
Omnipotence: Beloved Child of Chaos.

In a new world with a new life. This is the beginning of discoveries that lie in the dark. A darkness Théoden has never had to face. There is little hope, but all he can do is push forward, for his survival, comes first. What happens when just surviving isn’t enough? Théoden is thrown into a new world with no idea of how he left his previous one or how he got to the current one. As if Fate hated him, he finds himself in the worst situation. He is in the middle of a massacred battlefield, and he was the only survivor. The reason for his survival makes sense with his Omnipotence System as aid. Just as things get better and he has plans to gain a foothold in this new world which is both mysterious and beautiful, he is faced with despair. The first living thing he meets is a demon. One that threatens his life. How will he make it out alive? What are the plans Fate has for Théoden? Things are covered with secrets and mystery and it is up to him to unravel them. Time is running out as the wheels of fate started spinning as soon as he first got to the new wondrous world. Authors note:// I hope you like it. I have high hopes for this book, but it all lies in the audience, doesn't it?

Innovation_Inu · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Chapter 20: What type of couple should we be?

The next day Théoden would spend the day with Helen. His lessons had been readjusted to suit the urgently approaching day. The day of the ball. The day they would officially announce their marriage to the public.

He learned something from Helen. Helen was a different person when on official duties. After the day was done she would take off the mask that she had worn and be a cheerily free-spirited young girl of her age. You could call her two-faced. Théoden was getting used to her frequent character changes he had no grasp over their pattern.

Théoden was done with his lessons for the day. Currently, he was in the garden having tea under a canopy. Théoden and Helen were discussing something when a topic on their relationship somehow popped up in their conversation.

"Helen. Do you know what type of couple we should be?"

I was a random topic in the midst of planning their marriage. The Duchess left the decision to them. Of course, it was simply giving the details of what they wanted. The actual marriage preparations were handled by someone else. It was a huge responsibility that they could not be bothered by since they didn't get engaged out of love. The final result of that was a simple ceremony with a few witnesses at the palace before the ball.

Helen paused. She placed her tea cup down and looked afar at the view of flowers blooming in the garden. The blooming beauty of white roses stretched out far. Butterflies cherished their beauty as they flattered from rose to rose. It was a beautiful sight.

As beautiful as Helen. She belonged in the picture with the roses. Her deep amethyst eyes shimmered with mystery as she fell deep in thought. Helen seemed to think of it seriously for a question that from Théoden's perspective didn't need that much thought.

"We should embody a close couple. This is for both the public view and the well-being of both of us. You probably know we have separate tasks once we are married. The Duchess currently shoulders it all but that is how capable she is. We will take over these duties and The Duchess will be guiding us in preparation for it." Helen locked contact with Théoden's sight trying to convey a point, "As much as we both accomplish our task, we can't do it perfectly if we don't have a tactic understanding of each other. This is why I think we should build our trust in each other…." Helen seemed to go on and on when she hesitantly lowered her lashes. "Theo, Do you think this is too much to ask?"

Théoden caught a new sight of embarrassment in Helen. She had a slight blush when her nerdy personality was exposed.


He shook his head and continued Helen's thoughts.

"No. Not at all. I would hope for you to think of this marriage in a positive manner. That is all. I do believe being a close couple is for the best. It does come with the shortcoming of being targeted as each other's weakness but there are more strengths when we work together, no? I get what you are saying."

Théoden said and smiled confirming her point. Without knowing it, he had planted a seed of trust and was slowly nourishing it.

What he had said was with a small understanding of how the world worked. He knew assassinations were frequent in this world. He had an assassin for a maid after all.

There would be certain situations when their relationship would become a disadvantage. She could become the target of harm or even be used as his weakness. If there was no trust in the couple in that situation, then that would be their undoing.

Théoden considered Helen to be his partner seriously thus he needed to have her within his grasp. That would be the only way he could trust her otherwise.

Théoden was lost in his own mind. Silence settled for a while with each one of them having their own thoughts in mind.

"Theo. I am curious. What is your ideal type? Romantically."

'Pfftt!!! Huh???'

Théoden almost choked on his breath as he looked hurriedly at Helen. She had a dead serious look on her face. She wasn't teasing or anything. He knew Helen was mischievous and playful in her free character but this wasn't one of those cases he could laugh it off.


Théoden felt a cold sweat of nervousness.

"Theo, I am just curious since it is common to have more than one wife, I wanted to know beforehand."

Helen tilted her head. She was simply stating what was common sense in this world. A common sense Théoden had not adapted to completely.

"I do understand that it is common in the patriarchy, Helen, but I don't want you thinking I will chase after someone when we are about to marry."

Théoden said with an angry tone. He felt like he had been deemed a bastard before he was even married. It wouldn't be wrong to say that in his former self but wasn't it too early to judge the new character he was trying to build? He wanted to believe he could be a decent human being and a good husband.

"I-I get it. I asked the unnecessary." Helen was flustered by the sudden change in tone and the slight blush that had not faded on her rosy cheeks deepened. So much so that she stammered.

'What did you get?'

"Let me clarify this, Helen. I will not betray your trust. This is the foundation of our relationship. I don't expect you to love me but I would hope to have your trust."

Théoden's usually cold voice became colder. His eyes lost all brightness and were serious as he said what needed to be said.

"Is that all?" Helen looked like she expected something else. Théoden ignored her and looked afar.

"That is all. Truth is I have not ever fallen for anyone. I may be lacking but I wish to grow with you. As I said on the first day, I simply want to be a partner worthy of you. Before that happens, I can't hope to marry anyone else."

'I still have a long way to go.'


Helen sipped the fruit drink in her glass and fell silent. She had met a few young men who had goals of marrying as many girls as they could. It was a form of showing superiority in the kingdom among the aristocracy. The number of jewels one had or the number of servants the nobles had in possession portrayed their precedence. Similarly, the number of wives and their prestige was a form of showing this.

She glanced at Théoden and saw the mystic beauty of his ruby eyes reflecting the sun's rays. His long lashes complemented that and the smooth mold of his face made him more beautiful than handsome. The wind seemed to appreciate his appeal all the same as it fluttered his curly ebony hair. In her eyes, he seemed to glow a bit more than usual.

'...He is weirdly honest. I don't hate it...'

"Helen…Do you think I am ready for the ball?"

Théoden was very self-conscious. He didn't want to be the laughingstock of the ball. He had to be perfect. After days of observing Helen, he knew he was lacking in a lot.

Helen could hide behind her mask of conduct quite easily. It was natural or second nature to her. There was no distinction of which was her real face. She could be a cunning woman who fooled others with an innocent face and she could also be an innocent lady who had to put on a mask of a cold noble lady. Regardless of the case she had mastered her craft.

Théoden would not even judge her. Not when he was hiding a personality more vulgar within him. Unlike Helen who could do a switch at her command, he had no control over himself. He was as expressive as he could get on such occasions. The personality he knew almost nothing about was uncontrollable to him. However, he was glad that it had an influence on him when he was highly emotional.

The day of the ball drew near. This made Théoden have a shred of doubt that he was not quite ready. The noble etiquette made him more sensitive to his character since every action would be judged and interpreted. He could not afford to put a stain on Marrianne who he genuinely respected and looked up to. He was her heir after all.

Helen was similar to Mary as she would explain things and Théoden could not find a word to refute her. She was just that convincing. She was merciless with her criticism. Blunt as she could get.

His talking style and his posture or other times simple things like his tone or facial expressions.

Over time he had learned to be self-conscious of his every move. That was not enough. He didn't want to be to be so self-conscious. He needed to be in character all the time. He needed to behave like a noble like it was second nature.

When Théoden asked if he was ready, he was sure that he could get a whole explanation of why he wasn't ready.


Helen stared into his eyes. Her stare gave nothing away of what she was thinking and this made Théoden nervous.

"I-I'm I that bad?"

Helen was confused as to why Théoden suddenly asked her the question. She was thinking of how Théoden would hit it off with girls if he tried but her line of thought was broken. Théoden in her eyes looked especially concerned about her opinion. He seemed vulnerable.

'He really will be a heartbreaker to many girls.'

Helen was more confused about why Théoden was unaware of his abilities and position.

She would never even imagine that Théoden was but a beggar a few weeks back.

Théoden was the heir of a family that was rumored to have existed before the founding of the kingdom itself. He was the child of the most outstanding offspring of its heritage.

He was learning things like a sponge and he was good at it. It was no exaggeration to say he was a genius. Compared to when she met him, he was a completely different person and he was unaware of it. She thought it would be better for him to not say anything too positive.

"If you follow the guidelines I gave you you will be fine."

Théoden was dejected and pouted clearly showing that was not what he wanted to hear. Helen saw a new motivation in his eyes and she laughed inside.

'Fufufu~ He truly doesn't know.'

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