
One of us Has to be The Villain

Magic is an enigmatic force, bestowing upon humankind abilities beyond the ordinary, capable of reshaping the world for either better or worse. Within the revered Whitehaven Palace, the crucible where heroes are forged, the art of wielding magic takes precedence as their primary arsenal, with the noble intention of transforming the world into a utopia. However, despite these valiant efforts, the insidious nature of evil and villainy persists, an enduring dichotomy. It's an unyielding truth that in this realm, one must invariably assume the role of the antagonist, for the equilibrium between malevolence and benevolence is integral to the sustenance of this world. Hence, the perennial question arises: who shall bear the mantle of villainy this time? In this intricate tapestry of existence, a world devoid of villains paradoxically renders heroes ineffectual. For it is within the clash between hero and villain that the essence of heroism truly shines. Without the opposing force of villainy, the purpose of heroes dwindles into insignificance, underscoring the undeniable symbiosis between these antithetical entities. [Easy English version of the synopsis incase you did not understand the main one!] Magic is a mysterious power that gives people extraordinary abilities, letting them change the world in good or bad ways. In the Whitehaven Palace, where heroes are made, using magic is really important. The goal is to make the world a perfect place. But even with these good efforts, bad things still exist. This is a never-ending balance between good and evil. In this world, someone always has to be the bad guy because both good and bad are needed to keep things going. So, who will be the bad guy this time? In this complex world, if there were no bad guys, heroes wouldn't be able to do much. The clash between heroes and villains is what shows true heroism. Without bad guys, heroes don't really have a purpose, showing how they both need each other in a surprising way. [Side Note] updates are from Saturday to Wednesday, there will be no updates from Thursday to Friday---i might edit some draft chapters and updates them on Thursdays (sometimes though)

lovelyredpanda · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Ch:9 Secretive Elites of the Whitehaven

Felix considered thinking and having his time enough before agreeing on the headmaster's offer of him and his team joining the secretive elites of the Whitehaven, one thing that made Felix suspicious was that its always been hard and impossible to join the secretive elites but why the headmaster would want him and his team to join knowing the fact that they even tried to break free from the academy's suffocating grip,

Felix pondered over the headmaster's unexpected proposal. The elusive invitation to join the Whitehaven's secretive elites raised questions in his mind. Despite the academy's suffocating grip they had sought to escape, the headmaster's sudden interest in recruiting them seemed perplexing. Was there an ulterior motive behind this unusual offer, or was there something more concealed within the secretive elites that they were yet to uncover?

After meticulous contemplation, Felix and his team reluctantly agreed to join the SEs, a decision influenced by an unexpectedly peculiar meeting with the headmaster. During the enigmatic rendezvous, the headmaster's congratulatory words—

expressing delight in their decision to join the exclusive league of specially trained heroes within the Whitehaven—left Felix intrigued. Seizing the moment, Felix bravely inquired, seeking clarity amidst the fog of uncertainty, "Why this insistence on recruiting us for the Elites of Whitehaven when we're still novices in harnessing our superpowers?"

The headmaster, with an enigmatic smile dancing on his lips, cryptically replied, "You'll unravel that mystery in due time."

Dismissively, the headmaster bid them farewell, prompting their departure. But as they turned to leave, an inexplicable occurrence unfolded. Seven shadowy figures materialized, their faces concealed by black masks, wielding swords that gleamed ominously in the dim light.

Swift as a blink, each figure injected a member of Felix's team. The swift action left the team members crumpled on the ground, their consciousness slipping away under the influence of the injected substance, rendering them unconscious or succumbing to anesthesia's potent grasp. Panic and confusion reigned as Felix struggled to comprehend the sudden turn of events, his mind racing with unanswered questions in the wake of this unexpected betrayal.

After an hours They all wokeup from the anesthesia in a dark and dusty room that looked like it's been haunted for a century

"Wow, guess this is where the elite supposed to bes live" one of the members said and no one replied to him as they were busy observing the room and trying to look for an exist

but nothing seemed helpful at that moment, then felix decided to ask a question that been in his mind since ever they got offered this unpleasant offer, when he said "which one of you, betrayed us?" That's when a rush of cold blood run through each one of them remembering that their plans of escaping would've succeeded if someone hadn't tell the authorities.

The group sat in an uncomfortable silence, casting distrustful glances at each other. No one wanted to leap to conclusions or point fingers, yet an air of suspicion hung heavily among them. Rae finally broke the tense quiet, leveling a direct accusation at Theo, insinuating he might have been the one to disclose their plans to the authorities.

Theo, stunned and bewildered by Rae's accusation, found himself at a loss for words. "Why would I do such a thing? It's preposterous to accuse me of betrayal; I'd never stoop to that level," he defended himself, his voice tinged with disbelief.

At that moment, Luke chimed in, adding weight to the suspicion. "I have my doubts too, Theo. Remember how adamantly you opposed Felix joining our escape plan? You even compared him to being 'as sharp as marble,'" Luke pointed out. His words sparked a cacophony of raised voices and accusations among the group, except for Felix, who watched the chaos unfold with a devilish smile on his face. Trust issues loomed large, filling the room with an overwhelming sense of betrayal and mistrust. Each member vehemently swore they couldn't continue with a team so fraught with suspicion and conflict.

After the team kept arguing in that dusty room with each other the finally heard the door being unlocked with a silhouette of an old lady appearing, they did not see her face clearly due to the darkness but

they could discern her frail form draped in a tattered, faded gown. Her presence seemed to cast an eerie shadow, contrasting with the dim light seeping through the cracked door. The group fell silent, their heated argument stifled by the mystery of the unexpected visitor. As she shuffled closer, her footsteps barely audible against the creaking floorboards, a hushed murmur filled the room.

The old lady's features remained obscured by the lack of light, a shroud of mystery enveloping her presence. Yet, there was an air of familiarity in the way she moved, as if she knew the room's every corner despite the perpetual darkness. The tension among the group shifted, curiosity mingled with caution as they awaited her next move.

With a voice that seemed to carry the weight of years, she spoke softly, "I've been waiting for you all." Her words hung in the air, causing a collective shiver among the group. Their bewilderment grew as they exchanged puzzled glances, struggling to comprehend how this enigmatic figure knew of their existence, let alone their predicament.

The old lady seemed to sense their unease, and in a surprisingly reassuring tone, she continued, "You're not the first to find yourselves in this plight, nor will you be the last. But you have a chance to break the cycle." Her cryptic words only added to the mystique surrounding her.

As she stepped further into the room, a glint caught the light, revealing a worn, ornate key dangling from her hand. "This holds the key to your liberation," she said, her voice now carrying a sense of urgency. The group's eyes fixated on the key, hope and skepticism intermingling within them. They realized they stood at a crossroads, uncertain whether to trust this mysterious figure or dismiss her as part of their bizarre ordeal.

The flickering light from a distant lamp post outside revealed a glimpse of the key's intricate design—an ancient-looking emblem etched into its surface, hinting at stories of forgotten eras. The old lady held it out towards them, her eyes shimmering with an inexplicable mix of determination and sorrow.

"You have been trapped within these walls, reliving this moment over and over again," she continued, her voice trembling slightly. "But with this key, you hold the chance to break free from this endless loop, to forge a new path beyond this haunting cycle."

A collective murmur spread among the group, each member torn between the allure of escape and the lingering doubt born from their strange circumstances. Questions flooded their minds, yet uncertainty paralyzed their actions. How did she know about their perpetual cycle? Could this key truly hold the promise of freedom, or was it a ploy designed to deepen their entrapment?

Rae, known for her inquisitive nature, stepped forward cautiously. "How can we trust you?" she questioned, her voice echoing the skepticism echoing within the group. "What assurance do we have that this key won't lead to further manipulation or deception?"

The old lady's gaze softened, understanding the hesitation etched on their faces. "Trust, my dear, is a leap of faith," she replied, her words carrying a weight of wisdom. "I can only offer guidance and a choice. The decision to use the key or not lies solely with you."

A sense of urgency began to permeate the room as the old lady urged them to act. "Time is fleeting, and the window of opportunity to break this cycle narrows with each passing moment. Choose wisely, for your fate rests in your hands."

The group exchanged glances, emotions swirling within them—doubt, hope, fear, and a flicker of newfound determination. With hesitant but resolute steps, they inched closer to the old lady and the mysterious key, ready to take a chance that might finally set them free from the haunting repetition of their existence.