
Betrayal of promises

The next day Scarlett was up before Manson sitting on the kitchen counter, sipping coffee and staring out the window, looking far into the distance. Something seemed off, Like something bad was going to happen today but she tried to ignore it and push it to the back of her mind. Her attention was pulled away from the distance and her thoughts shoved to the back of head when Manson had appeared in the kitchen beside Scarlett, proceeding to brew some coffee himself. He stopped in mid pour and answered his phone, All Scarlett could hear was "Yes sir, I understand". Manson returned to the kitchen and picked up his coffee and sipped it before turning to Scarlett.

"Scarlett, Hey. I have some hunting business I need to do. Are you okay here on your own?" Manson asked.

"Wait, no. I'll come with. What's the business?" Scarlett questioned getting up.

"Well, Okay then. We have to hunt a hybrid, He is apparently quite dangerous, located about the area where you live. Apparently. Well, Ash is a hybrid so he should know this other Hybrid correct? Phone him? " Manson explained pointing at her phone on the side.

"Fine, It just seems off to me. But promise me, You wont hurt Ash again. Ill help you do whatever business you need But, you have to promise you wont ever lay a hand on Ash ever again." Scarlett demanded

"Fine, But you have to kill this hybrid though in order for me to keep this promise." Manson said.

Scarlett nodded, picked up her phone and phoned Ash.


"Hi It's me Scarlett, Ash I need to ask a favour from you. Its kind of urgent.?"

"Scarlett!! Are you okay!? Where are you! Why haven't you kept in contact."

"Ash, calm down, I'm fine. I just need a favour. Can you meet me out in the forest tonight? I need you to bring somebody please. I've had Manson promise me something if I do something for him. He wont ever hurt you again. Can you look around for this Hybrid please?"

Scarlett soon explained where she was, who she was with and the Hybrid they were looking for. Ash soon got worked up over the phone.

"You're with Manson! Why! SCARLETT! I'm coming to get you now"

"Ash, calm down I am fine, You don't need to come get me I can look after myself. I have business I need to take care of. Can you do it for me please? I love you."

"Fine just for you. Okay Love I can do it and I love you too, Stay safe and see you tonight."

Ash hung up the phone. Scarlett turned to face Manson and slipped her phone back into her pocket.

"There all done. He'll meet us in the forest tonight. So we can meet Ash and this other hybrid there and take care of this business. Alright?" Scarlett said.

Manson nodded and sat down at the table in front of the fire. He poured himself a glass of whiskey and kept quite. Scarlett walked over, sat down and poured herself a glass.

"Thanks Scarlett I really appreciate you staying around to help. You understand, See, we all have that one thing we need to do in life in order to be peaceful with ourselves and safe. We all have that one person we wish was dead, I just need to take care of this and ill be happy. It's kind of like that one last thing you need to do to be happy in life, If you kind of understand me? This hybrid is that person for me. I cannot thank you enough for helping me. I promise I wont hurt Ash." Manson said smiling.

"Good and its not a problem at all. After all I am a hunter now so I will stick by your side as long as you keep your promise. So now it's my job to kill those beings that don't belong here or those that have killed or done horrible stuff in their life. Two wrongs don't make a right after all." Scarlett said.

A couple of hours had passed. Manson and Scarlett were getting ready to head out and meet Ash and this other hybrid. Scarlett grabbed her leather trench coat, slung it on and grabbed her Katana. Manson threw on his leather trench coat and grabbed his knives and his gun ("Winchester Model 1873"). They made their way to the location where Scarlett told Ash to meet her. About twenty minuets later and miles of walking they reached the forest. Scarlett stopped when she saw Ash and smiled. Ash went running over to her and they threw their selves into a tight hug.

"I've missed you so much. Are you okay!?" Ash asked,

"I've missed you too. I am fine, How are you? How is Jacklyn?" Scarlett questioned

"I'm good, were good, She is at the house. What are you doing here, Why are you with Manson?" Ash replied.

"That's good to hear, I've just been with Manson hunting that's all, Nothing too extreme. Getting my mind of things. Everything has been so hectic. Yes, I've killed vampires. I'm sorry but it helped me really think of things." Scarlett said.

"Scarlett, Its okay, you don't need to apologize, You're not hurt and you didn't get killed and that's all that matters to me. Besides, you use to be a hunter. I knew it was gonna happen again that you'd go off and hunt again but the question is, Did you finish that business you wanted to?" Ash asked.

"No. Not yet. Hopefully tonight." Scarlett said pulling away from the hug and turning to face Manson.

Manson coughed a little.

"I am so sorry to interrupt this lovely reunion but we have a hybrid to kill, Remember Scarlett." Manson cocked.

Scarlett walked away from Ash and stood back next to Manson, she then turned to face Ash and placed her hands on her side.

"Scarlett. There is something you need to know. The truth about all this in fact." Ash stumbled to say.

Manson shot a dirty look at Ash and held it until Ash looked in the other direction.

"Yeah? What is it?" Scarlett questioned.

Ash sighed, glared at Manson and smirked.

"He lied to you Scarlett. This Hybrid you described, There is no other hybrid around, I'm the only wolf-Vampire hybrid to exist right now. He lied to you, no doubt he has been lying to you this entire time. I wouldn't run it past him. The hybrid he wanted to kill was..." Ash said before getting cut off,

"Was you Ash." Manson cut off.

"What!? Wait, Manson. You promised me? You promised you wouldn't hurt him." Scarlett exclaimed.

"I did. I promised I wouldn't kill him, I never said you wouldn't. I never said I wouldn't hurt him, I just said I wouldn't kill him, Doesn't mean I wont hurt him, You are going to kill him. The truth is, I said all that cause I knew you'd believe it Scarlett. You were the key to get Ash here. Kind of my key in this whole plan, That's why I let you in my house with open arms. Why else do you think I'd let you stay with me? I'm not stupid. The only reason why we came tonight was so I could finish my business I had to take care of. You were so foolish to agree to do it with me Scarlett without even questioning it. I use to look up to you, as a hunter, skills, talent and looks and so did Tate but when Ash killed Tate and you became more of a vampire that inspiration died. In reality all I ever wanted was just to kill Ash. Like he killed Tate. But since you made me promise to not kill him. I wont, But i never said you wouldn't. That's the loop hole here darling." Manson explained

"Oh my god. really? You went through all that, the planning and the lying just to get here. In the middle of a forest at night time? To what? kill Ash. Oh I'm sorry, To get me to kill him." Scarlett added.

"Tate almost flipping killed Scarlett you idiot! So did you. You both almost tortured her to death. I had to make you learn. So I killed him. You know what. I don't feel any shame against it! I was simply doing what any man would to protect his girl." Ash snapped.

"I know you wouldn't feel anything against it. Cause that's just the cold psychopathic killer you are." Manson snapped,

Ash grinned to himself and let out a little chuckle.

"Actually, Manson, It's called protecting the ones I love. Tate and yourself were on the edge of killing Scarlett, I had to make you pay somehow. So I killed Tate, because I knew it would destroy you. I couldn't let you just kill Scarlett. As you said yourself, She is a inspiration" Ash said.