
EP.4 Time to move on

As I walk down the street I see nothing but posters of my father some of me and some saying the most stupidest words I have ever read. I can't help but feel angry, as I look down at the ground I start walking across the street. I look up just in time to see headlights as I dart backwards I realize I almost got hit by a car. I need to be more careful! Pull urself together Kyla! I look up the rest of my walk. As I reach what seems to be a salon I have a feeling I need to go inside. I do so, and I am greeted by a short black haired woman, she seems to be older then me. I say about 7 years. (She's 27) she greets me with a warm smile and asks if I have an appointment. No I reply. Well u seem in good shape. You could use a makeover though, she says looking me up and down. Uhm I suppose so but I don't have my wallet- NO NEED. You can have it for free my dear. She says with a warm smile While cutting me off. I feel happy at the fact and it feels like a fresh start in my life and that's what I need. About an hour passed and I am finished. I look into the mirror and I am surprised by the girl who is staring back at me. The short woman cut me hair to my shoulders and gave me a frame around my face, and put a blonde tint in it. OH. MY. GOD. Miss salon lady u gave me all this for free?! Isn't that what it looks like?! She says with a satisfied smile. But I'm not finished yet. She says handing me a bag full of many things. I want you to use this shampoo it will keep ur hair nice and shiny. also your face could use some makeup so put this on every day this will not mess with your skin care so no worries. In the bag was mascara, dark red lipstick, and a hair curler with the shampoo. Thank u. I was glad that I came here, I thank the woman again and exit the shop feeling proud. It has stopped raining and I look up to the sky and see a rainbow. This is a sign of something good in my life. I thought. I get back to my house and plop down on my bed and listen to a soundtrack given to me right before my mother had passed. After I did that I decided to call Gigi. *on facecall* Gigi: HEY GIRLYY...AHHHHHH. WHOA. Kyla: take a down a notch ur gonna burst my ear drum! Gigi: ok ok I'm sorry u look amazing and do u see that rainbow?!! It's beautiful! Kyla: yeah as they say San Frantoyko has the most beautiful rainbows! Gigi: AYE I got to go I will call ya later, face I don't recognize! :Kyla pffttt ok bye.