
One Piece - My Adventure with Strawhats

I don't own One piece , I do not own the MC's look but I own his personality

Hikari_108 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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19 Chs

Chapter-12 Leaving


Now let's stop thinking about the past afterall I have to leave this island Overmorrow now let's start getting ready for it...

___________________________________________Now that today's taijutsu and training is over why don't I go my home The nature, after becoming a fairy even though my powers are sealed I still have what I call Nature's Blessing it gives me a kind of sixth sense when I am near forest or nature it kind of helps me to sense danger, if the food I am eating is poisonous Or not, helps me when I am in danger .

(3rd POV)

"Oh it seems I am home and by home I am mean the same cave I stayed on my first day here. so let's what I have in stock hmm aahh there it is the meat of the tiger I killed yesterday "thought Ernesti so after collecting dry leaves and siiting outside he closed his eyes startes going through rapid hand movement or better know as hand seals and at end of it he takes a deep breath "Fire Release: Campfire Technique" he said and juat after he said it a wisp of falme came through his mouth ,"Its a good thing I learned this handy trick " thought the blue eyed boy after this the boy fell asleep into a peaceful slumber

(Next Day)

in the middle of the forest in front of a cave where suns light is at its peak ,Ernesti was starting to wake up "man I was having such a good dream " thought the mauve haires boy So after eating his breakfast Ernesti decided to do taijustu tarining " I remember when at the start I couldn't even do split for a minute but now I can do it for 30 minute straight" said our MC to himself proudly "anyways its a good thing I got C-Rank Scroll for grace style focus Ernesti focus" thought the feminine boy

After 2 hour

"huf huf finally its complete , after 1 month of training I can do this for 2 hour I think its a success. Now let's move onto ninjutsu" thought Ernetsi

let's practice "fire release: Fire ball Justu "

Ernesti was able to hold this justau for 1 minute straight and after that he was out of breath

after 1 hour

"Water Release: Rampaging Water Justu and Fire Release: Fire Ball Justu are the only juatu I know they maybe opposite elements but I think opposite attracts each other " Thought the blue eyes boy and after this he dragged his exhausted body home and ate food and checked his Status said aur MC

Ernesti Echevalier

Health =87/300

Chakra =12/50

Strength 4

Agility 20

Physique 7

Stamina 45

Vitality 135

Skill ; Mind library , Rage Mode, Grace Style


Sharingan 2 tomoe

Fairy king bloodline (locked)

"let's sleep the bext day will be long day as I have to start my journey tomorrow" said Ernetsi while slowly and slowly drifting to sleep

___________________________________________I know this chapter is short but I hope you don't dislike it, in the next chapter MC will travel to meet Luffy and where he meets Luffy is already given as a hint in one of the previous chapters anyways byee

25th July 2022