
Omnipotent Angel of Dragon Ball

The Panorama Conference: Clash of the Gods of Destruction Lucifer strode confidently onto the grand stage, flanked by his formidable God of Destruction and the reigning God of the Realm, setting the scene for an epic showdown. Lucifer: "Moments ago, my God of the Realm engaged in a ferocious battle against your entire pantheon of Gods of Destruction and emerged victorious!" The Gods of Destruction, including the mighty Beerus, couldn't conceal their embarrassment, their heads bowed in acknowledgment of their recent defeat. Lucifer: "Now, I propose a daring challenge – shall my God of Destruction face off against your esteemed King God?" A tense hush fell upon the assembly of Realm Kings and Gods as they contemplated the gravity of this proposition. The Grand Priest, renowned for his sagacity, maintained a contemplative silence. Meanwhile, King Zeno, the ruler of all realms, remained an inscrutable enigma, his thoughts concealed behind a mask of impartiality. ---- *MTL Translation - Original Link: mtlnation.com/novel/gt-angel-cultivate-god-of-destruction-at-the-start*

72G · Anime et bandes dessinées
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39 Chs

Chapter 31: Unleashing Potara Earrings

"Cell, after all these years, one would expect you to have grown stronger," Goku inquired confidently.

"How did you achieve this power?" Cell asked, astonishment coloring his voice.

"It's a long story. But, haven't you improved over the years?" Goku responded with a grin, his eyes never leaving Cell.

Cell fell into contemplative silence, unwilling to admit any shortcomings.

Frieza couldn't sense Goku's energy, but Cell could, and it filled him with a sense of unease. The power Goku emanated was beyond anything they had ever encountered.

"Give up, both of you," Goku stated, shaking his head in pity. "After I defeat you, you'll be free to leave this place."


With those words, Goku disappeared and reappeared in front of Cell in the blink of an eye, launching a fierce uppercut to his jaw.


Cell was sent soaring through the air, crashing painfully upon impact with the ground. His body and soul both bore the brunt of the attack.

Frieza, too, was left in awe, struggling to grasp the magnitude of Goku's newfound power.

"Son Goku, I'll admit it – we're no match for you!" Frieza gritted his teeth, his arrogance temporarily shattered. "But unfortunately for you, now that you're in hell, you won't escape! Quite the ironic twist, isn't it?"

"Escape? Did you think I couldn't foresee this?" Goku grinned, pointing to the earring adorning his ear. "Do you recognize this?"

Frieza and Cell exchanged puzzled glances, baffled by the mention of an earring.

"What you don't understand is that these are Potara earrings," Goku explained with a sly smile. "I'm now an apprentice Supreme Kai. My vision pierces through everything, and wherever I gaze, I can instantly teleport. Do you comprehend the magnitude of that power?"

"What?" Frieza was taken aback, while Cell remained utterly perplexed.

At that moment, the underworld staff approached and bound Frieza and Cell alongside Wuhuada.

"Well, I must be on my way," Goku said, gazing into the endless darkness as he prepared to leave.

However, his attempt to use Instant Transmission failed, leaving him perplexed.

"What's going on? Why is there nothing but darkness?" Goku scratched his head in frustration.

"Hahaha, Goku, you're trapped in a world where escape is impossible!" Frieza taunted, savoring the moment. "You'll remain here in hell with us!"

"Dr. Gero set this trap to ensure you'd never escape. You fell for it, just as we expected," Cell added, reveling in Goku's misfortune.

"This is terrible... I can't even get out of here?" Goku sighed in resignation.

Frieza and Cell burst into laughter once more.

"Crack! Crack!"

The underworld staff silenced them by forcing a special substance into their mouths. Their laughter came to an abrupt halt as the staff placed them on a trolley and pushed them away.

As for their fate, it was no longer Goku's concern.

"Goku, we meet again," a familiar voice interrupted Goku's helplessness.

Goku turned excitedly to see Piccolo standing there.

"Piccolo? Is that really you?" Goku exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Yes, it's me," Piccolo affirmed with a smile and a nod.

"But Piccolo, why are you in hell? Weren't you supposed to be in heaven?" Goku inquired, puzzled by the circumstances.

"That's not important right now," Piccolo replied dismissively. "I'm here to get you out of hell."

"What? Can you do that? I couldn't do it myself," Goku admitted, his hope rekindled.

"We Namekians possess unique abilities. Just because you couldn't do it doesn't mean I can't," Piccolo explained with a smile. "I'm going to contact Dende right now. Wait here for a moment."

"Okay," Goku nodded.

Meanwhile, Frieza and Cell, still bound and speechless, found themselves in a disgusting predicament.

"What did you put in our mouths?" Frieza demanded, his disgust evident.

"It's the excrement of the Sabara planet frog. It renders you speechless for a while after ingestion," the staff explained with a sinister grin.

Frieza retched, and Cell gagged, but their restraints prevented them from resisting.

Suddenly, a silver-haired boy named Lucifer appeared before them.

"Please wait a moment. I have a question for you, Emperor of the Universe, Frieza," Lucifer said politely to the staff.

"Uh... Lord Yama is waiting to judge them," the staff replied hesitantly.

"It's fine. Just tell King Yama that I am a deity even greater than the Supreme Kai," Lucifer asserted confidently.

The staff, a little devil from hell, was momentarily stunned. Hadn't Supreme Kai been the greatest god in the universe? How could this teenager claim to be greater?

Though skeptical, the staff didn't dare to argue. A minor delay didn't seem like a significant issue.

Frieza grumbled, "Who are you? I don't know you."

"Frieza, let me ask you this: Do you want to be resurrected?" Lucifer smiled, his eyes locked on Frieza.

"What did you say?" Frieza was taken aback, his interest piqued.

"I can bring you back to life, but you'll need to do something for me in return," Lucifer explained with a sly grin.

"What do you want me to do?" Frieza asked, intrigued.

"It's quite simple. You need to improve your own strength," Lucifer suggested, his tone earnest. "In your current soul form, your progress is slow. You may not be able to defeat Goku. However, with a resurrection, your potential is limitless."

"Are you serious?" Frieza questioned, still skeptical.

"Have you experienced Goku's incredible power firsthand?" Lucifer inquired. "How long do you think it would take you to surpass him?"

Fueled by determination, Frieza clenched his fists. "If I could be resurrected and have my own body, I believe I could defeat him within four months!"

"I hope you won't disappoint me," Lucifer said, pointing his scepter at Frieza.

Suddenly, an invisible divine power enveloped Frieza, and the halo above his head slowly faded away.


*Powers Stones And 5 Star*