
Omni God : Anish

Join the journey of a boy looking for the answer to the most common question of all existence, even after being a god.

VOID_STUFF · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Transmigrating for fun.

*MC pov*

[Hey, wake up.]

I opened my eyes as I could hear the voice of the system.

Upon opening my eyes I could see a panel on which a very handsome man could be seen. He had long black hair, dark black eyes with long eyelashes, and a slender and masculine body with healthy golden-brown skin. He had dark blue tattoos from his neck to toe.

I was amazed after seeing him.

'But why is he naked?' This was the first question that popped into my head.

[Well, how is my creation. It took me 3 months to create this body.] Said the system smugly.

After he said that I recalled what happened earlier.

'Hmmm, he does look quite handsome, and that tattoo looks somewhat similar to Gilgamesh's tattoo just different colors. How strong is this body.'

[Haha, the body is very strong, and those "tattoos" are the combination of all the best veins I could find. After merging with the body they became like this. They are somewhat similar to the magic circuits from Fate. Let's just call it divine circuits.]

I was surprised after listening to his words. That sounds quite overpowered.

[You made the physic strong enough, I mean after the combination of Kryptonian bloodline, Saiyan bloodline, and otsutsuki bloodline you could absorb sun and moons power to get strong. But after adding ancient doomsday bloodline and due to some of my tinkering you can now absorb every energy just by standing. Do you know how op that is?]

'Well, I do have some idea I guess.' I said jokingly.

'So what are we waiting for? Let's pop out of here.'

[It's not that easy. Although your body is created theoretically but changing you, well your now pathetic body will take a long time, like at least 15 to 20 years.]

After he said that I didn't react. I'm so numb towards time now. I don't even know how long I have lived, not physically but in my soul form.

[Chill, we can do two things now, first you sleep for 20 years or sec...]

Before he could finish I answered.

'I choose the second option thank you.'

[Haha, relax after all you have 20 years to think.] He said jokingly.

'Stop messing around. Say what's the second option.' I asked impatiently.

[Well, I was thinking of using one of my abilities to transmigrate into an alternate universe of an anime or movie, with an already created body stored inside my storage.]

'Okay. What world and who's body are we talking about.' I asked excitedly.

[We'll choose it through a wheel, it then depends on luck.]

'Okay let's do it.'

[But let us make it more fun. Let's erase your memory as I'll just make it so that you'll only remember that you are transmigrating but not remember all of the past life. And also forget the anime world you're in. What do you think?]

'It does sound like fun. Sure let's do it.'

[Okay let's choose the world and the body you'll be inhabiting, And also you'll know what system is and also you'll have a mixed personality of yourself and the body owner when he was alive. And all characters are male, like even gender bender version of female characters.]

After he said that a giant wheel appeared in my mind. On the wheel, there were written names of all the anime, novels, comics, movies, etc.

It started spinning very fast. When it slowed down I could see the names of worlds passing by. The pointer finally stopped on "My Hero Academia".

'Well, a decent world with not very high power scale.'

After that another wheel appeared, this wheel is even more massive than the first one.

It started rotating faster than the last one. It slowed down a little, although it took much longer time, the pointer finally stopped on "Karna".

I got excited after seeing the result. I have admired Karna for a long time. He was probably the greatest warrior of all time. If not for the curse he could have defeated arjuna. He was so strong that he was nerfed in his anime adaptations.

'Hahaha, this is going to be great. Hey, can I also have some memories of Karna?

[Sure, now have fun.]

'Of course, see you later.'

After that, my mind went blank.

{AN:- Thanks for reading. This is just a beginning of a side story. Please review the novel, it takes 140 words to successfully post a review.}