
Omori : Coma - Konsui

"Welcome to White Space" "You've been here as long as you can remember" "Perhaps too long? Who knows" "This is our reality after all" So forth, Omori does his usual routine in headspace until something surprising he did was striking himself early in white space. with a new emergence of Sunny whose full name is Susumu Miyamoto. As thereof, there's a comatose and sleeping-like figure in this shared bedroom. It was none other than Mari, Mariko Miyamoto. What would happen next?

Mystic_Magnificous · Video Games
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38 Chs

File E: "Expected Equality" (second half)

As they found the part of the deeper side of the Park, Aubrey was there fixing her sleeve and kicking the corner of one of the trees muttering "Where the hell did Basil put those pictures of Mari!!!!?—"

As they approached Aubrey, Kel waved cheerfully, "Hey Aubrey! You alright there?" He glanced at Basil and Sunny, silently signaling them to approach cautiously.

Aubrey turned her expression a mix of frustration and concern. "Oh, it's you guys," she said, relaxing slightly. "I'm just...trying to figure out some things. Sorry for the mood."

Sunny spoke up, "Hey, no worries. We're all here for you. Did something happen with the photo album? Basil mentioned it's missing."

Aubrey sighed, sitting down on a nearby bench. "Yeah, it's gone. And it's not just any album. It's got memories we all cherish."

Kel sat beside her, offering support. "We'll help you find it, Aubrey. Just let us know how we can assist."

Basil added, "And if you need to talk about anything else bothering you, we're here to listen."

Aubrey nodded, grateful for their understanding. "Thanks, guys. Let's focus on finding the album first. I have a feeling it's not too far away." With renewed determination, they began searching the park together, hoping to recover the precious album and unravel the mystery behind its disappearance.


Then she hides the photo album under a nearby blue picnic blanket. Before she frowns at Basil "Still though…..Why Basil for 3-4 years only YOU CAN interact with Sunny even indirectly through a cellphone?" As Sunny got silent when Kel puts him down Kel spoke "Hey Aubrey calm down, you were the reason I was able to bug Sunny to leave the house yesterday remember?"

As Kel mentioned their recent encounter, Aubrey's expression softened a bit. She glanced at Sunny, then back at Basil. "I get it, Basil. It's just...frustrating sometimes, you know? We all want to reach out to Sunny, especially now. Mari..." She trailed off, a hint of sadness in her eyes.

Sunny nodded, understanding the unspoken words. "It's okay, Aubrey. We're all doing our best, given the circumstances. And Basil has been a big help."

Basil, feeling the weight of Aubrey's concern, spoke earnestly, "I know it's not easy. But I promise, I'll do everything I can to make sure Sunny stays connected with all of us."

Kel chimed in with a smile, "Exactly! We're a team, right? We'll figure this out together."

With a renewed sense of unity, they continued their search, their bond strengthened by their shared determination to overcome challenges and support each other through difficult times.

Then, Sunny spoke between the two "Aubrey how long were you bugging Kel to get me to leave the house and check on me? Plus, I am so sorry for detaching myself from everyone except a few….I am sorry I—" he glanced at her fresh bandages " about the yesterday wounds I gave you…."

Aubrey waved off Sunny's apology with a sigh. "It's fine, Sunny. I was worried about you, that's all. And as for bugging Kel, well, let's just say it took a bit of convincing," she admitted, giving Kel a playful nudge.

Kel chuckled, "Yeah, she can be quite persistent when she wants to."

Basil interjected with a smile, "But it worked out in the end. We're all here now, trying to solve this mystery together."

As they continued their conversation, Aubrey's demeanor shifted from frustration to determination. "Alright, let's focus on finding that photo album. Basil, did you check everywhere in your house?"

Basil nodded, "Yes, multiple times. It's like it disappeared into thin air."

Sunny frowned, deep in thought. "Could someone have taken it while we were distracted yesterday? Maybe one of the hooligans?"

Kel raised an eyebrow, "Or maybe someone else entirely. We shouldn't jump to conclusions."

With a plan in mind, they decided to split up and search different areas of the park, hoping to uncover clues that would lead them to Basil's missing photo album and unravel the mystery behind its disappearance.

Aubrey sneakily walks somewhere in the lake by the Bridge as she drags away Basil and whispers "We need to talk Basil…Is that okay?"

Basil nodded, following Aubrey to a more secluded spot by the lake. "Of course, Aubrey. What's on your mind?"

Aubrey glanced around to ensure privacy before speaking in a hushed tone. "It's about Sunny. I know you're the only one who can communicate with him directly, and I've been wondering why that is."

Basil sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's a long story, but basically, after Mari's accident and Sunny's isolation, he shut himself off from everyone except me. I think it's because I've been with him through thick and thin, even when he wouldn't talk to anyone else."

Aubrey's expression softened with understanding. "I see. It must be tough for both of you."

Basil nodded a hint of sadness in his eyes. "It is, but we're trying to cope as best as we can. Sunny's been through a lot, and I just want to help him find some peace."

Aubrey placed a comforting hand on Basil's shoulder. "You're doing a great job, Basil. We're all here for each other, no matter what."

With their conversation finished, they rejoined the group, ready to continue their search for the missing photo album and support each other through the challenges they faced.

However, Aubrey feels a bit of anger and tears "Although something is missing that I have been thinking…" as she gently reveals from her jacket the photo album she has been hiding as Basil tries to reach out she steps back and blocks his way raising her hands saying "Why?!!! Tell me something honestly we've been friends before Mari was in her current….state yet I am still not convinced of the real mystery of why the Photos of Mari are missing?"

She continued in a controlled tone "I get you said you had no idea who or it's not you who deface every photo where Sunny is in…I can't GIVE it back to you once you—" As Basil had a small moment of anger and tears "Aubrey, Please bring it back don't push me…..I can't just be treated like this!!! We were friends before yeah? But why would you and your new 'friends' (hooligans) target me a lot huh? Ever since Sunny never came out of his house nor went to school like us for the past 4 years huh?"

Aubrey's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she lowered her hands, the photo album still clutched tightly against her chest. "I understand your frustration, Basil. But I can't ignore the fact that something Is bothering you, especially Mari through these defaced photos. It's not just about Sunny's isolation; it's about the safety of all of us."

Basil's expression softened slightly, his tears threatening to fall. "I know, Aubrey. I just wish we could trust each other enough to work through this together without accusations or secrets."

Their voices dropped to whispers as they stood facing each other, the weight of their shared history and current challenges bearing down on them. It was a pivotal moment, one that could either deepen their bonds or further strain their fragile relationship.

Then, as Kel and Sunny finally look for where Basil and Aubrey are.

Basil jumped to try to reach out for the Photo Album. Unfortunately, Aubrey clung onto a grip for it as Basil shouted "Give it back!!!! Why or how did you even sneak into my room?"

As Aubrey spoke, "By WINDOW obviously—ughh you still haven't answered my question where are MARI's photos?!!!!"

Then Kel and Sunny tried to approach them cautiously. The moment escalated with Basil trying too hard when Aubrey was able to get the Photo Album back and Basil slipped, she smirked before shocked when Basil fell over the deep lake. Sinking as he can't swim.

Following Kel shouted to Aubrey "Come on do something!!!! I thought you guys could make up—" as he rushed to Aubrey who was crying in shock, kneeling frozen on what to do.

Meanwhile, Sunny is having an internal panic attack as PHOBIA manifestations of water try to cling to his head. Until he exhaled as Kel was busy comforting Aubrey he rushed to run to jump by the river and tried to save Basil. Kel and Aubrey cried out"No Sunny you—" Cut off, as Sunny holds his breath trying to swim and resist the fear of water haunting his vision and head for Basil's hand as he is drowning.

However, even when Sunny grips Basil he has weak muscles so he cannot carry them both back up so he starts sinking as well and gasping of bubbles. Until a flash of light, something familiar yet odd. It helps him recall the time back then when he had his first time swimming by the lake as he almost drowned and that's where he recalled. Mari in that time rushed to save him and said "Ohh Sunny!!! You okay little brother? Ohh, thank goodness you scared me…what will happen if I Lose you!!!?"

Panic set in as Sunny struggled to stay afloat, the fear of drowning consuming him once again.

Just when all seemed lost and Sunny started to black out from exhaustion, a sudden presence appeared—a figure familiar yet unexpected. It was Hero, appearing in the nick of time to lend a hand. With his usual tan complexion, spiky hair, handsome features, and distinctive triangular earrings, Hero radiated a sense of calm and assurance.

Working together, Hero, Kel, and Aubrey swiftly moved into action. With Hero's strength and experience, they managed to pull both Sunny and Basil to safety, averting a tragic outcome.

Sunny, still catching his breath and coughing from the water, opened his eyes to find Hero's scarf wrapped around his neck and Hero himself embracing him. Beside them, Basil was also recovering from the ordeal, coughing and trying to catch his breath.

Sunny's first words were filled with relief and gratitude as he mumbled,

"Huh, Mari-" before Hero's comforting presence and words interrupted. Hero, with a sense of relief evident in his voice, spoke about his timely arrival. "Phew! Just got back earlier than expected, and look at where you guys ended up. Thank goodness you're okay."


The scene was a mixture of exhaustion, relief, and a renewed sense of camaraderie among them, as they all processed the near-tragic event they had just experienced.


Basil, still weak from the ordeal but grateful for Hero's intervention, managed to speak softly. "Thanks for saving us, Hero... This is... awkward..." His voice trailed off, a mix of exhaustion and discomfort evident in his tone.


Hero gently patted Basil's back and smiled reassuringly. "No need to feel awkward, Basil. We're just glad you're both okay." He then turned to Kel and Aubrey, who were catching their breath in the corner. "Are you two alright? That was quite a scare." He offered a hand to help them up, concern evident in his eyes.


Aubrey cried all of a sudden which surprise everyone else. Even Kel awkwardly looked at Hero with a smile "Thanks Bro but—" as Aubrey sniffled and spoke "I didn't mean to HURT BASIL that way…ESPECIALLY Sunny-I didn't expect him to nghh—"


Hero nodded understandingly, his expression softening. "It's okay, Aubrey. Emotions can be overwhelming in moments like this. What matters is that everyone is safe now." He offered Aubrey a comforting pat on the shoulder. "Let's focus on getting everyone dried up and back home, alright?" He then glanced at Kel and Sunny, checking if they needed any immediate assistance.


Sunny blinks "Wait.." his eyes dilate "We're going to dry off to your house and Kel's Hero?" As he hugs the scarf of comfort Hero wraps him around to feel warm. Even Basil got a jacket that Hero had not worn temporarily to lend to him for warmth.


Hero smiled warmly and nodded. "Of course, we can head back to my place and Kel's. I have some spare clothes you can borrow, and we'll get you all warmed up." He gestured for everyone to start moving, making sure Basil was okay as they walked. "Don't worry, we'll make sure you're all comfortable."As Aubrey finally calms down and awkwardly returns the photo album to Basil. As Basil awkwardly took it back shockingly still shivers. As Hero whispers to Kel as he helps the two boys (Basil and Sunny) to get to walk first before him, Aubrey and his brother "So Kel, can I get a quick context how did Sunny and Basil end up by the lake?"

Kel explains to Hero, "Well, it all started with Basil accidentally tripping by the lake while struggling to regain his photo album from Aubrey. Sunny, in an attempt to save Basil, jumped in but was too weak to swim. That's how they ended up in the water."

Hero nods understandingly, his expression serious yet relieved. "I see. Good thing everyone's okay now. Let's get them dried off and warmed up."

As they make their way back to Kel's house, Hero keeps a watchful eye on Sunny and Basil, ensuring they are both okay after the ordeal. Aubrey walks quietly beside them, still processing her emotions and the events that transpired.

Aubrey softly spoke, "I just want and need answers."

Hero, carrying Basil on his back while Kel carries Sunny, responds calmly, "Sure, Aubrey. Long time no see. What sort of answers are you seeking from Basil? And isn't that his photo album in the first place?"

Aubrey glanced at Kel and the now awake, relaxed Sunny and Basil, who were still drenched from their ordeal. She took a deep breath before speaking, "I want to know why this album means so much to Basil, compared to us. And why is it that only he seems to have any clue about Sunny's past, even when he's closed off to everyone else?" Her voice carried a mix of concern and frustration


The group continued walking towards home, Hero nodding in agreement. "Maybe we can talk this out back home, okay? Surely Papa and Mama can help us with food and drinks to warm up and relax." Kel nodded with a smile. "But Hero, despite not being as athletic as me, you're strong!" Hero chuckled. "Shhh!!! Yes, Kel, I am your big brother, no matter what. Of course, I can still be strong!"

Aubrey awkwardly smiled and responded, "Good to see you again, Hero," with a melancholic tone. Sunny softly spoke, "You're not mad at the accidental 'push' she did with Basil, right, Kel? And Hero?" the brothers look at each other for a moment as they travel by the sidewalks of faraway.

Kel glanced at Aubrey with a reassuring smile. "No worries, Aubrey. It was just an unfortunate accident. We're all okay now, and that's what matters."

Hero nodded in agreement. "Yeah, accidents happen. We're just glad everyone is safe. Let's head home and sort things out there."


Aubrey then turns to Basil breathing and leaning on Hero Piggybacking him "Basil? I am sorry but you better…" clenches her teeth and fist "Just answer me honestly for my questions okay?"


Basil, still catching his breath, nodded weakly. "I'll answer your questions, Aubrey. Let's talk about it at [Kel and Herp's] home, okay?" He tried to reassure her despite his discomfort.