
Nox City Of Infinite Worlds

NOx city of infinite worlds contains remains of past present and future million of worlds transformed into reality per periods of chaos the fifth period is going with only 20 years left, prophecy known " child of chaos will bring all into internal darkness " city was sealed Adam normal modern man transferred into this world a world with chaos &blood betrayal & allies how to know who in your side don't worry my friend here your ally Xon spirit world build your worlds finish trials and gain powers rule by iron fist kings wars welcome to the city of NOx ! with only your limit is your imagination !

Amr_Sabry · Romance
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17 Chs

The Friend

"Are you talking about wars between worlds?" Adam sneered lightly

"Xon? Do you know what that is too?" the metallic voice asked seriously

Adam's thoughts suddenly expanded and he thought, 'Another strange word,Does this ego only know these strange words?' '

The metallic voice sneered lightly, "I'm not you? "

"Then you know what's on my mind, then who are you?" Adam quickly asked, "And where are you?"

The metallic voice answered in a deep, calm voice, "I am the power you wanted?"

The metallic sound was silent for several deep breaths

"I am the world around you?

I am the appraiser! I am everything! "

"Then?" Adam shouted, "Do you come with an instruction manual or something? Does anyone even know how to use you?"

"Yes, if he or she is from ancient times." The metallic voice returned to its sarcastic voice, as the gear of an ancient slow-moving machine.

Adam asked angrily, "Who are you?"

"I have no name," the metallic voice sneered as if mocking Adam's angry tone.

"I am nothing. Call me whatever you want."

Adam sighed heavily, "Okay, no name for me. Tell me how I can pay you? I mean, how much do you want?"

"Three coins." The metallic voice mocked Adam lightly again as if he was purposely ignoring Adam's anger

Adam shouted angrily, "What do you want money for?"

The metallic voice sneered as if mocking Adam's angry tone. "Yes - do you know what money is in this place? I will give you whatever you want if you give me money?"

Adam wiped his face hard and sighed, trying not to get angry again and listen to the sarcastic metallic voice again

"With this group, what you want is the manuscript, and everything will change."

'Manuscript,' Adam thought, 'I will look for it, if he wants it, I will find it, and I will own you in the end. You are me!'

'Will I know your secrets, my friend?'

'Are you next to me now?'

'Tell me, I know you read me, see you now?'

'Where has this changed? Where are we? Inside the Kings Palace. How much money do I have? How much do you want?'

I want it.

Where can I find it?

"I know you hear me, answer me now?"

I want you my friend


"Answer me"

'Where is that cheap metal voice of yours now when I want you?'


Well, I don't want my strength to drain my ass at the first escape.

'Where is this throne? I'm sitting on it'.

"Yes, this is the king. Isn't this a woman?" metallic voice replied slightly

"You don't see, but what are these two curses?"

"Answer me, what is this?" Adam shouted

"It's her own power?" cold voice from deep of the palace replied

"do you see me ?"

Adam turned lightly "no ?, Are there any instruction books? "

" no ? "

"How much will you teach me?" Adam closed his eye

"Pay ?"

Adam shouted and rushed from the throne " I don't even know how much money I have?"

<1 Zone 3 is a fourth level that can be developed under conditions> metallic voice announced

'I don't know, pay first, talk later' a deep voice ringed inside Adams mind

"How stingy are you and how much do I have?" Adam sit back in the throne and looked around him in the deep white fog .

" Xone, a special force, first rank, high rank, subject to change" metallic voice replied

" & 3 Fourth rank That's why they called you a failure but they didn't or you will be dead meat "

"see me Then so why hiding I was about to be died" Adam shouted at the fog

"This is your fault?"

" Ha !" a sigh like an ancient metallic door opening

" Yes you ? " Adam replied angrily.

"What is this ? " The metallic voice spoke in embarrassment

"How much do I have?" Adam asked .

"300 coins? you have master 300 coins"

" Then where is she? " Adam asked rapidly

<200 currencies have been deleted>

"Who are you looking for with this sign? What is this disappeared traces? "said the metallic voice surprised

Adam quickly asked , "Why?"

"I don't know what happened, but there are mental forces interfering with my private domain," the voice spoke, explaining the matter

Adam said, "Then what should I do now, when you know that I don't know anything about this place, and you don't even tell me who you are?"

Adam's expression changed as if the whole world had caught up with him

"Okay, I'll tell you, stop playing games," the voice spoke slowly

" But master know that everything will change from this moment on, except for one hand. I don't know how you possess this world, and three small ones, but the conditions are ahead of you, and I have already prepared for complete confirmation." The voice changed sarcastically.

"What, did you deceive me again?" Adam spoke with an excuse, disapproval appeared, and his eyebrows bulged with anger.

The voice spoke and said, arguing, "It is not deceit. You are the one who wanted to know information, but private information is only dealt with in this way. You would have woken up naturally, had it not been for this interference that happened with you, and I was the one who intervened and saved you, If it were not for my presence, you would have died by now."

Adam's expressions changed and his voice softened, "Yes, you are right. You are the only being I have encountered in my years who helped me without asking, I am truly thankful to you, but this is a strange day, The world in which I live has disappeared."

Adam's voice dropped, whispering to himself, 'And I'm talking to a voice inside my head and strange beings, I don't even know what they look like, being killed, and a strange world that I see for the first time, then I escape from a chaotic world to enter a strange palace?'

Adam appeared in astonishment and looked around, "then , where am I now?"

Adam looked at the throne and the four seats surrounding it between the white fog, "It is true that kings. , You said that kings will be chosen, Kings, then what if you will choose kings?"

Thoughts began to occur to Adam, and the world began to spin around him. The world around him darkened, and the metallic voice appeared again, speaking softly.

"I am World Spirit Xon. You don't have enough strength until you know my full name now, so call me whatever you want, When you wake up, he tells you what you should know, You've run out of mental strength now. It'll take time for you to come back to you fully, You'll be fully awakened when you wake up, so you'll enter a spontaneous coma now, Look! If we delay any longer, your mental cells will be injured and it will be difficult to recover them"

A strange mental blueprint appeared inside Adam's mind

"Where have you seen this before?" Adam spoke inwardly and closed his eyes as if he had fallen asleep inside a beautiful dream world and a strange smile appeared on his face.

Adam said while his voice fading " Ash is your name is As... "

A metallic Ash's voice appeared from afar, faintly, "Rest now, if you hated the world you were in, this world is uglier than , a world built on destruction in which only the law of the wild prevails, Only as for the other things, you are weak now, If you know them, you will destroy yourself,

<The process of filtering memories is going on and imprinting the mental training method in the subconscious>

Lash's metallic voice continued explaining, "The City of Worlds Nox depends on using the world rune formed within the subconscious, and it evolves by evolving the Imperium Diagram into several stages, which you will recognize upon reaching each stage"

Many forms appeared in Adam's subconscious, and began to take shape into different shapes, birds, circles, stones, and strange animals. The more the powers of the subconscious increase, and such powers of the rune increase, the more details of the rune increase and become clearer, then the formation of the private world takes place into the truth, that is, the more the rune forms and the more you master this rune, the greater your powers in reality

As Ash's metallic voice finished disappearing, a blue rune moved around Adam, enveloping his entire body

again with sympls

" " a talking person

' ' person inner thoughts

<> system announcment

from her forwared its starting to get crazy each chapter hope you enjoy our journey

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Amr_Sabrycreators' thoughts