
Nox City Of Infinite Worlds

NOx city of infinite worlds contains remains of past present and future million of worlds transformed into reality per periods of chaos the fifth period is going with only 20 years left, prophecy known " child of chaos will bring all into internal darkness " city was sealed Adam normal modern man transferred into this world a world with chaos &blood betrayal & allies how to know who in your side don't worry my friend here your ally Xon spirit world build your worlds finish trials and gain powers rule by iron fist kings wars welcome to the city of NOx ! with only your limit is your imagination !

Amr_Sabry · Romance
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17 Chs


In a far place inside the city, resembling a large, shining flower in the middle of the darkness, inside the central area of the royal family, Xander, sat a wonderfully beautiful young woman with long, shiny black hair and beautiful black eyes.

If the lights went away, the light of her eyes would shine inside the darkness, like the stars pulling away the darkness itself, and a wonderful slender figure.

She was flawless, and her hair fell over her body like a dark river floating over this bright white body.

She sat silently on the bright white platform in the middle of a blue lake, seeing strange creatures.

Some looked like black horned fish, but with wings.

It began to fly from time to time, leaving the transparent blue water and flying above it for a while.

Before falling into the lake again, they swam in circles around each other, forming a black rune that shines inside the lake like a large black lotus flower, at the center of which is a yellow snake with black lines.

A black horn shines above its head, and after the end of each cycle, it produces some yellow smoke tinged with black.

The fish and snakes took it.

The difference in the formation of the rune, and when it is finished each time a little yellow pollen is formed, as many black luminous insects come with 4 wings of different colors that absorb the yellow pollen, and on the platform in the middle a tree on which is the black-haired beauty that watches the creatures as they recreate the rune and the harvest once again.

After a while, a white mist appeared, and a delicate feminine shape appeared.

curved feminine shape began to form little by little, and black hair, a beautiful face, relatively long ears, and a small nose appeared, making the ladies bow down to her beauty.

"General Luck salutes Princess Liz Xander."

The princess looked at the sentence except for the female figure forming in front of her and spoke calmly, "That's enough. You know that I  hate such greetings between us."

General Luck smiled and got up from her place, approaching the princess sitting in the middle of the platform, and sat down next to her, and they began to watch the lake,

"Liz, King Zouk sent me to ask you if you are going to the Sidkar family's next campaign."

Disappointment appeared on Princess Liz's face as she stared at the lake with a deep look, "Tell my royal father that I don't want to go. I don't feel comfortable with this campaign."

Luck followed Princess Liz's gaze as if she wanted to know what she was thinking, "Have you had those dreams again?"

Princess Liz laughed lightly and looked at her general and only friend, "I can't hide anything from you."

Luck continued to look at Princess Liz, and her curiosity rose, "You do not come to the Eternal Darkness Demon Lake until you have these dreams."

The worry on Luck's face increased and his curiosity increased,she continued, "What did you see this time in that bloody world? Did you see wars again ?"

Princess Liz smiled weakly and looked at the darkness above the lake filled with the lights of the small worlds, "Not this time?"

Luck's curiosity increased more and the worry in her voice increased to know the extent of the impact of these dreams on Princess Xander.

  "What-what did you see?"

princess Liz continued, looking into the distant darkness as if trying to remember what she saw in this strange dream. "Disappear?"

Li Luck showed an expression of astonishment, her black eyes widened, her small nose twitched like a curious rabbit, and her long arms straightened with interest, "What has disappeared?"

princess Liz laughed weakly, "That bloody world full of destruction and wars, the uglier world has disappeared."

General Luck gasped in astonishment.

She looked at the beautiful princess sitting in front of her with concern and asked, "Isn't this something serious? You will never see this bloody flag again?"

Princess Liz lowered her eyes and looked at her friend, and her weak smile disappeared, and fear appeared in her shiny black eyes, and suffocation appeared on her face, and her ears went down from fear, which increased her beauty even more, and she spoke in a shaky voice, "This is the problem. I was expecting this too, But the last thing I saw is what scares me?"

General Luck's expression changed immediately, and concern appeared on her.

She slowly lowered her ears and asked anxiously, "What did you see?"

Princess Liz's eyes widened, and the bright blackness inside her eyes increased as she looked at Luck.

An imaginary third eye opened in the middle of her forehead, and her three eyes blackened. At the same time, General Luck opened her third eye and received the mental transmission coming from Princess Liz.

What was around her disappeared, and a world appeared.

A large expanse all around her, full of smoke and thick dust, full of many rivers and large mountains, and a great white light in the sky, casting light on the vast world below. Princess Liz's voice appeared inside her mind, "Describe to me what you see."

Luck was astonished by the princess's suspicious question, she looked around, perhaps she realizes what the princess meant by that question.

She described what she saw, the light in the sky, the rivers flowing below it, the towering mountains in the distance, and the air laden with dust and smoke.

Princess Liz sighed weakly and transmitted her voice again to Luck, "This light is called the moon. This is what illuminates this world in the dark, but what you see is what this world wants to show you."

Princess Liz continued to send the words to Luck and took in the sights around the city that slowly changed and the light in the sky changed to a yellow light surrounded by a blood color. "You have seen the darkness of this world. Take another look when the light shines on the darkness."

General Luck gasped violently from shock, as everything around her changed.

The dust and smoke turned to a dark red color, moving freely in the world due to its abundance.

The rivers flowing below it changed to dark red rivers, and the towering mountains were nothing but motionless, motionless bodies piled on top of each other.

General Luck looked. To those around her, she conveyed her voice to Liz's voice, "Liz, what is this? How can there be a world this ugly?"

Princess Liz sighed softly as if remembering her memories of this world, "I told you before how ugly it is, but I realize now that you won' know what I mean without seeing it."

General Luck closed her eyes, waiting for Princess Liz to finish sending, but the shapes surrounding her began to quickly move away, and the world around her began to get smaller and smaller, and Princess Liz's voice appeared so serious that it worried General Luck, as if everything she had seen so far was nothing to what was coming,

"This... The last thing I saw of this world," Amira Liz continued explaining,

"The world began to get smaller and smaller as if it was moving away into the eternal darkness to disappear, This made me happy at first, and I wanted to know the coordinates of this world, It entered the eternal darkness, Perhaps we can extract some pollen from its remains, Perhaps this filthy world will help other worlds to grow, but -"

As Princess Liz stopped explaining, the world surrounding General Luck disappeared and turned into a large sky-blue light.

Its light began to diminish weakly as if it would disappear soon.

Suddenly, the small blue world stopped moving away, and a white light appeared from it emanating from it.

It covered the sky-blue world and hid it within it and took it.

It moves very quickly into the eternal darkness, as if he is attracted to something .

The white light shoots out very quickly, like a meteor, followed by a flash of sky-blue light, as if it possesses the entire eternal darkness.

As it isn't frightened  demons of the eternal darkness, which begin as soon as the light falls on them.

The white light takes on a speed that increases with time as If he approached his target and a distant light appeared inside the eternal darkness, radiant with many different lights, the white light vibrated excitedly just at the sight of the distant lights, and his speed increased, and as he approached, the lights became closer, revealing a large white flower radiant with many colors swimming in the middle of the darkness, looking like a large, doubled clot

Ten petals separated from each other, as if they were attracted to each other because of the lights emanating from them, and in the middle of them are four other petals that are closer to each other, connected by an invisible bond, from which emanate four colors of red, blue, black, and white, in the middle of them are four other large petals.

The petals vary in color, from a red petal next to it a blue petal, next to it a black petal, and finally a white petal around what appears to be a large tree that became clear as the white light approached the bright flower.

The light began to struggle to approach the center of the flower, and many hidden obstacles began to try to stop it from advancing.

Luck was amazed at what was happening, and an image of Princess Liz appeared next to her, looking at this unseen view of the white light struggling hard to enter the center.

General Luck looked at Princess Liz next to her, "What's going on? What's this white light? This place. Isn't this Nox?"

Princess Liz smiled very weakly, as if everything she needed to be done was lying in front of her and she could do nothing to stop it.

She explained slowly, "A white light emanated from this world, and the light of this world was attracted to it, and it was drawn to the city of NOx, and began to struggle hard against the mental barriers of the city, as if His survival from its annihilation depends on entering its center."

The scene suddenly changed, as the white light stopped struggling, as if giving up on entering, and the light stopped shaking violently, as if it would explode silently.

The scene suddenly changed, and a deep voice sounded from within the darkness, as if shaking the entire eternal darkness,

"I found you."

The white light turned and stopped trying to enter the city floating in the void, as if looking at the two figures watching it from afar.

Princess Liz felt shocked, "What – what is happening? Is this light speaking now?"

General Luck looked at Princess Liz worriedly, "Who spoke? Did you hear anything?"

Princess Liz looked at her strangely and was shocked that she was able to hear that voice only with Luck next to her.

How could she not hear it? "The white light said, 'I have found you,' and he was looking at us now. I could feel the mental strength and determination coming from him---Wait, what is happening now?, Haven't I seen this before?"

The distant white light slowly changed, and rays of sky-blue light began to emerge from it, surrounding the white light slowly, as if protecting it from something.

The light moved quickly and penetrated the barriers around the city as if they were not there.

It penetrated the outer area and approached the inner area quickly and broke through the surrounding barrier.

With it, it quickly approached and stopped at the petal.

The red color from which the red light emanated changed, attracting the white light surrounded by sky blue rays, as itwas embracing her child and it disappeared inside the red petal.

Princess Liz gasped in worry, "The Sakid are planning something."

The scene surrounding Princess Liz and General Luck disappeared, and they returned to the white platform in the middle of the large lake.

Their third eyes disappeared , and their eyes returned to their beautiful yellow nature. The two girls looked at each other anxiously, as if they had seen something that no one should see.

Luck stood up and moved away from Princess Liz two steps and bowed.

"Princess, please give me your orders."

Princess Liz paused for a moment to think about what should be the right thing to do now.

She closed her eyes and answered slowly, "General Luck, inform King Zok Xander that the Sakid are planning something, and it will happen in the next campaign to the world of Sidkar, This will be done by Princess Liz and General Luck on behalf of the Xander family."

Liz nodded "Let the king choose the third person to accompany us."

General Luck answered quickly and bowed gently to her princess, "General  Luck follows"

General Luck disappeared into the fog just as she appeared, leaving Princess Liz lost in her thoughts as she looked at the eternal darkness surrounding the city.

She closed her eyes and said in a weak voice carrying a lot of pain, "What is this sound? Why is it only me who heard it, and what is this blue light? There is a lot that we do not know." "

  Princess Liz sighed slowly and wandered into her thoughts, thinking about this deep voice that spoke to her

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Hello again

First I have to apologize about not purplish yesterday I had an urgent event

chapters are increased and it starting to going on the main plot so hope you enjoy it


Amr_Sabrycreators' thoughts