
Nox City Of Infinite Worlds

NOx city of infinite worlds contains remains of past present and future million of worlds transformed into reality per periods of chaos the fifth period is going with only 20 years left, prophecy known " child of chaos will bring all into internal darkness " city was sealed Adam normal modern man transferred into this world a world with chaos &blood betrayal & allies how to know who in your side don't worry my friend here your ally Xon spirit world build your worlds finish trials and gain powers rule by iron fist kings wars welcome to the city of NOx ! with only your limit is your imagination !

Amr_Sabry · Romance
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17 Chs

first knight

Within the city of the worlds of NOx, the lights of the worlds began to shine in its sky like vast, endless stars, illuminating the city of NOx below it as if it were small suns releasing light in order to shine, making the city resemble a large flower with fireflies wrapped around it shining in different colors in the midst of vast, endless darkness in which there is nothing.

Except the city was just floating in the middle of the darkness.

  The city was like a big jewel with many colors, and the sounds were heard inside the city as if they were birds chirping in the morning, welcoming it.

The sounds were heard and the different creatures were moving inside the different sections and the strange birds were flying above the city, moving the lights as if they were playing with them, changing the lights.

Falling upon the city from time to time, a wonderful, peaceful city with inner peace.

Every person moves to complete his tasks.

It is as if this city would never stop moving.

Away from all this, in a noisy place where the voices get louder. There are not many lights.

The farther away from the interior sections, there is only the farthest section in The city is the outer region of the city, and the different races call it by another name, the outcast neighborhood, where only fourth-class worlds live.

Who in this neighborhood has wealth?

How many of them do their world contain enough resources for them to be able to live? A lack of data and information and a lack of resources made this neighborhood It looks like a large, empty cave.

Not many people move in the empty streets and trading areas, and in the middle of the neighborhood, where the different trading areas lie, just like the other areas, surrounded by various flowers.

The wide paved road and the big screen in the middle of the square seem empty except for one or two orders for only fifty bronze coins.

There is nothing.

Only four people came out of the public trading area, and in one of the most beautiful private areas, a tall, strong and handsome man, his blue eyes shining as he looks at the unknown in front of him, and the lights of the worlds are reflected on his thick-haired head.

This was not the man sitting with a photographic screen in front of him showing what he is selling and what...

What he was none other than Silk Sidkar, the young man who was outcast from the Sidkar royal family.

After he was ostracized and lost all the resources available to him from his family, he was unable to mine in the places belonging to the royal family.

He only found the depths of his third-class world, thus putting himself in danger of death and entering his world.

From time to time to extract enough food for him to have a place to stay and  his needs

Silk looked up like any other day.

His daily routine does not change, even though he does not sell much.

But in this city there is nothing like this.

If you don't have enough imagination to create a high-class world, you may not live to see another day.

Silk thought to himself as he looked toward the lights of the many worlds far from the neighborhood of outcasts, "How beautiful this city is, but how ugly are those in it, The origin of a child is determined from his birth, How much this city remained as it was for a period of chaos almost complete , and this city below it is still the ugliest thing in it. When will it change?"

While Silk was thinking and wandering about in his fantasies and contemplations of the city of NOx, he did not hear the sound of footsteps approaching him, and he did not wake from his reverie until he heard sarcastic laughter,

"This is the former prince of the Sidkar family, How low his condition has fallen after leaving the family."

Silk looked around and found four people standing not far from where he was sitting with sarcastic laughs on their faces.

One of them had blue eyes, short stature, and thick, brown hair that was nothing but the perfect appearance for the Sidkar race.

The newly appointed Sidkar's prince  , and next to him was a striking beauty with a slender figure, red eyes, and red hair.

Her body shines with bright beauty around her, and behind them stand a man and a woman, looking around to prevent anyone from approaching this place.

One of them has the appearance of pure Sidkar race, and the other has a slender figure, showing a breathtaking beauty with a bronze color, with which the muscles of the body shine, as if she were an ancient Amazonian warrior, and her red hair shines. Its red eyes are like an eel waiting for prey

Silk's eyes met the four in front of him and he gently bowed down, following the rules of the city to see the princes and kings, clenching his teeth in anger and pain, "It was none other than Prince Sun Sidkar and Princess Ishtar Sakid who brought the princes to my humble place."

The smile on Sun's face froze and he looked at Silk with sparks shining in his eyes, "Is this how you talk to the top of your head, you third staircase? Haven't you forgotten that you are no longer the prince of the family?"

Silk raised his head and his blue eyes sparkled as he smiled a hidden sarcastic smile, "Follow this humble man of low rank, as stipulated in the imperial rules of NOx City"

Sun Sidkar's eyes turned as if he desperately wanted to kill this person standing in front of him.

If it were not for these imperial rules that prevent fighting within the city, no one, not even kings, can oppose the city of NOx's awareness of the ancient emperor.

His world might be destroyed without warning for opposing these rules.

Sun gritted his teeth and his anger began to increase.

The beauty next to him moved forward slightly and said in a gentle voice so that Ah would not realize his true intentions, "Prince Sun, since the Sidkar Royal Family will allow the Sakid and Xander families to enter the safe mining worlds to gain experience and produce new data, will you not allow anyone?"

"If your family enters as well, our family sacrifices one of the three places for Mr. Silk. You know how good he is at this and we want to learn from him"

Sun was surprised by Ishtar's words and thought for a while, then he realized that Princess Sidkar was giving him an opportunity to kill Silk within the family worlds, where everything is permissible and only the fittest survive.

Sun followed in the footsteps of the young lady Sidkar and shook his head, "How wonderful this is from the beautiful flower city of NOx, but I think... "Mr"

Ishtar continued, "From what I see now, Master Silk has some of the resources that my General Nara needs." Ishtar looked behind her, that is, her subordinate, and the subordinate moved forward, carrying out her mistress's orders, and took the resources in the Sik exhibition and transferred the coins to his account, taking out a small picture of her and passing it in front of the exhibition and he returned.

She leaned back and bowed, "Thank you, ma'am, for your interest. I searched a lot for these resources and did not find them."

General Nara retreated to her place behind the Princess of Ishtar, who looked at Silk and continued speaking delicately, "I see that Asid does not have a lot of resources or coins for the survival of a former prince who invaded the district." The Princess of Ishtar interrupted her words, "Kh-kah, I mean the outer region, You may take this opportunity to help us and search for  new resources  and you may collect missing data, You know how good this opportunity is for you."

Silk looked at the beautiful princess, realizing if she was planning something inside him, 'How much ugliness lies beneath this beauty?'

When Silk wanted to respond to the Princess of Ishtar, his thoughts were suddenly interrupted, and the four of them disappeared in front of him, and a beautiful sky-blue light appeared as if to comfort the person's soul, and his eyes sparkled with the color of the rune appearing in front of him.

The four did not find anything strange, since the color of the rune differed greatly from the color of the rune of the Sidkar family.

The two of the Sidkar family retreated.

The four of them moved back, and the generals stood in front to protect their princes from the coming attack of the Mind Rune.

Silk's eyes dimmed and returned to their normal blue color, and he muttered in a low voice, "Long live the Emperor!"

The four contemplated their nations in Silk, but none of them realized, "Oh, at this moment, data from the Mind Rune was uploaded to him."

"I swear in the name of the  Xon "

" its consciousness on the Mind Rune that I will not betray the Emperor"

" if I break this oath, my worlds will be destroyed"

" I will disappear from this world to eternal darkness."

"Xoncontinues forever"

"Long live the Emperor, ruler of infinite worlds"

Amir Sun asked curiously, as if he realized that something strange had happened, "What did you say just now?"

The remaining three looked at Silk with great interest, waiting for his answer

Silk smiled, a wonderful smile radiating on his face, "Did you say something? I wanted to ask Princess Ishtar how much I will get payed and when so I can free up my time for you, ma'am."

The tension in the four in front of him decreased, and the two princes smiled at the end of your deception on this bastard in front of them, and the Princess of Ishtar spoke gently, "We will pay you a gold coin and 50 silver coins before entering, and I will meet you after leaving, a week from now, in the city time, We will need at least half a year, in the time of the inner worlds, that is, half a day"

"Is a week enough for you to prepare your equipment?" Ishtar asked

Silk smiled and looked at Prince Sun and Princess Ishtar.

He laughed softly and bowed with the tenderness of a seasoned former prince. "I don't know how to repay the princes, I will be in your care."

The two princes turned, followed by their servants, smiling at each other and thinking, 'Enjoy this remaining week '

After the separation of the four and the departure to his family, Prince Sun moved inside the family center, where the orchard of worlds is surrounded by wonderful flowers, on which the lights of many worlds are reflected.

In the center of the orchard is a large blue light surrounded by many lights.

In front of him sits a short man with only hair visible, staring at the large blue world. Prince Sun bowed, "Prince Sun Sidkar salutes the royal father, King Silva."

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enemies appeared allies gathered everything changes up a head we will know more about runes all you need to know now is main power that’s why its need time to build

Hope you enjoying this so far


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