
Melody and Scarlett

"Forgive me, but you don't intend on fighting me with those boots on do you? look at you, you don't want a break a nail." Scarlett laughed.

"You're not exactly a gem yourself, goth girl. I mean, what sort of princess has black hair and piercings? At least I look after myself." Melody cocked.

"Just because I'm a princess doesn't mean I need to be all pink and pretty. I can be whoever I want to be." Scarlett said.

"A princess is elegant and graceful, not goth and edgy. You're meant to be pretty, and every man falling to their knees at your every word, not running away from you." Melody mocked.

"Not all princesses are pretty and pink. I don't care if men run away from me. Now, enough chat, let me kick that tiny butt of yours." Scarlett cocked.

Melody pulled her sword out and to her side followed by, Scarlett doing the same. Scarlett's sword was much more expensive and prettier than Melody's.

"Pretty sword there, princess. Did daddy buy you it?" Melody mockingly asked.

"In fact, yes he did. Probably cost a lot more than that fishbone in your hand." Scarlett said.

Melody charged at Scarlett with her sword out attempting to hit Scarlett. Instead, Scarlett raised her sword so effortlessly and countered her attack. Scarlett grabbed ahold of Melody by the Arm, shoved her back, making her almost trip up on her own feet. Scarlett ran towards Melody this time. Sword out, ready to attack. Scarlett jumped over her and landed behind Melody. She pulled out a knife and slashed it right across Melody's back, cutting about five inches off her hair before sliding under her tripping her up. She dug the knife into Melody's hand which was holding her sword.

"My hair! Okay, you goth princess now, it personal." Melody said, shoving Scarlett off her and getting to her feet.

"Seriously? Its just hair. It will grow back, princess." Scarlett cocked.

"I actually have respect for myself and how I look, you troll. You wouldn't know anything about that, metal face." Melody snapped, pulling the knife out of her hand.

Melody threw the knife towards Scarlett. She caught in mid-air, spun it around her finger and slung it back into her boots.

"Do you think calling me goth, metal face and troll is really offensive? " Scarlett laughed to herself.

Melody growled like a dog and slammed her fist right into Scarlett's stomach followed by, stamping on her feet. Scarlett yelled in pain clutching her foot. Scarlett threw herself at Melody and flung her hands around her neck, digging her nails deeply in Melody's neck, watching the blood pour out and the screeches of Melody in her ears. Scarlett began slamming Melody against the floor. Before long, Melody kicked Scarlett off her and slashed Scarlett across the back before, dragging her to her feet by the hair. She smirked, and stabbed her sword right through Scarlett's stomach and dropped her like a fly.

"I'm sorry what? be careful fighting in these boots? please Hunny, I could run a marathon in these. A princess lives in heels, not those weird platforms or whatever you're wearing." Melody said.

"You're the last person I need princess lessons from. You're a mermaid, you're never on your feet. You swim, like a fish." Scarlett snapped.

Melody slashed her sword at Scarlett's face but, Scarlett swayed off to the side to avoid her attack. Once again, Melody struck at Scarlett but, she was way too quick for her and instantly crouched down, jumped up and swayed off to the side. Scarlett saw the sword swipe across her face and grabbed it with her hand, yanking Melody towards her before planting her foot into her stomach and kicking her away. Melody crashed to the ground, winded.

Scarlett wielded her sword and swiped towards Melody, Melody instantly grabbed her sword and caught Scarlett's in-between the spikes of hers. Scarlett removed her sword and tried again, this time, she managed to cut Melody's chest and face. Blood began dribbling down her face and off her chin. Scarlett pounced onto Melody and dug her fang into melody's neck, drinking her blood.

"What are you doing? get off me, vampire." Melody said as she fought Scarlett off her.

Scarlett got off Melody and backed up. She smirked and wiped her lips with her hand. Melody held her puncture wound with her hand.

"Royal blood really does taste as good as they say." Scarlett laughed.

"You monster. How dare you! How dare you attack me like that. You, you leech." Melody screamed.

Melody ran up to Scarlett with her sword at the ready. She slashed right down Scarlett's arm and grabbed it, twisting it. The noise of breaking bones rang through everyone's ears. Melody then grabbed Scarlett and slashed her down the front. She watched Scarlett bleed out and slung her against the ground before hopping on top of her, punching her in the face several times until Scarlett's face became bruised. Melody climbed off her and placed the heel of her boot over Scarlett's neck, choking Scarlett.

Scarlett grabbed a hold of Melody's boot and twisted her leg causing her to collapse to the ground. Scarlett got up and wiped herself down before, twisting her arm back in place. Melody lay on the ground in pain with a tight hold of her leg. She twisted it back into place and let out a scream.

"How do you keep breaking bones and just put them back in with no effort. I don't understand. Who are you?" Melody question.

"Because I barely feel the pain that's why. I'm a vampire, I'm used to being slashed open and all that. Putting a bone back into place is nothing." Scarlet answered.

Scarlett pulled out one of her knives and threw it right into Melody's chest. As it dug through the layers of her skin and flesh Melody cried in pain. Melody was struggling to pull the knife out and Scarlett saw an opportunity to attack, so she did. She ran up to Melody with her sword out and struck her right across the stomach, watching the blood pour from her. Scarlett then flipped over to the other side of Melody, slashed her back open before grabbing another knife, ploughing it deep into Melody back. Scarlett dug her nails into the side of Melody's head, She dug deeper and deeper. With every attack, Melody's screams got louder.

Cadence and Gatlos watched in horror as Scarlett tore up Melody with her sword and nails. You could see the blood covering Scarlett's sword and hands. Blood dripped from Melody and Scarlett.

"Do you think you're still pretty now? Look at all that blood. hm, better be careful. I heard weak heart people faint at the sight of blood." Scarlett laughed.

"Shut up. You know nothing about me." Melody choked.

On the other side of the bridge stood Cadence and Gantlos whispering to each other. Cadence looked very worried while Gantlos just stood there emotionless.

"Do you think we should stop them? I think Scarlett may take this too far." Cadence said worriedly.

"No, Melody can handle herself. She's strong and good-willed. Don't underestimate her." Gantlos said.

Scarlett ran up to Melody and attempted to attack her, but before Scarlett could land a blow, Melody had blocked her attack with her sword. Scarlett's sword got stuck in-between the spikes of Melody's sword. Once again, she attempted to pull her sword out, but Melody had grabbed her sword and yanked it out of her hands.

"Defenceless now arent you? How long do you think you can manage on your own without the sword daddy gave to you. You know? I may just keep this for myself, it's beautiful." Melody snarked.

"You better hand that sword over right now or I will make you pay. It doesn't belong to you, Get your daddy to buy you your own one. That's if he can afford one like that." Scarlett snarked back.

Melody laughed to herself. Scarlett made a dash for her sword but melody caught her by the hair and watched her struggle.

"You really want it back? Fight for it, princess." Melody said.

Scarlett struggled to reach her sword, with every move she made, Melody pulled her back. Scarlett used her feet to try to grab her sword, she slid the sword back over to her and kicked it up in the air to catch it. Scarlett twisted herself around, kicking melody in the side. Melody let go of Scarlett and chuckled to herself.

"Very smart are you? do you honestly think I wanted some cheap piece of junk like that? How much did it cost anyways? 7.99 off eBay?" Melody snapped.

"No, actually almost fifty times that about 350,000 dollars. my dad was the king, you may have heard of him, King Orgon Luna?" Scarlett said.

"Your father was the king? the legendary hunter? Orgon Luna? So what? you're the legendary hunter now?" Melody questioned.

"Actually, yes. I am now." Scarlett replied.

Scarlett took a firm grip of her sword and attacked Melody. She sliced her open, legs, arms and torso again. Scarlett grabbed a knife and climbed on top of Melody and dug it into her side, pushing harder and twisting the blade. As soon as she noticed Melody giving up she stopped and got off her, watching her cry in pain on the floor. She lifted her sword and pointed it directly at Melody's heart.

"I guess it's over for you now. Pretty princess. Giving up so soon." Scarlett smirked.

"Scarlett that's enough. Stop it." Gantlos said walking over to the girls.

Scarlett was about to attack when her hand was stopped mid-air. Cadence had a firm grip on Scarlett's hand.

"Enough! you won, Let it go," Cadence said.

""Try me Scarlett. Do it. I bet you wont." Melody snapped.

"Scarlett. Please stop." Cadence said softly.

"No, I want to kill that bi-" Scarlett snapped, before being cut off.

"Enough Scarlett. You've won, Stop. Have the castle" Gatlos said.

Scarlett dropped her sword and turned her back at Melody. She could sense this wont be the last time she will meet Melody.