
Not Your Typical Fairy Tale

Killed in an attempt to rescue his sister from being run over, Christopher Hallowswift is greeted by the Elder God Amaterasu-the God who rules over all others. He is given a second chance to live, and is reincarnated to a world filled with beastmen, demons, elves, and many, many dangers. At first Christopher tries to live a normal life, but soon he discovers just how dangerous and hellish the world really is. Join Christopher Hallowswift as he journies through the wonderful new realm with his cute familiar by his side!

ChristianWrites · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Interlude: Bath Time With A Cute Girl

"Ahhh..." It was about three hours before we left for the Azelfarian Empire. A lot happened that day, and I was in dire need of a bath, so I asked one of the maids in the castle, and they directed me toward the men's bathroom, which was surprisingly much like the one back in my world. I sat inside of the large five meter wide, three meter long, and one meter deep bathtub...or should I call it a bathtub? It certainly was huge for a bathtub in my mind.

The feeling of the warm, crystal clear water touching my skin relaxed my body, washing away all the muck and grime I received from the events that transpired.

"...So this is a bathtub in this world, huh?" I asked myself. It'd take some getting used to, that's a given. But I liked it. Slowly, I scooped some water into my one hand, and stared at it.

"Oh? What's...that..?" The closer I gazed into it's transparent body, the more I saw small glimmers floating around inside of the water's frame. The glimmers were coloured a faint, nearly unseeable gold, they resembled the pixies I found when Amaterasu reincarnated me.

"Huh." Ultimately, I just decided I'd leave that alone for the meantime. It was my first time bathing since I was reincarnated, I figured I wouldn't stress over things. The water slipped through my fingers, and rejoined it's body with a small splash.

Out of the blue, the door to the bathroom creaked.

"H-Huh?" Instantly, I got up, and stared in it's direction. "H-hey! U-Um, th-the bathroom's a little busy right now so...if you could just..."


"..?" That voice... The person who called my name...I instantly recognized it...my fiancee, Eloise. Eloise was the one at the door. She came through with a towel in her hands...completely void of any clothing. Her long, luscious, ocean-blue hair was open, reaching up to her lower back. Her flawless, beautiful white skin was completely uncovered. Eloise's oval face was dyed a deep red, and her baby blue eyes were watery...the only thing hiding her sensitive parts was the towel she kept in front of her.

The sight amazed me, I found myself staring at her, my mouth agape.

"U-Um...are....are you busy right now, ch...Christopher?" She politely questioned me, averting her gaze to the ground.

"N-No...not really...did...did you need anything, Eloise?"

"W-Well..." Eloise fidgeted, struggling to search for words to express herself. "...I...I figured you'd be worn out from the journey you had in the Underworld a-and from rescuing me from that noble earlier so...I...I asked my dad and he said it'd be okay if I joined you in the bath..." She finally stated, "...Would that be alright with you?"

J-Join me in the bath..? H-Hold on! I-Is this real? E-Eloise wants to bathe with me?! Her request came to me as a complete shocker. That was the very first time a girl I knew wanted to bathe with me. My entire body was trembling at the thought...Eloise, in the bath with me...J-Just what is going on here..? This must be a dream, right? Though if it was a dream, I believed I'd be awake right then.

"Y-Yeah, I...I don't mind it...but...are you sure?"

"Mhm...I...of course I'm sure, Christopher." She sent me a loving, innocent grin, confirming her intentions.

"A...Okay...W-Well, c-come on in then, Eloise." I scooted over to the left, and made room for my fiancee. Just as she said, she entered the bath, and placed the towel with mine, near the door...

"..." I couldn't take my eyes off her. Eloise was in the bath with me, without anything covering her. I finally was able to get a good look at her frame. It was clear she was much younger than me, the twelve year old's features had only just begun developing. Eloise's hips were broad, and slender. Her shoulders evenly aligned themselves with the rest of her, and her bust was as small as I expected them to be, an 'A' cup. Her height made her reach to my shoulders while sitting with me. Slowly, her gorgeous arms reached into the body of water, and scooped up a handful. She used it to wet her hair, and face.

"Mmm...that was good..." She murmured. Giggling, she looked over to me. "...Want me to wash your back, Christopher?"

"Ah-Um, s-sure...ahaha..." Thankfully, she didn't notice me staring. I turned around, doing my best to sustain a calm demeanour.

...Though my attempts were all for naught the moment I felt her petite hands fall upon my back. I flinched enough for her to notice me.

"I-I'm sorry! D-Did I hurt you?" She exclaimed, her voice filled with concern for me.

"N-No, you didn't. Don't worry, Eloise." I replied. She heaved a sigh of relief, and chuckled once more. Her hands moved up and down the length of my back, wetting each and every inch of it. Then she made her way up to my neck, where I listened as she stood to her knees, then rubbed my scalp.

"Nnrng...Ch-Christopher...d-don't turn around, okay?"

"Huh? W-Why?" I was aware of why she said that, but instinctively, I inquired about it... "I-I mean, o-okay, I-I won't...!"

"N-No!! Y-You can look...w-we're both naked s-so, i-it's okay..!" She exclaimed. Hearing her say that made my entire face turn red. I knew fully what was behind me. I wanted to peek, but just thinking about it made me feel heavily reluctant. I had never even imagined I'd be in a situation such as that one, with my fiancee washing me. Never in my wildest dreams had I even thought I'd have a fiancee at the age of fourteen in the first place!

Soon, the rubbing came to a halt, but Eloise kept her hands there.

"Ch...Christopher?" I heard her silently whisper to me.

"Yes, Eloise?"

"Nnrng...my body...it feels so hot..."

"Eh?" Wait, hot? Y-You mean...


"W-Whoa! E-Eloise?!" All of a sudden Eloise's arms latched around my back as she collapsed onto my back, her entire body pressing against that part of me. She embraced me with all her might, and squeezed herself onto me. I felt everything, and I meant, everything.


"Christopherrrrrr...Mm!" Eloise grabbed onto my face, and started kissing me. Our lips locked together, and our tongues rubbed against each other. I leaned in closer, and clung her to myself, kissing her passionately, and she returned it with full force.

"Mmm...mmm...Ch-Christopher...*slurp* slurp. Christopherrrr..." The movement of our tongues together sent a beet red blush to our faces, an intense wanting enveloped us both.


Upon retracting, a soft moan escaped Eloise's lips as saliva connected our mouths. We pressed our foreheads together, and she sat directly in front of me.

"Ch...Christopher..." She murmured quietly. "...That...that was amazing..."


"Was that also the first time you've ever kissed somebody like that?"

"Mhm." It really was my first time...just the week before I was a student in middle school going about his daily activities...then suddenly, I was hit by an oncoming truck, then reincarnated. So I never really had anything going for me in terms of romance...until I met Eloise.

Softly, I planted another kiss on the girl's soft, tiny mouth. "Eloise..."

"Yes, Christopher?" She gently raised her head, and gazed at me, her eyes filled with affection.

"You know...before I met you...I was just a normal student from a school quite far from here, I didn't think I'd ever be in this kind of situation...let alone have a fiancee as gorgeous as you are."

"O-oh...W-Well, I...I'm glad you think of me that way..." My words brought once again another blush to her face. "...You were a student in a school? What kind of school?"

"U-Um...w-well..." Crap. I couldn't tell her I was from another world just yet...that was news for another day. Ultimately, I just decided to try to avoid the question. "...It was...a school which taught you to read and write in the language called 'English'...You probably don't know it because it's REALLY far from here...like...REALLY, REALLY far." An entire different world kind of far. Sorry, Eloise!

"Ehh? I've never heard of that before!" She was pretty stunned upon hearing this. Going a little closer to me, I saw as she sat a little on my thighs, and cupped my face in her hands...I was doing my best to control myself during the situation.

"You must've come from really far away then, Christopher." She gently murmured.

"Y-Yeah...I did...but it was worth it since I got to meet you..."

"Aww...Christopher...you flatter me too much..."

"Well, that's okay, right? You're my fiancee, silly."

"Heehee, but that still doesn't mean you could spoil me like this..."

"Mm? I haven't even begun spoiling you as yet..."

"Oh?" Eloise tilted her head in curiosity at my statement. "Do you have anything in mind, honey?"

"Well...we still haven't spent the night together yet. So I was thinking tonight we could."

"Oooh, I'd like that!" She seemed to fully approve of my request, as she jumped up ever so slightly on my thighs. "Heehee, a night together with my fiancee...that sounds wonderful!" Then suddenly, her face drooped from elated, to partially saddened. "...But are you sure you wouldn't want to spend it with Roselina, honey? You two just reunited after all."

"Oh...that's right..." Yeah, Roselina would want to spend the night with me tonight...I probably should since she's my sister... Once more, I met her gaze. "...I could always ask her about it though. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I spent it with you instead."

"Mmm...I don't know...Roselina's pretty scary..."

"Hahahaha, wait, scary? She's not scary!" I laughed a little at Eloise's response. To my amazement, she actually wasn't kidding! Pouting a little, she took her hands off my face, and folded her arms in front of me.

"She really is!" She exclaimed, "Didn't you see the look she gave me when we first met? That was even scarier than the time the noble tried to kidnap me today!" Next, the little girl swiftly bobbed her head, bouncing a bit, which made her little breasts jiggle just enough for me to notice it through her folded arms...I couldn't take my eyes off them.

"W-Whoa..." Eloise...

"Huh? Christopher?" She quickly took note of where my eyes were locked onto. "O-Oh..." And she too, looked at that spot. With an immensely red face, she gently removed her arms, revealing her bare chest. "W-Well...if...if you really want to see them then...s-sure...I...I don't mind if it's my fiancee..."

"A-Ah! S-Sorry, E-Eloise I-" I was halted mid-sentence by a sudden kiss to my mouth. She pressed her lips onto mine heavily, kissing my passionately. I melted into her warm embrace, and returned the action.

After the smooch was over, she leaned over to my ear, and whispered but one sentence that made my heart race.

"Christopher...I love you..."