
Not Your Typical Fairy Tale

Killed in an attempt to rescue his sister from being run over, Christopher Hallowswift is greeted by the Elder God Amaterasu-the God who rules over all others. He is given a second chance to live, and is reincarnated to a world filled with beastmen, demons, elves, and many, many dangers. At first Christopher tries to live a normal life, but soon he discovers just how dangerous and hellish the world really is. Join Christopher Hallowswift as he journies through the wonderful new realm with his cute familiar by his side!

ChristianWrites · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 3-3: Meeting With the Azelfarian Royalties

Christopher and his party were on the way to the Azelfarian Empire with both prince Marquis, and his final remaining knight tied up in the carriage they took. Looking down at him, Christopher smirked in his direction.

"Don't worry, Marquis. We're almost there." He stated.

"Yeah, but...Christopher, if what he said was true, won't this be an act of violence against the kingdom? What if they start war against Aznos?"

"Hmm...well if that happens, we'll just kill them all, right? That'll be a piece of cake since we're disciples of Amaterasu. Right Azure?"

"Yes, master. Just don't fight them without me though, you're not skilled enough to fight on your own like you did in the Underworld." Azure replied to Christopher's announcement. Roselina sort of agreed with what he said, though she was uncomfortable. Same as Christopher, she wasn't really aware of how people in the new world usually acted, but she'd seen enough of television to know what they were doing could be seen as an act of aggression, and those more often than not, let to war.

"Mmm...I guess..." She viewed Christopher's confident demeanour, and smiled. "...Yeah. If a war did start against the two kingdoms, we'd win. We've got our familiars, and we're pretty good with a sword..." Next, she gave Christopher a slightly disappointed glare, "...Or at least me, Deva and Azare are..."

"Ahaha..." As if he read her thoughts, he was aware of what she meant. That was a mistake Christopher swore he'd never commit again...being careless on the battlefield.

Eloise glanced around until her eyes fell upon Deva. She was mesmerized by her gorgeous body.

"Deva...she's so pretty..." She murmured. Deva sat beside Roselina, and was leaned up against her shoulder. Her lengthy white hair was draped onto her back like a blanket, glimmering in the sunlight.

"Mmm...Roselinaaaaaa...how much longer..."

"No idea. You bored, Deva?"

"Yeahhhhhhhh..." Deva, yawning, sluggishly answered. "...At least we're not walking anymore..."

"Mm. That was the worst...I seriously miss cars..." Roselina slumped over, and sighed. "...Booo..."

Nearly half a day later, they at last arrived at the Azelfarian Empire's entrance.

"Clear." There were three knights stationed at the massive wooden gate, they were checking the incoming carriages. Each one of them were beastmen.

"Clear." Another carriage checked, Christopher and his party were next.

"...Psst, Azure. Use your magic to make the prince and knight invisible so we don't get caught."

"Huh? O-Oh, yes master." Just before the knights arrived, prince Marquis and his remaining knight were made unseeable. While that did diminish any unwanted attention from the Azelfarian beastman soldiers, that didn't negate the fact that the party had a human with them...which wasn't very common in the Azelfarian Empire.

"Huh? A human?" One of the three knights said, their eyes fixated on Eloise. "What business does a human have in the beastman Empire?"


"Don't worry, she's with me." Christopher swiftly stated, "She's my fiancee, and we're not here to cause any trouble."

"Hmph. We'll see. Next." Thankfully, those knights bought his explanation, and they were allowed entry. Well, that was much easier than gaining entry to Elysium...

The Azelfarian Empire was a home strictly to beastmen, no humans, elves, or any other species was allowed refuge there. First founded after the great war which freed demi-humans from the slavery of humans, any human to set foot inside the kingdom's walls were immediately put to death. However, this changed soon after. The current rulers of the kingdom were descended from wolves, which made them the worst enemies of those descended from foxes, such as Christopher and his sister. The wolf species specialized in leadership, brute strength, and ambushes, and never go into battle alone, which made them excellent fighters.

Christopher was aware of the species of the royalties, but wasn't hesitant to near them. Though he wondered, if the royalties were all wolves, then why was prince Marquis a human?

The Azelfarian Empire's buildings and homes were made of stone and concrete, and resembled homes from the early 1800's. The ground was constructed with yellowstone, evenly laid in all directions. The tallest and most majestic sight was the Azelfarian Empire's castle, which towered over the kingdom. From where the party stood, they received a good look at the castle's stone structure, coloured a deep grey. There was a draw bridge at the base, with a large moat preventing access without the bridge.

The party of six departed from the carriage with the prince and knight, Azure turning herself invisible to carry the two.

"Hey...Are you certain this is alright, Christopher?" Promptly, Eloise signalled her fiancee, who nodded in reply.

"Yeah, they're the ones who attacked us, so we have every right to do this." He spoke. Eloise's disturbed gaze refused to falter as she pondered.

"Mm. I guess..."

"Heyyy now, don't worry! We'll have this over with in no time! And if they really do decide to attack Aznos, we'll just kick their asses right back here! Don't worry about a thing, Eloise!"

"A-Ahh! R-Roselina..?!"

All of a sudden, in an attempt to cheer her up, Roselina launched herself toward Eloise, and wrapped her arms around the girl's neck, peering gleefully toward her eyes.

"Come onnnn, you've gotta have more faith in us...aren't you my elder brother's fiancee?"

"Y-Yes...I...I am..." Eloise, terrified, answered.

"Then trust in him more. Whatever happens, Christopher and I can solve it all! Just like back at home, right bro?"

"That's right." Christopher responded. He looked toward the two girls with a slight chuckle. "Don't worry, Eloise. Remember what I told you when we were bathing together? I've got your back, I promise."



At first she was touched from what he told her, but then her entire face twisted up in both shock, and embarrassment. Christopher was of course bewildered by the expression, but he soon realised, the reason for it...

"Christopherrrrrr!!!! Don't just say we had a bath together out loud! It's embarrassing...!"

"A-Ahh! S-Sorry, E-Eloise! I-" Then he looked at his sister. Roselina was staring at him with contempt in her eyes, her hands slowly moving to the hilt of her sword. She was completely unaware the two had already bathed with one another.

"R-Roselina..?" He fearfully called her name. Deva, seeing their reactions, watched with curiosity at her partner.

"Hm? What's the matter Roselina?" She innocently inquired. Swiftly, Roselina drew her blade and swiped at Christopher, and by a hair's breath, he managed to parry.

"W-What in the-?!"

"Christopher...what did you and Eloise do in the bath..?"

"N-Nothing! W-We just washed each other's backs and...uh..." Crap, I can't tell her that we kissed and cuddled...! She'd freak out! "...Uhh..."

"R-Roselina..! W-We d-d-d-didn't do much! Ch-Christopher and I just...k-kissed and washed each other...it...it was nice..." Eloise shrunk back during the remark, her face beet red from the statement. "...Mmm..."

"Washed...each other..?" Though Roselina was stunned. She shot her gaze toward her brother, who in turn, anxiously laughed. "B-but even we haven't..."

"C-Come on, Roselina...calm down..."



"St-Stupid!!" Quickly, she sheathed her blade, then pouted. She refused to look at Christopher's face any longer. "L-Let's just get this mission done and over with...Come on, Deva, Azare, we're going!"

"Yes, master."

"Oh, okay Roselina!"

"H-hey! W-Wait up!! D-Don't just leave us here!!" Deva, Azare and Roselina took off without Eloise, Azure and Christopher at the fox-human's command, leaving the other three behind for to Christopher, apparently no reason. How clueless he was to not see Roselina's disturbed face. "Hmph...bathing with that stupid girl...I'm his sister...so why does she get special treatment and not me...stupid Christopher..."

Now then, finally reaching the castle, two guards presented themselves before the party, each appeared to be a species similar to theirs, wolfmen. Wolves in that world were seen as superior to foxes, foxes supposedly couldn't stand wolves, the species was and always had been sworn enemies. When they caught sight of them, the guards raised their spears, and aimed them directly toward Roselina and Christopher.

"Halt! State your business!" The one on the left said, his greyish-black ears twitched as his long bushy tail stood at attention.

"I am Christopher Hallowswift, and this is my fiancee, Eloise, princess of the Aznozian Empire. We demand an audience with your king, please."

"P-princess? We received no word on a princess's arrival." The guards stared at them, their eyes piercing into their flesh enough to send a slight chill down Christopher's spine. Not lowering the spears, the wolves huffed, continuing, "Liars, you're spies! Get outta here!"

"W-Whoa, w-we don't want any trouble, buddy! We just wanna see your king!"

"Y-yeah!! W-We're not lying! Your prince attacked our kingdom, and we want answers!"

"Mhm!! It's true!"

Christopher, Eloise and Roselina respectively stated their cases, but the wolves were having none of it. They raised their muscular arms, and waved it across their faces, shaking their head in denial of the party's entry into the castle.

"Hmph, and what proof have you brought to us about it?" They asked.

"Proof?" At first, Christopher was at a loss, but then he suddenly realised something. "Ohhh, you want proof!" Then, a mischievous smirk appeared on his lips. Deva promptly noticed it, and knew exactly what he wanted.

"U-Um, Ch-Christopher...are..."

"Azure. Revoke your invisibility, and show them the boy."


"Yes, master. I shall do as you say."

Right then, the prince of the Azelfarian Empire, along with his final remaining knight appeared in the wolves' immediate gaze. The bloodied body of prince William Marquis, and the absolutely petrified face of the knight shocked them to the core. They were both tied up with gags around their mouths and noses, just barely were they able to breathe.

"P-Prince Marquis..!"

"W-What the hell?!" On instinct, they moved ever so slightly toward them, but Christopher was having none of it. He promptly drew his blade, then faced his palm toward them, signalling them to not move an inch.

"Ah-Ah-Ah, not unless you give us an audience with your king." Was his one and only demand.

"Grr...y-you damned fox! What are you gonna do, wage war against our kingdom?!"

"Well, depending on the circumstances, I'd fucking kill you all for what your prince did to my future wife. But if all goes well, none of you would have to die."

"Huhhh....?" Christopher blatantly made his remark to the wolves, who were stunned by his words. They didn't laugh at him, nor did they do anything. Despite his species, they knew by just the look in his eyes that he was genuine. Ultimately, they were left with no choice but to comply.

With the knights alerting the royalty of their visit, the party made it into the castle of the Azelfarian Empire. Christopher refused to withdraw his blade, knowing that he was in potential enemy territory. Roselina shared his feelings.

Entering into the throne room, there were three individuals. Two of them were the king and queen, and one, their daughter, Princess Zarouhi Azelfare, heir to the Azelfarian Empire. Her excellent swordsmanship, incredible speed, and intense alertness gave her the nickname of 'The Flash' among the citizens and knights alike.

<Zarouhi Azelfare>

"Hello there, oh King and Queen of this fair kingdom. I am Christopher Hallowswift, fiancee to the princess of the Aznozian Kingdom. It is a pleasure."

"Bwaah!! Oof! M-Mom! D-Dad!!" Christopher introduced himself to the royalties with a mocking voice, bowing toward them with a hand on his chest. Azure threw the prince and his knight toward them, ensuring that they were both still tied up.

"What is the meaning of this? Who are you? What are you doing here?!"

"P-Prince Marquis..?!"

"M-mom, d-dad, w-whatever you do, don't make him mad, okay?! H-He's a demon-a monster-th-the devil rein-"

"Shut up."



Right in front of the royalties, Christopher approached the prince, and kicked him in the head, straight on his left eye. His eye was immediately shut, and the force pushed him back onto the ground with an ear-splitting yelp.

"Hmph. Stupid prince, doing all that to my fiancee...if the king and queen would just have allowed me to...I would've killed you long ago."

"Ha...hah.....nngfhaw...*shiver*" He stared at him, his face pale with fright, his body completely shaken. Marquis had the mindset that he really was going to perish, he regretted messing with the Aznozian Empire. Tears falling from his eyes, he pleaded with Christopher, "NO! PLEASE!! I-I DON'T WANT TO DIE!! PLEASE, SPARE ME!!!"

"And why should I?! You tried to kidnap my fiancee! You grabbed her right in front of her parents, and held a knife at her throat! Why shouldn't I kill you?!"


"Who cares if there's a war! Right after I kill you, I'll kill your sister, and your parents, along with all the knights here like I did with Babalonia!"

"*Shiver*" After hearing that, his mind went blank. "W-What..? Y-You..."

Christopher smirked evilly at the boy, but all was interrupted by the king's voice.

"Hrrm...such arrogant behaviour...Christopher Hallowswift...what did Prince Marquis do exactly to the your finacee, Princess of Azelfarian Kingdom?"

The foxhuman turned toward the three royalties, and shot daggers at them. If they're the ones who permitted Marquis to do this...I'm going to kill them. If not, then...

"Your highnesses, your son Marquis barged into my fiancee's kingdom, and demanded he took her as his bride, threatening to send in his army to storm the place otherwise. I, along with my sister, and our familiars were there when he ordered his knights to take her." Christopher responded to them. "There were about three or four knights in total, the familiars and I killed them all, and Marquis was damaged as well."

"And how badly was he damaged?"

"..." He peered at Marquis, then back to Azure. On command, Azure hovered over, and held her hand out to the prince. Within five seconds, all his armour fell off his body, revealing his damaged flesh.

"Hmmmm..." Prince Marquis's skin was penetrated by his armour upon crashing into the wall at the Aznozian Kingdom's throne room, the silver armour dug into his flesh, and cut it open at the sides. He was continually bleeding, and the tightness of the rope around him wasn't helping at all-it was making it worse.

"Nnrng..." But he dared not to even say a word to the party-he fearing death by Christopher's hand.

"I see." The king said. "You truly are ruthless, for a boy your age, Christopher."

"Hmph. I'm only ruthless when an action someone does affects my party members."

"Mhm. That is right." Azure nodded to his remark.

"Let me ask you this, you majesties. Was it you who permitted this fool to enter the Aznozian Empire, and take the princess?" Christopher's question intrigued the others, Roselina stared intensely, Azare still with her neutral gaze. Deva and Eloise's unwavering gazes were locked onto the royalties.

"Was it?" Roselina, in turn, questioned. "If it was, you'll be sorry!"

"Y-Yeah! That was super-duper mean, you know?!" Deva shouted out.

"..." Azare remained silent.

"Oho, and what do you hope to do, fox?"

"...?" Suddenly, Zarouhi, the heir to the throne, spoke out. She had her peepers locked onto the siblings, her ears and tail twitching.

"What was that?" Roselina inquired. She sensed anger radiating from the wolf.

"I said, what do you hope to do, fox? Your species is inferior to the proud race of wolves. Just go on, run back into your den and stay there like you people always do."

"Huhh..?" Roselina had never heard something like that before, she didn't know how to respond to it. Instead, she ended up chuckling a little. "Uhh, what do you mean by that?"

"You don't know?" Zarouhi stated. "Hmph, typical of a fox..."

"..." The siblings both locked gazes on her. Christopher was aware of the situation between wolves and foxes from Azure-wolves seeing themselves as superior to foxes. But Roselina didn't. Before Roselina spoke, Christopher said to Zarouhi, "...We know, princess. But that is none of your, or our concern right now. I want my answer, and I want it now."

"You dare speak-"

"Zarouhi, enough." The king silenced her, and she obeyed. Though for the rest of the meeting, she stared toward the boy.

"Christopher Hallowswift, my son, prince William Marquis, was not given permission of any sort to invade the Aznozian Kingdom, and steal the princess-your fiancee. You and your kingdom have my humblest apologies for any trouble he caused. And my sincerest apologies to the princess as well."

"H-Hm?" Eloise walked up beside her fiancee with her arms around his. "O-oh...w-well..."

"You do not have to accept the apology, but know that we are deeply sorry. I shall have Marquis severely punished for his actions against you, and for nearly initiating a war between the beastmen of this empire and your human kingdom."

"Good. If he does this again..." Christopher raised his sword against the king and queen, activating his Clairvoyant Eye in the process, "...I shall personally take both of your heads."


"...I understand." The king solemnly responded, narrowing his vision onto him, "I take it you will be leaving now?"

"Hmph, yes, you are correct. We'll be on our way." Christopher sheathed his weapon. He wasn't satisfied in the least from his meeting with the royalties-he wanted to have his revenge. But because of the king of the Aznozian Kingdom's wishes, he found himself unable to. Not long after, the party bid the royalties farewell, and took their leave.

"Hmm...what a troublesome bunch of individuals. Isn't that right, dear? You should've taken care of them when you had the chance."



"I'm afraid that wouldn't be so easy, dear." It was after the party had departed. The king ordered his knights to restrain Prince Marquis to his room, and guard the entrance. The queen, Princess Zarouhi, and himself were left both troubled, and bewildered by what had happened.

"That boy...did you notice anything strange about his behaviour?" The king questioned. Christopher left quite an impression on him...and not particularly a good one.

"Hmph, that boy was a fool. Can you believe he had the audacity to speak to us like that? We are proud, noble, gracious wolves, and HE, a puny fox had the guts to speak to us like that? Outrageous! How could he?!" The queen ranted, not one of them had ever seen something like that.

The king on the other hand, he sensed something peculiar. The look in his eyes, his stance, the aura he emitted, it was not of that world. Something was off about him, and he knew it.

"But it can't be..." Looking back upon what had just unfolded, the king came to one conclusion. "...I must speak to the boy again."



"No buts. Seven days from now, we shall go to the Aznozian Kingdom, and request an audience with Christopher Hallowswift. I must find out who he truly is."

"B-But he's just a fox! There's nothing special about him at all! How could you-"

"You foolish woman! Just because he's a fox, doesn't mean he's inferior to us!"

"W-What? B-but-!"" King Azelfarian glared furiously at the queen as Zarouhi remained completely silent. The look in his eyes clearly showed his wish to meet with Christopher once more. Why though? He's just a fox, what's special about him?

The king wished to have an audience with him, and that, he was determined to receive, even if it meant a disgrace to him, and his status in the eyes of his queen and daughter.