
Omori : Coma - Konsui

"Welcome to White Space" "You've been here as long as you can remember" "Perhaps too long? Who knows" "This is our reality after all" So forth, Omori does his usual routine in headspace until something surprising he did was striking himself early in white space. with a new emergence of Sunny whose full name is Susumu Miyamoto. As thereof, there's a comatose and sleeping-like figure in this shared bedroom. It was none other than Mari, Mariko Miyamoto. What would happen next?

Mystic_Magnificous · Jeux vidéo
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38 Chs

File F: "Friendly Foundation"

Minutes pass, It begins with Aubrey nodding reluctantly at Basil's reassuring words saying "I guess thanks…" Before Kel jumps in to switch the subject for Hero as they are almost at their house (the Corazon family household) "Yo bro!!! This may be out of nowhere—rather it's cool you came here early as it did help us prevent something. Like when and how did you manage to have enough prep time to return to faraway before the exact expected time of your return here by lunch?!!!" 

Hero replies chuckling as they venture further together "Let me answer that as we get to our house okay Kel?" Kel nods happily.

As they reached the Corazon family household, Kel's excitement couldn't be contained. "I can't wait to dig into Mama's cooking!" he exclaimed, a grin spreading across his face.

Hero chuckled, adjusting his scarf as he replied, "Well, you know how unpredictable college schedules can be sometimes. I finished up my assignments ahead of time, so I decided to surprise everyone by coming back a bit earlier. Plus, I missed you guys too much to wait any longer!"

Aubrey nodded along, still processing the recent events by the lake. She glanced at Basil, who gave her a reassuring smile, silently acknowledging their unspoken conversation from earlier.

Sunny, who had been quietly listening, finally spoke up with a small grin, "Well, we're glad you're back, Hero. It's been quite eventful even before you arrived."

Kel, always ready for a change of topic, piped in, "Yeah, speaking of which, I'm starving! Let's get inside and raid the fridge. I hope Mama left some of her famous cookies."

With a collective agreement, they entered the cozy warmth of the Corazon household, leaving behind the chilly reminders of their recent adventure by the lake.

As they entered the warmth of the Corazon household, Hero turned to Basil, who was still carrying the partially drenched Sunny. "So, Basil," Hero began, his tone mature and his smile masking his worry, "could you update me on the milagros (miracles) that led to Sunny leaving his house, and how is Mari doing despite... well, you know?"

Basil glanced at Sunny, who managed a weak grin, before turning his attention back to Hero. "Sure thing," Basil replied, his voice calm yet tinged with concern. "Sunny's been making some progress lately. He's been more willing to step out of his comfort zone, especially after recent events. As for Mari..." Basil hesitated, searching for the right words. "She's stable, Hero. No significant changes, but we're all hoping for the best."

Hero nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I see," he said softly. "Well, any progress is good progress, right? And Mari's resilience is nothing short of remarkable."

Kel, who had been busy raiding the fridge for snacks, chimed in, "Exactly! We've got each other's backs, and that's what matters most."

Aubrey, who had been quiet since they entered, finally spoke up, her voice tinged with determination. "We'll figure this out together, no matter what."

With a shared sense of determination and camaraderie, they settled in for a cozy afternoon, ready to support each other through whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they stepped back into the house, the sound of crying baby noises filled the air. Sunny looked around in shock, clinging to Kel with a conflicted expression. "Kel... why is there a baby in your house?"

Kel and Hero both chuckled at Sunny's reaction. Aubrey sighed softly, a small smile playing on her lips. Basil walked over to Sunny's side, offering a reassuring presence. "Believe me, you're going to get bombarded with surprises in this household," he said with a knowing smile.

Just then, Kel's parents appeared, carrying a baby girl in their arms. Kel beamed with pride as he introduced her to Sunny. "Sunny, meet the newest member of the Corazon family! This is our little sister!"

Sunny's eyes widened in surprise, but a warm smile slowly spread across his face as he gazed at the adorable baby girl. "Wow, congratulations!" he exclaimed, genuinely happy for Kel and his family.

Hero made sure to wrap his scarf securely around Sunny's neck and shoulders, especially after he awkwardly sneezed. Meanwhile, Kel and Hero's parents smiled softly at the scene. The father spoke to his sons in their native language1, asking why everyone was soaking wet. The mother, busy with the baby, leaned in to whisper to Sunny, "Her name is Sally."

Sunny nodded in understanding, still slightly bewildered by the sudden introduction to the new family member. He couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and comfort in this surprising encounter.

The baby babbled and cooed before eventually closing her eyes and falling asleep.

Kel and Hero responded to their father in their native language, explaining the situation to him and providing some context about the current group and their unexpected arrival in such a wet state.


The father nods "Well? What are we waiting for? Time to let our familiar faces feel at home again—" both brothers smile. They get ready to help everyone dry off (especially Sunny, Basil, and Hero since the most exposure and dive into the Lake earlier). As Aubrey spoke to Kel and Hero's Mom "Thank you so much!!! And well….Mr.Corazon gratefully isn't upset despite Kel and Hero giving the context of what causes all this…."


Kel's mom smiled warmly and gently asked Kel to bring baby Sally back to her crib in their shared bedroom. She assured everyone that she would take care of Sally and make sure she was comfortable and settled for her nap.


As Hero and Kel's Mom added "I am well aware of your personality over the 4 years Aubrey. Kel my little Perrito na anak…he has grown and misses the time when you both used to hangout—" As Hero lent some warm tea for Basil and Sunny in the background sitting by the dining area with warmer towels around their bodies for Kel rushed help dry them off after taking Baby Sally quickly and cautiously upstairs before the current floor. Basil holds his sneeze. 

Aubrey nodded with a hint of nostalgia in her eyes as she listened to Kel's mom and Hero. She smiled warmly and said, "Thank you, Mrs. Corazon. It's good to be back and see how much everyone has grown." She glanced at Kel and Hero with a fond expression.

Ms. Corazon smiled back at Aubrey and patted her hand gently. "We've missed having you around, Aubrey. It's nice to see you all together again." She then turned to Kel and Hero, giving them a knowing look that conveyed her pride and affection.

Hero nodded in agreement and added, "Yeah, it's been a while since we've had everyone under one roof. Feels like old times."

Kel, bustling around with the towels and tea, grinned and said, "Don't worry, everyone. We'll get you warmed up in no time!!!!!" He glanced at Aubrey and winked playfully, a gesture that spoke volumes about their shared history and friendship.

Aubrey chuckles as she stretches already hanging her jacket. Sunny almost choked his tea blushing. Sipping a bit as he asks Aubrey "So Uhh…Aubrey, when did you start dying your hair partially pink? Nice Blue headband with a bow too….And blue contact lense-I mean wearing delinquent-like clothing? Like you-y-your crop top?"

Aubrey smiled at Sunny's question, taking a moment to adjust her hairband. "Oh, this? I started dyeing my hair pink about two years ago," she explained, running her fingers through the dyed strands. "And thanks for noticing the contact lenses and outfit. I thought I'd try something different."

Ms. Corazon, overhearing the conversation as she bustled around the kitchen, chimed in, "It suits you, Aubrey. You always manage to pull off unique styles."

Hero, returning from helping with the towels, added with a grin, "Yeah, you've got that cool and confident vibe going on."

Kel, teasingly, nudged Sunny and whispered, "Looks like someone's got a keen eye for fashion details, huh?"

Sunny, still blushing a bit, stammered, "I-I just noticed, that's all. Your style is unique, Aubrey."

The atmosphere in the Corazon household felt warm and welcoming, with each character's personality shining through in their interactions.

Basil whispers to Sunny "Guess your admiration for her is timeless ever since we were kids—" Sunny frowns and retorted "Basil drink your tea and dry off too.." Aubrey let Ms.Corazon and Mr.Corazon prepare a good meal for everyone as it was almost lunch. She asks "Hey Sunny after everyone gets lunch umm….we can discuss further Basil's Photo Album with everyone and…" blushed a bit seeing a soft smiling Sunny "And we can help you check on Mari together and your house…."

Basil took a sip of his tea and nodded, appreciating Sunny's redirection of the conversation. "Right, sorry. Tea first, then we'll talk."

Aubrey's suggestion about discussing Basil's Photo Album and checking on Mari brought a soft smile to Sunny's face. "That sounds like a plan. Thank you, Aubrey. And I'm sorry for the trouble earlier."

Ms. Corazon, setting the table for lunch, commented with a warm smile, "No trouble at all, dear. Family and friends take care of each other."

As they gathered for lunch, the air was filled with a mix of comfort, curiosity, and anticipation for the conversations and plans ahead.

As Mr.Corazon jokes "Too bad the only son of the Miyamoto's (Sunny's and Mari's family name) didn't grow much like our two boys!!!" As Kel frowns "Papa!!!! Surely Sunny just needs that little boost of a growth spurt too soon enough!!!!"

Mr. Corazon chuckled heartily. "Ah, don't worry, Kel. I'm sure Sunny will catch up in no time! Besides, he's got the heart of a Miyamoto, and that's what truly matters."

Kel grinned, reassured by his father's words. "Yeah, you're right, Papa! Sunny's got a big heart, just like Mama always says."

The light-hearted banter added a warm touch to the atmosphere, blending seamlessly with the aroma of the meal being prepared, creating a sense of home and togetherness.


Sunny dilated his eyes as he felt nostalgic for this household of Hero and Kel. As he turns to Hero finally exhaling feeling his body dry off "So Hero, is it true? Your parents and even Kel said I got a big heart? Despite my current self?" (I have been missing out for the past 4 years)

Hero nodded with a gentle smile. "Of course, Sunny! Your heart has always been one of your greatest strengths, and it's what makes you who you are. Don't let the past years make you doubt that."

Sunny smiled gratefully, the words sinking in as a warm comfort amidst the complexities of their situation.

As Sunny chuckles. Basil cried tears of joy with this. Aubrey huffs "Basil, I can assume you are just as happy as everyone else Sunny is still sorta 'Sunny' a bit since leaving a house for a while after the past 4 years coop up in it with Mari (comatose state)…."

Aubrey's observation struck a chord, prompting Basil to wipe his tears with a smile. "You're right, Aubrey. Seeing Sunny like this, still himself despite everything, it's a relief. Thank you for pointing that out."

Aubrey nodded, her expression softening. "We'll make sure he continues to feel like himself, especially as we navigate through everything together."


Kel said, "Well speaking of being THEMSELVES, it's nice seeing you smile too Aubrey, for today I mean!!!!" As Aubrey pouts (everyone else laughs with a smile as the parents leave the lunch to everyone by the table later as they do other things at the house leaving them be) "What does that even mean Kel?"

Kel chuckled, gesturing playfully. "Oh, you know, Aubrey. You've been so serious lately with everything going on. It's refreshing to see you relax a bit and smile. It suits you!"

Aubrey rolled her eyes but couldn't hide a small grin. "Well, I guess I can't be too serious all the time. Thanks, Kel."

Sunny interjected with a light-hearted tone, "Yeah, Aubrey, even 'hooligans' need a break sometimes!"

This light banter eased the tension, allowing them to enjoy the meal and each other's company amid their complex circumstances.

Aubrey and Sunny pause and chuckle when they finally dry off themselves and some of their clothes.

They eat after Kel and Hero's household doing prayers before eating together respectfully. When they eat, Hero turns to Aubrey "Still, now we're finally calm down….shall the lady here explain her perspective of the whole ordeal properly that's based on what Kel told me earlier?"

Aubrey took a moment to collect her thoughts, her expression softening as she began to speak. "Well, it's been a whirlwind, to say the least. These past few days, with everything happening, it's made me reflect a lot. Basil, our dynamic has been strained for quite some time, especially after Mari's coma and when Sunny became a hikikomori."

She glanced at Basil, who was listening intently, his eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. "It's not just because of the recent incidents or the contents of the photo album. It's about a long history of unresolved feelings and misunderstandings that surfaced during those challenging times."

Sunny nodded in understanding, his gaze shifting between Aubrey and Basil. "Aubrey and I had our share of disagreements and conflicts during that period. It was a difficult time for all of us, and our ways of coping sometimes led to misunderstandings."

Aubrey continued, her voice gaining more confidence as she expressed her emotions. "The photo album is a symbol of those past struggles, but also of our friendship and the memories we share. It's a reminder of the challenges we faced together and the bonds we forged."

Basil nodded solemnly, his eyes showing a mix of remorse and determination. "I understand now that there were things left unsaid and unresolved. I want to address those issues and work towards healing our friendship."

The conversation continued as they delved into deeper discussions about their past, their feelings, and their hopes for the future. It was a cathartic moment, one that allowed them to acknowledge their past difficulties and work towards building a stronger and more open relationship moving forward.

Kel's cheerful demeanor and his attempt to lighten the mood were evident as he smiled at Basil and Aubrey. "Can both Basil Fauna and Aubrey Wattson make up now?" he asked, taking a sip of his orange juice and continuing to enjoy his meal.

With a calm and encouraging expression, Hero turned his attention to Basil and Aubrey. "It's never too late to mend fences and reconcile," he remarked, his voice gentle yet firm. "We've all been through a lot, and moving forward together as friends is important."

Basil and Aubrey exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between them. After a moment of contemplation, Aubrey spoke up with a small smile. "I think we can try," she said, her tone soft yet hopeful.

Basil nodded in agreement, a sense of relief washing over him. "Yes, let's try to put the past behind us and focus on rebuilding our friendship," he said, a genuine sincerity in his voice.

The atmosphere lightened as they continued to share a meal, the tension from earlier conversations dissipating. It was a step towards healing and reconciliation, a sign of growth and maturity among the group.


Sunny chuckles "Woah, I almost forgot all our family names sorry….so to recap….besides me and Mari being a Miyamoto Household…..Kel and Hero Corazon….Basil Fauna…Aubrey Wattson…" He blinks and turns to the brothers "Besides that when DID this house have a baby sister?"2

Kel grinned and replied, "Sunny, you've been so caught up in your world that you missed the big news. Our little sister, Sally, arrived just a few months ago."

Hero nodded in agreement, a playful glint in his eyes. "Yeah, she's our little bundle of joy," he chuckled. "You'll have to come visit more often to see her grow up."

Basil and Aubrey laughed softly at Sunny's timing, amused by his usual absent-mindedness when it came to certain details. Sunny joined in the laughter, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort in the familiar banter among friends.

As the time pass after their lunch. They are gathered in the Corazon family's living room. As Basil was surprised "Woah Aubrey so that's why you took my Album sneakily last night. You washed all the photos that covered Sunny's face how?" Sunny was surprised too silently thinking (Woah Aubrey was right, she just wants to fix the Album…man wish somehow I could admit the defacing of myself is none other than me soon)

Aubrey smiled sheepishly, nodding as she explained, "Yeah, I didn't mean to sneak it away like a thief in the night, Basil. I just needed to fix those photos without causing a big scene or worry." She glanced at Sunny, understanding the weight of his unspoken thoughts.

Sunny nodded back, appreciating Aubrey's efforts to rectify the situation. He made a mental note to find a way to confess about the defacing soon, knowing it was the right thing to do.

Kel's sigh carried a mix of disappointment and understanding as he spoke, "It's a bummer to find out I'm not in the loop like Basil, but hey, at least we know now. And Aubrey, I get why you didn't spill the beans about Basil and Sunny's communication thing. It's okay."

Aubrey's confusion was evident in her question, "Kel, really? Despite being the most active and energetic among us, you missed Sunny that much too?"

Hero chimed in with a teasing tone, "Yeah, Kel, looks like you're genuinely maturing. Don't you think?"

Kel chuckled lightly, sheepishly scratching his head. "Hey, hey, I'm just saying it as I see it, guys. Sunny's been, well, he's been like our rock in some ways, you know? And Basil, well, he's been holding things together in his way. I guess I just missed that Sunny-Basil duo dynamic we used to have."

Sunny nodded in understanding, while Basil offered a small smile, acknowledging Kel's perspective.

Then, Hero stood up "Well speaking of the duo—it's nice how mature you and Aubrey compare when you both are kids being banter and all. Besides enjoyment as always—" gaze at Sunny "Now why don't we visit Mari that is by the familiar Miyamoto residence huh?"

Hero's suggestion of visiting Mari at the Miyamoto household received nods of agreement from everyone. Sunny smiled softly, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness at the thought of seeing Mari again. "Yeah, let's do that," he said, his voice carrying a hint of hope.

Basil, still processing the recent revelations and interactions, added, "It might be good for all of us to spend some time together with Mari, especially after everything that's happened."

With a shared sense of purpose and a blend of emotions, the group prepared to visit Mari, hoping for moments of clarity and connection amidst their complex dynamics.

Kel asks Sunny "What was it like Sunny? Besides your parents being in the house from time To time. And Basil checking on you indirectly. Then Mewo now an old black cat I assumed…Of you know—" As Sunny got an expressionless face "You mean how was my life inside the house for 4 years and taking care of Mari?" Kel and the rest followed with a nod except for Basil.

Sunny's expression shifted, reflecting the weight of his experiences over the past four years. "It was... isolating," he began, his voice tinged with a mix of sadness and resignation. "At first, I was overwhelmed by guilt and sadness. I couldn't face anyone, not even myself. Mewo kept me company, but it was like living in a bubble, disconnected from the world."

He glanced at Kel, trying to convey the depth of his emotions. "I felt like I had to protect Mari, keep her safe until she wakes up. But it also felt like I was stuck, unable to move forward. I didn't want anyone to see me like that, so I withdrew even more."

As he spoke, memories of those years flooded back, each one carrying his weight. Sunny's gaze shifted to the window, lost in thought for a moment before returning to the group, his eyes carrying a mix of vulnerability and strength.


Hero then nudges Sunny "Hey I know the feeling. I can relate to feeling stuck-" Which made Sunny hitch a breath "What? You too Hero? Yet you're outgoing and even manage to finish your education up to college."

Hero nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, Sunny. Sometimes, even those who seem outgoing and put together can have their struggles. College was a way for me to focus on something outside of myself, to keep moving forward."

He paused, reflecting on his journey. "But I've had my moments of feeling stuck, of questioning things. It's part of life, I guess. What matters is how we face those moments and keep going."

Sunny listened intently, a sense of connection forming between them despite their different experiences.

Enjoy this little interlude moment of them being just a friend group catching up!!!!

Mystic_Magnificouscreators' thoughts