
Omnipotent Ascension

[My WSA 2024 Entry Novel, please vote] "Your sister has been kidnapped" Kyo fell to his knees shocked at the news he was given about his sister's situation. He thought about what he needed to do in order to get her back. Meet Mikami Kyo, a high schooler who's sister got kidnapped by an S-rank criminal and he had to join the Japanese Hunter Association in order to get stronger and have enough power to get her back. In the midst of all that he finds out about his past and about the truth of the world they live in and why everything had to end up like this. In time he gets some shocking revelations along the way. Read on and find out how he deals with all of this and becomes the strongest he has to be in order to change all that he believes is wrong.

AkutoSai01 · Fantaisie
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36 Chs


 Dracula stood astonished at Azazel's strength and abilities, he charged at Azazel who dodged his attacks faster than they could land, and countered them so fast that Dracula felt them 5 seconds after they had hit.

 Dracula tried using his blood technique on Azazel but he couldn't carry it out, <I have nullified all your abilities, the only thing you going for now is strength and speed>, said Azazel.

 Azazel charged at Dracula hitting him multiple times and erased Dracula's limbs with his punches alone, <And he said was below even 10%> thought Dracula.

 Azazel continued beating down on Dracula, with a single punch eradicating his limbs, <This has become utterly boring>, said Azazel, <VOID TECHNIQUE: ABSOLUTE ERASURE> said Azazel as he erased the entire universe to nothingness and everything became null and void, <And he said wasn't at full strength and he's still able to do this> thought Dracula.

 Dracula sat down without arms and legs and then Azazel opened a portal and left him there, at that point someone walked towards Dracula and said, <Your time to die has come>, Dracula looked up as saw the Emperor of Shadows, Ryuguji Han standing above him, The Emperor killed Dracula and took his body away.

 As Azazel walked out of the portal the soul of Azazel took a back seat to Kyo's and the young lad's soul was in control, the medics who were already on standby took Kyo to the hospital.

 Kyo woke up in the hospital and saw Rin sitting by his side, <Oh you're awake> , <What happened?, last thing I remember died so how come I'm still alive> asked Kyo.

 Rin stood shocked that Kyo didn't remember what happened, he walked out of the room as only 1 person was allowed to stay with him in the room.

 Tekashi walked in and said, <How you doing brat?> ,<I'm good>

 3 years had passed in the time they were in there. A new association to manage the hunters had been formed and Japan had dropped from the number 1 ranked Nation with Nigeria overtaking them and the U.S in a close second.

 In another dimension, Benimaru stood in a yoga like state, meditating in boiling hot lava, <Lisa, I know you're there> said Benimaru,<You 3 kept me here for years now, what do you want to do?> repliex Lisa.

 <I told you that you'd help us with the plan and in return we'll tell where your parents are we won't harm brother> said Benimaru ,<But preparations aren't done yet so take it easy>

 <I understand> replied Lisa.

She walked towards a cave where she laid down and thought about what was going on with her brother.