more difficult for him to see the figures approaching him.

'Yes... now I remember why my subordinates an all the other families were so reluctant to attack that kid directly...

A fate worse than death awaits me'

But Bege didn't need to see them to know who they were and their intentions… It was more than evident that they would have no mercy on him, they would kill him painfully, so painfully that even he would ask for mercy.

'I hope I bleed to death before they think about what to do with me...'

Bege knew very well what his fate would be, so he believed that he had become delirious due to his injuries when he heard his feared enemy say...

"Well, Mr. Capone Bege...

As I told you at the beginning, I am willing to resolve this in a peaceful way, so...

Are you ready to hear the terms of your surrender?" Fred said with a macabre, merciless, dark and demonic smile capable of making anyone think that death was a better option than anything that could come out of his mouth next...

Unfortunately for Bege he wasn't able to see that smile…


You'll be able to see 8 chapters in advance in my Pa-treon


I hope you like reading this story as I do writing it and that you leave me your comment, review and vote if that's the case.

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