
Nox City Of Infinite Worlds

NOx city of infinite worlds contains remains of past present and future million of worlds transformed into reality per periods of chaos the fifth period is going with only 20 years left, prophecy known " child of chaos will bring all into internal darkness " city was sealed Adam normal modern man transferred into this world a world with chaos &blood betrayal & allies how to know who in your side don't worry my friend here your ally Xon spirit world build your worlds finish trials and gain powers rule by iron fist kings wars welcome to the city of NOx ! with only your limit is your imagination !

Amr_Sabry · Romance
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17 Chs

Changing The World

Here I am talking to you again today, the quiet morning, the blooming flowers, and the wonderful scent of aromas permeating my soul.

Did I tell you how much I longed for a peaceful world where I could live without hidden anxiety shaking inside me like a raging flood?

However, I knew

This is therefore impossible to achieve

At least I should be allowed to dream, right?

Have I ever told you about Johari?

I think I told you a lot about these four strange windows that explain the connection between the human mind and one another.

Johari is a non-psychological technique that allows a person to penetrate the boundaries of your subconscious and increase his capabilities.

The windows depend on your vision of yourself and the columns on how others see you. In other words, my princess, there are four windows. The first shows what people see and know about you, the second what is hidden from you, and The third is what you hide from others, and the last is the unknown that neither you nor others know about yourself.

As the first window expands, the knowledge of those around you about you expands, but

On that day, I saw you walking in front of me like a princess.

The sky was shining to see her like the shine of the stars on a very dark night, like shooting stars that penetrated my heart.

Her black hair was shining like a ray of light transporting you from the infinite darkness. Then the place became dark like a silent night and the sky became void.

Where did my princess that I eager go?

Where did the girl of my dreams disappear?

In front of me now was the girl of my dreams.

I finally saw her in front of me.

For heaven's sake, I cried my eyes out unconsciously to see her

Your eyes are in front of me. I was happy to see them and my tears fell heavily because of this. Yes, I have seen them in my dreams a lot.

I am not sleeping now, am I?

Yes....but how much I dreamed of seeing her, the princess of my dreams, in front of me, and suddenly time stopped when my eyes met hers, and everything froze, even the very ends of my body.

How much I dreamed of seeing her.

Yes, how beautiful this world is.

Time finally stopped for me.

How much the world took me to horizons that were not mine.

Yes, it is.

The truth is the only thing and the traces of the world have disappeared, but who am I?

The lights went away, the voices faded, and in the midst of the darkness, I wondered where you were. What happened? I dreamed about her, and the world disappeared. Yes, I remember now. Adam spoke to himself as he looked at the darkness surrounding him, "But where am I?"

I am Adam

22 years old, smart, my intelligence is not great, but they say how genius I am. My IQ is much higher than my peers, 260. Mostly, I know, not by much.

Do I work as a delivery boy?

But why when I don't need the money?

It is a long story, the summary of which is that I find pleasure in observing others and the scenes of their daily lives, and this may be the only pleasure in this cruel world.

I am also looking for the only person who I feel is the key to my salvation in this world, the girl of my dreams.

I don't mean that she's my girlfriend or anything like that, but seeing the same beautiful girl repeatedly every day for more than twenty years could leave anyone with different feelings.

Yes, she is my love?

Where is she? Yes, I saw her?

Black hair and eyes like stars, with your melting smile, where are you?

Yes, do you know how much I searched for you?

<External interference warning> A faint voice spoke inside Adam's head

<Attack is being stopped. Increase mental defenses>

Who is this?

Who is talking?

Where are you and where am I?

Yes, I found her before my eyes and the world disappeared.

How much I missed her. Where are you?

The world surrounding Adam disappeared and turned into a large sky-blue light.

Its light began to weaken weakly, as if it would disappear soon. Suddenly, the small blue world stopped moving away, and Adam turned into a white light emanating from it.

It covered the sky-blue world and hid it inside it, and it began to move at great speed into the eternal darkness. As if he was attracted to something quickly, Adam's white light shot out very quickly like a meteor, followed by a flash of heavenly blue light, as if he possessed all of eternal darkness.

He was not afraid of the huge black shadows approaching him like a demon in the midst of endless darkness that dissipated as soon as the light fell on it.

Adam's white light began to speed up.

With time, as if he approached his goal, a distant light appeared inside the endless darkness, radiant with many different lights. The blue light vibrated enthusiastically and attracted Adam with strength and enthusiasm just to see the distant lights.

His speed increased, and as he approached the lights quickly, a large white flower radiant with many colors appeared swimming in the middle.

Darkness appears as a large clot with twelve petals separated from each other as if they were attracted to each other due to the lights emanating from it.

In the middle of it there are four other petals closer to each other connected by an invisible bond from which emanate four large red, blue, black and white colors that stand upright and a light appears.

Bright red and everything around Adam disappeared again and turned into complete darkness so that he could hardly see even his hand

"Another failed operation," a sharp voice echoed, "How I warned you against extracting worlds from eternal darkness."

"What a tragic world it was," another voice answered in the darkness

"Just destroy it and extract the remaining pollen from it."

Thoughts passed quickly through Adam's mind, intermittently

' Extract the destruction of the world of Who am I? I will die now? '

'What was the voice that echoed inside my mind? '

'What is this mental attack on who am I?' '

'Destroy whose world?' This is mine, I am the owner of this world.

Adam's thoughts stopped suddenly and he remembered

'The heavenly blue light that shines inside my mind, what is this? '

Adam chanted forcefully within his subconscious into the azure light

' what is all of this? '

'Am I going to be destroyed? '

Adam started calling and his voice echoed inside his mind

A voice with a metallic echo spoke inside his subconscious, "Are you calling for me?" '

<The attack is being dealt with. The teleportation rune is being generated? >

<The destination is being determined>.

An image of a large white palace is generated inside Adam's subconscious, and in the middle of the vast white palace square is a large, bright white throne..

Adam repeated subconsciously, wondering, "How beautiful this palace is. It's not for me, is it?" '

A metallic voice like an ancient god replied, "Yes, sir, you are the owner of this palace and that world that has a sky-blue color?" '

' Who are you ?' Adam continued asking.

'I am the consciousness of that world. There is no name for me. Who am I? Will you know when that world acknowledges you as it's master? '

The metallic voice sneered, 'Or maybe I'll tell you if you keep breathing?'

Laughter echoed like the clanking of old gears inside Adam's mind mockingly

Adam began repeating subconsciously, "Yes, I will be destroyed. I will disappear."

Where are my princesses, the white dress decorated with flowers, where are you?

Where did you go ? '

The metallic voice replied sarcastically, "It was just a dream, sir?" Everything you saw now is nothing but dreams and illusions to attract your subconscious. I was sleeping inside your house. You have not seen it before. How will you hide it now? Wake up. You are going to die? '

Adam thought, 'Yes, I'm going crazy. I'm talking to a voice inside my mind. How unbelievable the truth is. The world has changed and suddenly disappeared.'

What is this ?

All I see is this palace with a great throne and four swords protecting it, and the light shone like a faint mist.

The world has gone.

My princess with the white dress stained with blood-red flowers?

How much I hated this world, yes, it is a bloody world. I loved it for being my princess and hated it with all my heart because I could not see you in it. How much did you dream of that moment and the world stopped after that?

Yes, when I see you, the world stops, your beautiful, warm smile. How much have I dreamed of you? Where are you, my princess?

The world has changed and I will die. Where are you?

where am I ?

The world went to see you, my princess?

I'll see you, I know this, so I must live

Where are you? I would destroy the world to see you. I would be like the stars to cross everything for you, my princess?

Where, yes, I will remember you until my last day?

Yes, the world changed for me just because of your smile, and now my eyes have tears?

Where are you ?

The world has changed for me now I will see you another day but this time I will not leave you?

Where are you?

I will see you, yes. Do you know how much I searched for you?

Yes, to see you. Yes, I realize now how long I have waited for this day, and now the world has changed?

What is this, just scream or shake?

Now where are you my princess?

How much would I like to see you now?

My world has changed for me, but you will see me now, but the world is gone now?

Where is the ugly world full of chaos and destruction?

Are you here in me?

I will see you now.

How many times have I dreamed of you?

I will see you.

I love you.

You are now mine.

Are you my love?

Where is this world, I will see you now, how much I waited for you, your smile, your looks, the world around you, you are now mine, how much I love you, I waited for you, now I will see you inside this world, where is he?

My world has no one but you.

How long have I waited for the truth now?

I will change this world.

knowing some symbls easy things for me like words between " " is talking normaly

using these symbles ' '

is talking in there mind thoughts or silent talking

< > is system announcment

thats it about the novel for now

about the plot I really read more than 1000 of novels its a new plot wars destruction revenge every thing you imagine will be here cause ts about your imagination I just want to each one of you see that novel diffrently because the only limit is your imagination

I know the plot will be a little bit slow but pare with me its a whole world with in it an infinte worlds how I will prepare your mind is my responsibility

about the writing it will be a little slow cause I'm rewritng it all over again because it was written in diffrent language beside english

last but least

hope you all enjoy my world and welcome in nox the city of infnite worlds

& thank you ^_^


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