
Change isn't always for the better

"There. Do what you want with it at this point I don't think I have much of a option. I'm going upstairs. Don't show me the way, I know where the guest bedroom is I use to live here." Scarlett said grabbing her bag and slinging it over he shoulder.

As Scarlett walked away and up the stairs Manson got up off the couch himself soon after and threw all the stuff away and buries it in the trash and headed on upstairs until he suddenly halted as Scarlett stood at the top of the stairs in the way. She seemed puzzled and dazed by something until she broke the silence.

"I mean, all do respect, I don't understand why you wanted my blood drinking stuff. It is kind of nothing to do with you, It's not like I was going to force you to start drinking it" Scarlett said.

"Well its just in case. I don't trust any blood drinkers or vampires, You're all the same in my eyes. I need psychical proof you are committed you see. That's why and also cause I don't tolerate blood drinking in my house as I have once mentioned to you. " Manson replied afterwards.

Scarlett turned to face Manson on the stairs and gripped tightly onto the stairs bannistar, digging her nails into the wood leaving scratches.

"I get that, But why, You know I depend on it, are you trying to slowly kill me or something" Scarlett said getting slightly frustrated,

"No at all. just proof that's all. You best go to bed, we have busy day tomorrow. Careful now, You don't wanna ruin that wood, its much older than you. I would hate for you to have to replace it" Manson said walking past Scarlett

"Goodnight Scarlett" Manson said closing his bedroom door

"Yeah, Goodnight" Scarlett replied closing her room door.

The following day, Manson was already up and waiting for Scarlett to get up and get ready. He made some coffee and was sat at the coffee table, slowly watching time tick by waiting. Back upstairs Scarlett was awoken by the smell of the strong espresso Manson had just finished brewing.

She threw on her classical but famous hunting attire that everyone knew she wore and headed down the stairs. Manson could hear the noise of her shoes and turned his attention to her. His eyes shot open when he placed his eyes upon her hunting outfit; Long leather trench coat, with studs on the collar and cuffs followed by rivets (spikes) on the shoulders. She has a tight leather corset on, laced up with a tight black shirt with lace on the shoulders, Black leather jeans which were ripped on the knees with spikes down the stitching on the sides, five row pyramid studded belt hung loosely from her waist down to her thighs at a angle with hoops for the knifes to hang from. She was wearing her Jeffery Campbell spiked heel boots and slotted inside were three stakes, two in the left boot and one in the right. She was wearing finger less leather gloves with the knuckles cut out, She wore gothic make up as usual, But her hair was different. Scarlett had brushed out her dreads, and her hair hung to the end of her back. Jet black and straight. Right across her torso was a belt that tightly gripped her Katana. A shining leather scabbard with a white ribbon on the end, stained with blood. The hilt was woven with black leather and the end was a silver colour with a long white ribbon tied onto the end to match her scabbard. Manson was just wearing his basic clothing. His classical hunting outfit that he always wore.

"Oh my gosh, I thought I'd never see that ever again. Kind of miss it, Looks good on you though." Manson exclaimed.

Scarlett laughed and sat down at the coffee table. They finishing drinking their coffee and both got ready to leave. Manson wanted to make sure Scarlett wasn't lying about wanting to hunt again. So they both went out vampire hunting. They walked to the near by forest where Manson and Tate use to go to hunt vampires. When they got there there was like some meeting going on, there were loads of people there. Vampires.

"Manson. Why are we here of all places? I asked for training and guidance not being killed in action." Scarlett asked firmly.

"You have to prove it to me. I'm not going to train you again if you are just going to back stab me. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't, But just in case, OI VAMPIRES." Manson yelled.

They all turned their attention to Manson and Scarlett as soon as they turned, all their eyes landed on Scarlett. Their facial expressions changed to anger almost Instantly.

"Scarlett?" One of them mumbled.

"Oh god. Here they come" Scarlett said under her breath.

"Kill her!" another yelled pointing at Scarlett directly.

The vampires all went rushing towards Scarlett. She instantly pulled her Katana out and threw the case to the side. She jumped out the way so some of them would run to Manson. She flung her sword around slicing their throats open. Their blood staining her blade and their bodies dropping to the ground. Scarlett ran at a few and stabbed them directly through the heart and pinned them against the tree. She instantly flipped herself around with her hair whipping around with her. She pulled out a stake and slung it directly at the vampire charging at her and they went crashing to the floor. Head pierced.

"Got ya, Gosh this is easy" Scarlett chuckled to herself

One of the vampires caught her off guard and dragged her to the near by tree and bit her. Scarlett let out a scream of pain and struggled to pulled herself off. She soon struggled free and turned around and pulled out a knife, she dug a knife directly into their heart and pulled the knife back to herself, placing it back into her belt. Manson dealt with the few vampires he had attacking him, in his own way. The only noise you could hear was the noises of piercing, Slicing and gun shots.

"Scarlett!! Help! for goodness sake. They're killing me here. Manson yelled with a vampire biting his shoulder.

Scarlett scrambled to her feet and instantly turned around to face Manson's direction, she didn't think, picked up a stake and threw it across the path. It pierced the vampire in the back and he fell to the floor. Manson shot them several times in the head to make sure they were actually dead.

There was blood everywhere on everything including Scarlett and Manson. Scarlett walked over to the tree and was just about to pull out her sword when a vampire pounced on her. They began attacking; Clawing and biting her. She instantly flung herself to the floor crushing the Vampire. Scarlett instantly threw herself back up and ran to the near by tree to pull her sword out, flipped it around and dug it directly into their chest, twisting the blade. She watched the blood stain her blade and soak the floor. She pulled her blade back out of their chest and watched the vampire crash to the floor. She stopped for a moment and ran her fingers through her hair and let out a gasp for air, holding her wounds. She picked up her sheath and slid her sword back into it and placed it onto her back. She picked up a bunch of vampires and dragged them into a pile, getting covered in blood. Manson handed her a bottle of alcohol and she poured it on them and set them all alight. Not caring at all. She turned her back to face Manson and ran her fingers through her hair again.

"Need some training huh? I think you still got the skills. You're truly a legend Scarlett. I really don't think you need training, you seem fine to me." Manson laughed,

"Yeah, Sometimes though Change is good. Its nice to relive this lifestyle. Sometimes I miss it sometimes I don't. I have to admit though, We do work well as a team." Scarlett said.

"Yeah. I got to say some pretty damn awesome and brutal skills you showed there Scarlett" Manson said.

"I know, I spent years hunting so I guess you could say that. So I know what to do pretty much, We both escaped with minor injures so its all good. Plus I heal faster than you, But they ain't that bad. So we should be okay. But sometimes Change isn't always for the better though I have to admit, Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. We have to take risks for those we love. Like you and Tate did. Tate risked trying to kill me just to get answers out." Scarlett explained.

Scarlett smiled and walked away past him, and back to the house.