
Of Diamonds and Rubies

This is a story about a young saiyan Gold who ends up in Remnant with no idea how or when he got there with another wolf faunus Onyx in the same predicament but when they get into beacon, a whole new challenge awaits them and their strange powers (I didn't make DBZ or RWBY).

Random_guy_22 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Onyx Trailer

Kingdom of Atlas, at dusk/evening time

Onyx is seen with black hair with scattered spikes and two hidden black wolf ears, he has dark purple irises with black pupils. He just covered his hair with a black hoodie which he wore with black pants and boots. He is generally taller than Gold but with the same build as he walked along a particular path until he realised..."Someone's watching me" Onyx said as he ran towards the tundra outside the kingdom.

Tundra outside of Atlas

Onyx stopped walking as a figure, a femal in her early twenties with white hair and a fairly pale skin wearing a classic Atlas uniform made up of blue, white and red clothes "Why are you following me" Onyx said "We are going to take you in for questioning" Winter responded professionally "We... I'm only seeing one person here and why are you chasing me Winter!" Onyx said angrily "First... 'we' means the Atlas military and I'm chasing you just to ask you questions about the security footage showing you use weird powers" Winter said "It's my semblance... nobody got hurt and I'm not taking myself in" Onyx said with a grin knowing Winter's next line "Looks like I'm going to have to make you" Winter said "I'm counting on it" Onyx said with a malicious smirk as Winter dashed at Onyx who suddenly brought out a sword from his sash to block Winter's with ease. "Y'know, you can just attend that event your sister is singing at... it's like I'm hearing her voice all the way from here" Onyx said as he kicked Winter back as she slowly started getting angry. "Where is the professional code of conduct you military people have anyway" Onyx said taunting Winter as she attacked him again... or attempted to because Onyx hit punched her blank in her stomach "Are you really risking your life just to bring me in for questioning... how sweet... I really am special...so if you don't mind... let the unnecessary battering of Winter continue" Onyx said cockily placing his sword back in his sash as Winter smirk and dashed at Onyx again and like before Onyx was dodging the attacks pretty easily as with every swing of Winter's sword came with a duck, jump or side step as Onyx caught her sword and swept the young adult off her feet but Winter regained her balance and dragged her sword out of Onyx' hand as Winter went wide eyed after seeing that Onyx' hand was not injured "It's weird that you are still holding back (goes closer to her) Are you underestimating me... well I can't blame you. I'm holding back as well but unlike me, you won't survive my full power" Onyx said taking a battle stance "Come at me with everything you got... or this experience will be far from pleasant" Onyx finished in a maniacal tone as Onyx, for the first time went on the attack as he seemingly fazed through her as Winter coughed up blood as her aura flickered "So what did you think... now that will classify as a pond if my full power is a vast ocean" Onyx said as he looked down on Winter who struggled to get back to her feet "You're lying..." Winter said cleaning blood off her mouth "Tell me Winter... Do you think I'm lying" Onyx whispered to the white haired lady holding her jaw before blasting her back with an energy blast which was dark purple "I'm giving you one last chance... LEAVE ME ALONE" Onyx said as dark purple energy seeped through his aura as a proud look filled Winter's face as uncertainty filled Onyx' "I'm giving you one last chance bring yourself in" Winter said as multiple airbusses and mantas lit up the tundra as nightfall arrived "You think this is some form of sneak attack you should know that someone like me can sense life force... I knew they were coming...but I want to speak with your general that's all" Onyx said as Winter shot back "You're not the one making the terms here". I didn't ask you if I could talk to general... I said I want to talk to the general... with your scroll." Onyx finished as Winter checked her pocket "oops must have snatched your phone by mistake" Onyx said with a touch of charm as he dialed the General Ironwood's scroll "So... who are you" The general said already knowing what's going on "Well... I'm male... hmmm I'm 6ft umm I'm caucasian..." Onyx was saying before Ironwood spat "Stop stop stop... what is your semblance, where did you come from" Ironwood said "C'mon you are the general of the Atlas military, you know everything important that happens in Remnant... you will notice me in due time" Onyx said calmly "I've already noticed you... you defeated the specialist (sees Winter's annoyed expression and smirks) I need the inf..." Ironwood was saying before "Shussssshhhhh you'll see me again... I promise" Onyx said as he cut the call, threw the scroll and disappeared as Winter caught her scroll "He couldn't have gotten too far... search for him" Winter commanded the soldiers who exited their vehicles and went to search for Onyx... who they didn't find.

Hey there, welcome back to the series! Today, I'm excited to share with you the trailer for my second major character - Onyx. In case you didn't know already, he's Gold's half-twin brother and just as powerful as him. After the trailers, I'll fill you in on more details about this remarkable character. I chose Winter to get the business because I don't like her and they will meet again later damn there will be drama but no revenge. So send reviews and put in likes... next is Crimson trailer. Read my other stories Legend of the Starwalker and ENERGIZED RWBYVERSE. Until the next story... PEACE

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