
Omniverse Journey To Kill The Author(Genshin Impact Arc)

In the world of Nirmek Earth, a young man named, Venus Eros Ambrosio, figured out that his life was nothing more than a cheap alternative version of reality written by some third-rate author. Having discovered the secret of his reality, he immediately fell into the hands of the author, who would revel in the phenomenon and change things as it pleased. Nothing could be done to stop this being that existed far beyond his existence, after all, he was a mere creation derived from the mind of the same being he was trying to oppose, was it even possible? That was when the system first appeared and began to give him knowledge, and even reward him as he completed the scenarios the author put forth. Eventually, he was told of 'The Facade' title which would be his first step to true freedom, from this tyrannical being. Now having finally gotten 'The Facade' title and had sex with his sister, Venus decided it was time to have sex with his mother, before departing on his adventure through the Omniverse, in order to kill the author. _____________________________________________ 1st World: Genshin Impact Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or anything aside from my added original content. [Tags: Incest, genderbend, Androgenous, Loli, 18+\Lemons, R*pe, Beastiality, Harem, Netori, Monster Girls, Super Powers, Eye Powers, Sex Slaves, First-Time Intercourse, Fellatio, Rare Items, Mind-Control, Magical Space, Magic, Cultivation, MILF, Beast Girls, Game elements, Hentai, Sex]

Kikinori27 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

Chapter 4.5: Dear Sister

After the encounter with Elesia, Venus was feeling satisfied with the progress made, but it was not time to rest yet, as he still had to solve the problem he caused before. Once again walking through the corridors of his house, Venus quickly got to his sister's room. Sarah was obviously mad at him for the misunderstanding they had and then the comprising position, she found him in with Mera, even though he didn't really do much with Mera yet.

Not letting that stop him, Venus knocked on her room's door.

"Who's there?!" She questioned.

"It's me!" Venus responded.

"GO FUCK YOURSELF!... Better! Go fuck your new bitch and leave me alone!" As he had expected, she was still mad and willing to at least talk about the situation. So, he decided to give her some time as well.

-1 week after the initial mom corruption-

Everyone single day of that week, Venus tried to talk to Sarah but was unsuccessful. While Mera was doing her own thing, basically living in his room. Elesia was now acting different around him, from giving him lip-on-lip kisses every time they greet each other, to putting herself in compromising and enticing positions as soon as Venus was nearby, to wearing more daring and sexy clothing at home... Even bothering to do her makeup to stay home. The time Venus spent with her increased as she would actively look for excuses to spend time together, and then put herself in tempting positions or asking Venus for help with things like bathing, changing clothes, and so on.

-2 weeks after the initial mom corruption-

During this second week, Venus tried to talk to Sarah three times, still unsuccessful. Mera was already used to being a mortal and started to cling onto Venus a bit more outside her meditation. Elesia too was getting worse, as she began actively clinging onto Venus and lightly touching him, to test her limits with things like hickeys, continuous kissing, lap pillow, putting his hand close to her intimate parts, and telling him that he could touch her body, whenever he felt stressed to help him relieve his stress.

Though she felt guilty for corrupting her son, it was something she needed to do of she wanted to keep her sanity, as she was reaching levels where it was very hard to work properly, and she let something like that go on, it might result in her losing her job. As a single mother taking care of her family, she had to make this hard choice, for her family.

-3 weeks after the initial mom corruption-

By this time, Venus only tried to talk to Sarah once the whole week. Mera would now go out of the room and even met Elesia a few times, and if it had been Elesia before the massage, she would have wondered what this girl was doing in her house, and stopped this, but as she was now, she instead started talking to the girl until they were eventually on good enough terms, for her to ask Mera how she seduced her son, and from that interaction a partnership, maybe even sisterhood of sorts was build between those two.

-beginning of the 4th week after the initial mom corruption-

Sitting alone in his room's bed, Venus was looking through his skills, and wondering how long Xiartrica was going to take to finish so that he could do more with it.

*Knock* *Knock*

The door was knocked on to Venus' surprise as Mera didn't knock and Elesia was starting to build the habit of just coming in as well, so he already had an idea of who it probably was.

As expected Sarah came in, but instead of being stern, mad, or even playing difficult, she was just crying. Without saying a single word she ran to Venus and hugged him, burying her face in his chest, before letting herself cry some more.

During this moment, Venus let his horniness and selfish nature rest, just letting Sarah cry out all of her emotions without saying a word. Not all moments were appropriate for speaking, and something told Venus that this was that kind of moment, where it was best to just let the silence sink in.

They stayed that way for a while and none of them said a thing until eventually, they just began talking casually without mentioning their argument or anything related to that, just a casual fun conversation with not much weight behind it. At some point Sarah fell asleep on Venus, and he just caressed her hair, letting her get deep into her sleep, once she calmed down. In time both were sleeping hugging each other.

Mera and Elesia passed by at some point. One to come back to her shared room with Venus, and the other to look for her daughter, only to find the siblings sleeping like angels together in a quite heart-warming manner. Deciding it's best to not interrupt that, both women left the siblings to have their time.

-The next day-

"I'm here again... Despite making such a big deal out of it?... Maybe what they said about me is true..." Sarah looked around as she woke up, before talking to herself.

"Who said what?" Venus who had been awake for a while asked.

"... It's nothing... I just want to have happy thoughts, please." Sarah held onto Venus tighter.

"You know that if something is going on, you can tell me, right?" Venus patted her head as he questioned.

"No... It's not like saying something will do anything other piss you off... Plus, I'm still mad at you." Sarah pouted as she looked at Venus with a frown.

"Ok, now you really need to tell me. I'm much more resourceful than you think... Just try, I promise we won't do anything you don't want to." Venus insisted.

"Fine... I was very mad at you and got all stressed... So I ended up talking about the situation with my best friend, and she outed me to the whole school, so a lot of people have been pestering me about me and calling me all kinds of things... But it's not a big deal, it's my last year in high school anyway, so I just have to hang in there for a while." Sarah expressed.

"... We definitely need to get bank at them. Have you ever considered unliving them? Just a suggestion, of course." Venus smiled as he did his best to mask the anger since he promised to not act in any drastic way without her agreement.

"... No! Of course not! How could you just casually suggest that?!" Sarah narrowed her eyes looking at Venus with disapproval.

"Ok, ok, I thought a quick death was more your style, then how about torture? We don't have to kill them." Venus changed the suggestion.

"Just! No! This is exactly why I thought telling you was a bad idea!" Sarah remained unmoved.

"Then just hear my last idea... It's more so a small prank." Venus proposed.

"Hum... Ok, what do you have in mind?" Sarah was still suspicious but interested.

"Let's make them have an orgy in the middle of the school, then upload it online." Venus casually talked.

"What?! In what world is that a small prank?! Let's not even talk about the how! The idea is just terrible! Why did you think of something that insane?" Sarah couldn't understand how Venus' head was working right now.

"What if I told you that I can make it happen? No problem and no relation to us." Venus said.

"I would say you're lying." Sarah continued skeptical.

"I'm serious though. I have a way, why would I lie to you right now?" Venus stated.

"Fine, I'll trust you... Though you don't deserve it... If you can do this, I think it would be fun to see their faces if something like that happened." Sarah replied.

"Great! Let's get to it." Venus urged.