
EP.3 New friend

As tears roll done my cheeks I feel a hand on my shoulder. Girl: "Hey hun are u ok?" A girl with green eyes and blonde hair asks me. y-yes"thank u...." she is so pretty. Girl: "HEY" :kyla "GAH WHAT" girl: "I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle u but I notice u from somewhere, hmm." She says looking at a big poster of me and my father. "THATS RIGHT" she says snapping her fingers. "YOU'RE DANIEL'S LITTLE GIRL" yep, can't deny u there. I say sounding annoyed by the fact. *flashback* father: GET UP NOW KYLA. Little kyla: y- yes father. Father: HURRY UP WE ARE GONNA BE LATE- little kyla: YES FATHER. Father: DO NOT RAISE UR VOICE AT ME YOUNG LADY. Little kyla: of course fath- GUNSHOT. Little kyla: WHAT WAS THAT- father: ssshhhh kyla Williams! I need u to go hide under your bed do NOT move and do NOT make a sound am I clear kyla? Little kyla: yes father.... GUNSHOT GUNSHOT. :Little kyla..... father: WE NEED TO GO NOW YOUR BRO- YOUR BROTHER IS, DEAD. Suddenly I'm snapped back to reality. Girl: he's like super handsome but real rude and intense ya know? Hey- ARE U EVEN LISTENING? Kyla: I'm sorry but I must go and yes I agree he is super- into a text? Girl: hehe. It's alright hun, my name is Gemma! U can call me Gigi tho! And here's my number if u ever want to talk again. Kyla: thank u. Good evening gem- Gigi. Gigi: GOOD EVENING. I guess, it turned into a good day.