
Nox City Of Infinite Worlds

NOx city of infinite worlds contains remains of past present and future million of worlds transformed into reality per periods of chaos the fifth period is going with only 20 years left, prophecy known " child of chaos will bring all into internal darkness " city was sealed Adam normal modern man transferred into this world a world with chaos &blood betrayal & allies how to know who in your side don't worry my friend here your ally Xon spirit world build your worlds finish trials and gain powers rule by iron fist kings wars welcome to the city of NOx ! with only your limit is your imagination !

Amr_Sabry · Romance
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17 Chs

Getting Stronger

Inside the Grand Palace, inside the central area, the lights of the four worlds shone in the ceiling of the palace in silence, as if they knew that this deafness would be followed by a violent storm that would shake many worlds, and the lights began to fall on the five thrones below and on the body illuminated by a heavenly blue light, covering it completely, as if protecting it from any interference.

An outsider might interrupt this deafening silence, and his eyes opened, shining with a beautiful, calm, heavenly blue light.

He also consoled this world for its ugliness, carrying great hope for it, and spoke quietly, "Ash, are you there?"

The metallic sound inside the palace sounded like a bell echoing inside, "The Crown Prince's orders."

Adam smiled sarcastically and looked at the blue light and noticed that the size of the light increased and the brightness of the light increased, as if it had changed significantly from its previous appearance,

"Ash, what happened to you? Did you eat a large meal?"

The metallic voice turned to his usual sarcasm, "I believe that the new scheme, Miss Imperium, has a stronger effect than the Imperium scheme, My control has now increased, allowing you to use the power permitted within NOx City, but with a slight twist." Ash's metallic voice laughed very happily.

Interest appeared in Adam's eyes and they sparkled as if he had discovered something new, "So there are things that the residents of this city can use, then?"

Ash's  metallic voice moved as if telling him a secret inside his mind <Ola Nexum>

Adam was surprised by this spoke in the same way, "I thought you and I could use this method, so how is it used?"

The mental transmission waves changed inside Adam's mind, and the four lights of his worlds appeared, and his name appeared next to them, and a special, unclear serial number, and a number of different runes, coins, tools, resources, and other things, all of which contained nothing but the coins. 497 gold coins.

Adam looked at them with astonishment.

He asked Ash using mental transmission 'Ash what is this?'

The metallic voice moved to Adam, explaining,

<This ID card cannot be forged or changed, It is given to you by NOx's awareness>

<Once you enter the city, it contains everything own>

"It cannot be seen unless you allow it, and this is the number of currencies you have as for the capabilities."

The identification card disappeared and a list appeared in front of Adam, who was sitting on the throne quietly, as if he had become accustomed to this usual view of the appearance of things, and three powers appeared.

< Nexum - Nox - Mental Transmission If a person is added except the ID card, you can talk to him with the addition of the power of world awareness. All residents of Nox City have been added to the ID card. Please select the person and the mental transmission will start automatically >

<Lanoi - NOx Spatial teleportation allows you to move any place controlled by NOx's consciousness. It does not allow authorized areas>

<Muto - Ash Spatial transmission within wherever you see Miss Imperium of the world Ash's consciousness>

< Miss Imperium - Active - Ash - Allows you to increase the mental capacity of the host while continuing to use it. It evolved from the method of training the mental schema of the world's consciousness Ash >

<Veritas - Innate ability The Eye of Truth allows one to see the truth things anywhere. Its increased after blessing ancient emperor was granted. It developed from photographic memory>

<Larva - a special ability allows mental projection of people and communication>

Adam was amazed at the unnatural abilities in front of him, and he looked silently at the rune in front of him and sighed deeply,

"I now know why you are bragging, It seems that the larger the world, the greater your own strength, and my own strength also increases. It seems that we benefit from each other well, my friend."

Adam laughed out loud, and Ash's metallic voice joined him in laughing happily at this unexpected development.

The laughter continued for not long before silence fell and Ash's metallic voice appeared serious, "It seems that Miss Imperium allows me to regain my previous strength, which also increases your ability, It seems that the trial of The old emperor brought benefits

a lot "

Adam focused quietly and his thoughts wandered for a short while, "Ash, it seems that the old emperor has some plan for us, Let's follow it and see what happens, A lot has happened to us now, and he did not mean to harm us, but rather helped us, I think we at least owe him that."

Ash's metallic voice sighed, "That's true, but there's something else I want from you"

Adam's expression changed in surprise at his friend's first request for something, "If you want something, tell me, Don't wait for me to ask you, What you want is what I want. If I owe the Xon Emperor, I owe you more because of you, I'm alive till this moment"

Ash laughed softly with great gratitude for this friend whom he had known for only one day, and each of them entrusted each other with themselves, "Okay, my friend, I want you to meet the two chosen followers, King Shak Olka, the former enlightener, Silk Sidkar, I want information about the Fifth Chaos Period, all the data they can get from you, The only one in this city has the consciousness of a world, and above that, you do not need the consciousness of the world to translate the mental runes for you, that is, you are the only one in this city who can find the entire lost history of NOx"

Adam was surprised by his friend's request and thought about what he said and found that it seemed reasonable, but

"Ash, I don't think you want me to tell them who I am, do you, or that I have the consciousness of the world?"

Ash laughed sarcastically as he did not agree with Adam, "Don't worry, he swore on their rune to follow you, and don't think I'm stingy, I will give you the ancient knowledge of all the ancient families that came from the first trial, Use it to exchange with them, This way, we will not break the rules of NOx City, as everyone must To exchange equals of data, resources, and equipment must follow this rule within NOx that even the ancient emperor imposed on himself."

Blue lights began to emanate from the azure light and descended into Adam's eyes and turned into various data for families about how to mine and how to create and develop worlds, with parts missing in the middle.

Adam began to contemplate the data transmitted to him and kept it inside an empty part of his mind and let go of control.

He arranged it automatically and looked at Ash's light in the middle of the palace above him, "Ash, you will form Nexum and take care to hide my form into another form, or hide it in the middle of a light and send this message of mine to my chosen followers."

The heavenly blue rune lit up inside Adam's eyes, and his figure disappeared into the mist, sitting on the emperor's throne surrounded by four smaller thrones bearing the symbols of the four royal families.

The mental transmission was transmitted at the same time to the king of Shak, who was sitting on the white platform in the middle of the grove of the worlds of Olka, and the outcast prince Silk in the outcast neighborhood.

The two disciples' eyes simultaneously lit up with a sky-blue glow as the mental transmission arrived,

<Crown Prince of Realm City NOx, heir to the throne Emperor Xon, orders his followers come forward>

With the disappearance of the mental transmission, the seal on the azure rune in their minds disappeared, and they remembered the oath to the next Emperor NOx.

They bowed at the same time, covered in a blue light that covered their entire bodies, transporting them mentally to the inner area within the Imperial Palace.

They spoke at the same time, "The Emperor's orders are decreed to NOx"

King Shak was astonished by the change in scenery around him from the worldly grove of Olka's and his appearance inside a large white palace covered in white fog.

A blurry figure sitting in front of him, with no body features visible.

King Shak could not raise his head to look at this person sitting in front of him, with the appearance of King Shak and Silk inside the palace.

A strong pressure of a blue-sky rune above the palace and at the same time thought

'Xon world spirit'

As if the person sitting in front of them could read their minds, he spoke in a deep voice filled with wisdom and power, accompanying the pressure coming from the world rune, "King of Shak Xander, outcast prince Silk, there is no need to think about other things, swear to follow the next emperor, the world spirit has chosen you"