
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Romance
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912 Chs

Chapter 36

As they meet in the middle soo get the first hit in his attack jamming both of his fist into zion stomach without making contact his chakra energy is strong to make him almost pass out but he hangs on tight with all his will as soo gets caught off guard by this monster in front of him not going down zion then calls out his own attack sword apocalypse fist with all his might he jams his fist into his stomach pushing with all his strength to really do some serious damaged as the haki go through his stomach it can be seen by everyone a white energy piercing his body but zion says not just yet he sends haki to all over his body leaving little cut wounds on soo body cover in haki that makes him scream in pain before turning back to his normal form with his body going to back to normal hearing the tear in his muscles and his eye's pupils returns seeing zion one last time telling him good job falling on his back giving zion the win the two announcers shout outloud through their microphone saying this fight was amazing like nothing they ever seen before it was almost to overwhelming to see but in the end zion wong of the wong clan got the win over someone from the shimazu clan.

One of the strongest four member's time to send in some medical help because they both look worn out so take them both to the infirmary room to get look over and check out for anything serious as the five first matches have ended the next five matches should start soon so get some snacks or drinks while they fix the arena lau and liuu both high five each other saying way to go zion he has made this clan leader proud as zion is taken to a infirmary room where nurse's begin to check the body for any internal bleeding or outside wounds that he might have hidden but the nurses tell the doctor that he is good for right now all he needs is some rest so please tell the guardian of his condition couple minutes later as liuu gets the call on his phone on how zion is doing he tells the doctor thanks doc keeping an eye on him he'll be there soon as the next couple matches go on fast with everyone part of the major four family come out on top getting there wins so easily the mayor declares that the first day of shadows town will continue with it event tommorow morning so everyone be safe and enjoy the festival until tommorow maya is seen walking through the center stadium hallway.

Going to search for zion wong room number as she finds it she open the door to see him laying on bed with bandages around his body as she enter the room pulling up a chair next to him bed telling him so will he wake up right now or later so they can finish earlier conversation about what he did in the tunnel zion eye's begin to spend up little by little until he stands up on the bed saying to maya so what's up she has his attention let's talk about today why did you kiss me ask maya zion says she knows why didn't they talk about this already no says she wants the whole truth no more lies now tell her zion say that he was scared for his dear life yesterday when they was in the rollercoaster ride so when she showed him kindness by holding his hand and being there for him he thought that maybe he could repay her with a kiss since she is pretty maya say so what about now does he want to kiss her now or is it over zion say he would like to give her a kiss but he feels that is wrong for him to do since ain't he supposed to be marrying his master sauu wong in the fall maya say yes that is true but maybe he could tell her mother to changed her betrothed to him since he is way better than sauu.

Who didn't even try to get to know her in person since they know each other since they was little but they stop talking after they pick up a sword and focus on training so then when her mother decided to help out the wong family clan by merging the two clan into one to help fix the fallout relationship they had but sauu was dating a girl at the time but she died couple months back from a disease so they thought it could help him move on but she instead got him she knew something was wrong when he didn't look like before so she decided to play along until he came back to her mother home to ask for forgiveness in lying to them and pretending to be someone he wasn't zion say that was stupid of him to do but something good came out of it holding maya hand with his own saying he would like to hangout with her more after this event is over check out the town together maybe even give him some pointers on his showmanship from another person point of view to see if he's doing something wrong maya say she would like that as they spend the rest of the night talking to one another about there own life and famiky zion gives maya a compliment saying he like her short blonde hair.

Saying it's weird he has never really stop and look at it touching it with his on hand saying so soft and smooth making maya blush a bit then asking her so why did she decide to cut her hair like that was their any important reason or just cause she felt like it maya say she just wanted to try something new cause she looks exactly like her mother alot and they always connect her through her saying wow you must keira fann daughter not asking her about her own name zion say that must be hard something squeezing her hand maya sees this holding his hand back saying yeah it is but now people know her as maya fann not keira daughter zion he gets up asking why didn't she or the two member's of the fann clan join the tournament like the other major families did was there a good reason maya say there family ain't that big in showing off or getting attention knowing it would cause some trouble with the other major two families like he just did by defeating one of the top four warrior of the shimazu clan in front of his leader shao shimazu zion laughs saying he did do that saying it was hard for him to not used his transformation and only fight in his base form today.

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