
Nox City Of Infinite Worlds

NOx city of infinite worlds contains remains of past present and future million of worlds transformed into reality per periods of chaos the fifth period is going with only 20 years left, prophecy known " child of chaos will bring all into internal darkness " city was sealed Adam normal modern man transferred into this world a world with chaos &blood betrayal & allies how to know who in your side don't worry my friend here your ally Xon spirit world build your worlds finish trials and gain powers rule by iron fist kings wars welcome to the city of NOx ! with only your limit is your imagination !

Amr_Sabry · Romance
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17 Chs


"Son, I heard that you went to the Outcasts' Quarter again, Is the shadow of Sun still lingering on your mind?" King Siva continued, his blue eyes shining with the runes inside them as he looked at Sidkar's world.

Without raising his head, Prince Sun spoke calmly, unable to hide the killing intent within him, "Don't worry, Royal Father, Silk's shadow will disappear as he goes into eternal darkness."

The Silva King smiled and looked at his son and warned him, "Don't break the city's rules, You know the consequences of violating NOx's spirit"

Prince Sun smiled an evil smile that he could not hide, "Don't worry, Royal Father, I have cooperated with Princess Sakid to lure him into the world of Sidkar in the next campaign"

King Silva raised his head to Sidkar's world and began to contemplate in its beautiful light,

"Do not deviate from your mission, You know that this time you must find the lost ancient data, We have to let the other families join us so that we can succeed this time, The end of the world is near, and any of the families must succeed."

"In creating the spirit  world, otherwise the entire NOx is doomed to annihilation"

Prince Sun bowed deeply with a voice indicating determination and resolve, "Don't worry, royal father, this prince will fulfill the family's hope."

King Silva  looked behind him and the pressure coming from him increased, and the killing intent rose intensely, "If the ancient data is found, it does not allow anyone who saw it to live, We may not be able to read the runes without the world's awareness, but we will exploit the truth of the Olka family, Until this time, it is not safe for anyone, and the first of them is that."

"someone from the sakid"

Prince Sun shook as his fear increased.

His limbs trembled and tingled, his cheeks becoming wet from traces of sweat, as well as his thick hair.

"Don't worry, Royal Father, I am only cooperating with them to achieve common goals only."

The pressure and threat from King Siva decreased and he continued to look at Sakid Blue World, "Go now."

After King Silva finished his speech, Prince Sun bowed and disappeared quickly, as if dark demons were running after him.

Seeing this, King Silva smiled sarcastically, "This prince of the royal family, how cowardly, why wasn't he like this bastard Silk?"

King Silva sent a mental message, "General Malcolm, General Don "

As he finished his words, two blurry figures appeared, bowing in extreme respect, and as their bodies aligned, they spoke in unison,

"The generals of the Silva King of the Sidkar Family pay their respects to the king."

King Silva issued his orders in a strong voice, "A week from now, the awaited campaign will begin, The royal families will enter,  allow only princes and their subordinates to enter, This is what our family agreed upon with the other families, Only a prince and his subordinates are allowed. Do you understand?"

With one voice, General Malcolm and General Don answered, "The King's orders are already decreed for us."

King Silva stood up and turned to look at the two men as he approached them.

As he approached them, the pressure coming from his blue eyes increased and he stopped in front of them.

"Malcolm, you will enter the Sadic World in secret after everyone has entered, and Don will remain outside to monitor if there are mental signals that interfere with... General Malcolm, your mission remains as it is, the old data, and no one outside the family is allowed to see it"

a kill intent rose "If it is seen, you know what you will do if you cannot intervene and erase the rune from the person who saw it, make him see eternal darkness, The family will bear the consequences of your success and failure, do you understand?"

"This subordinate understands," Malcolm replied sternly.

King Silva looked at Don, who felt the pressure coming from the king's eyes on him, and he spoke quickly, responding to his king's order, "This subordinate understands that no one will enter or leave without being examined."

King Silva sighed and looked at two men and turned to General Malcolm, "Malcolm, there is something else that Prince Sun and Princess Ishtar Sakid have decided to get rid of the former Prince Silk, Finish the matter quickly so that you can devote yourself to searching for what we want in this mission, There is no room for failure, Go now."

The two men bowed to King Silva before disappearing into the mist again like thin air.

King Silva continued to look at Sidkar's world and began to delve into the details within the world, perhaps the last remnants of the previous awareness of the world would appear to him.

Perhaps it would be a guide in the next campaign.

The fewer search areas within this large world, the more they would increase  Chances of success, but the more he looked, the more the pain in his eyes increased.

How much he had looked at this great world since the disappearance of the ancient emperor and the erasure of the traces of awareness granted to them by him, and more than that, its effect on the minds of the entire royal families.

The king's concentration increased in advance, and the closer he looked, the more signs of anger appeared.

He was distressed and shouted with all his might, and his voice resonated loudly, making the entire Garden of Worlds shake, expressing his fear of the tyranny of this powerful king.

King Silva's words echoed throughout the entire Garden.

"O ancient Emperor, what did the four families do to make this your anger against them? How much the kings wanted to know the secret of your power, but in the end they were struck by the things they feared most."

King Silva's  entire body shook with anger, making a large ball of hair shake in anger

"The end of the limited period you have left for us is approaching, Emperor Xon, If you left our sciences and research as they are, we would be ruling the city by now, but if you forced us to do this, we will regain what is rightfully ours."

King Silva raised his eyes and the focus of the ringing increased to a strong degree, making his entire eyes blue like the ocean in search of knowledge, looking at the eternal darkness surrounding NOx City,

"I know you are there, he looked at us with sarcasm, This will end soon, and let us see who laughs last."

laughter began to echo within the Garden of Worlds,

making... The lights dispersed away from the center of the grove, the world of Sidkar, and King Silva threw the rune into the world of Sidkar and began chanting it in a strange language, and with every word coming from it, a rune formed around the big blue world of Sidkar, and the sound of the rune chants echoed until it formed a mental barrier around the entire blue world.

King Silva went to the barrier and returned to his seat, closed his eyes, and suddenly the sounds disappeared and absolute silence descended on the Sidkar family orchard.