
Chapter 15

Finally, it was time for the engagement party of Anthony and Sophia.

It was decided that there won't be an engagement party but Anthony's mother wanted one anyway. " My son only marry once" she used as an excuse. At the end, both of Anthony and Sophia accepted.

Emilia decorated beautifully their home. It was decorated mostly with golden color. The place was beyond beautiful and elegant.

Emilia didn't invite that much people thought, only some clause friends and families since it was made in a rush. She didn't had that much time for the preparations since it was decided at the last minutes.

Sophia and Mrs Bridget had already reached the place sooner, they helped Emilia to prepare the party and they were quite proud of the results.

It was finally time for them to get ready, Sophia and Mrs Bridget already brought their things to Anthony's house since the already knew that they won't have time to return at their place anymore.

_"Now, we should get ready." Said Emilia seeing that it was quite late and the first guest would arrive soon.

_"Were should we get read?" Sophia asked Emilia.

_"Well, you are going to the guest house..." Emilia instructed but then stopped when she realized something. "...oh no, we are still repairing the bathroom there." She face palmed herself. "Mrs Bridget, you come with me and Sophia you go get ready in Anthony's room." She instructed seeing no other choice.

They were already quite late so they needed to get ready in a hurry.

_"In Anthony's room?" She asked doubtful.

Sophia felt uncomfortable with that, changing in Anthony's room without his permission, it was invading his privacy.

_"It's okey dear." Emilia assured her. But somehow, deep inside her, she knew that it was not okey.

Anyway, she did as Emilia told her, she needed to hurry. She followed Emilia as she showed her Anthony's room.

_"This is Anthony's room. You go get ready inside there and Mrs Bridget and I will go to my room...see you later." And with that, Emilia and Mrs Bridget left her alone on the hallway before Anthony's room.

Sophia that it was not a good idea but she didn't have any other choice. She took a moment before opening the door, slowly, giving a little peak inside as if afraid that there would be someone in there before deciding to enter the room.

She closed the door. She was inside Anthony's room! She was amazed as how things were so clean and arranged. Everything was in place. But then, she were talking about Anthony, the contrary would astonished her.

Remembering that she had to change quickly, she left her stuff in a little corner of the house and got inside the bathroom.

The bathroom was hug, with a really good scent. It smelled Anthony she thought. She turn on the tap, filling the bathtub with warm water. Ready, she stepped inside it and at the moment she sunk inside the water, her body relaxed instantly.

She was using Anthony's product so she kind of smelled like him.

She was enjoying her bath when suddenly the door opened. She jerked out of the water surprised by it.

It was Anthony, standing in all his glory before her. His top was naked, his inferior part covered only by a little towel.

Sophia couldn't take her eyes off his body. She was amazed of how he was so well built.

Only then after some minutes that she realized that jerking out of the water was a wrong move from her, she was totally naked! And as soon as she realized it, she sat down in the bathtub, hiding her body in the water.

She was totally embarrassed.

At that moment, she wanted to disappear completely, she wanted to sink in the water, she pried to be swallowed by the ground. Never in her life had she such an embarrassment.

She felt it. The moment Emilia had asked her to go to Anthony's room, she knew that something, not good was going to happy. And she was right!

_"What are you doing here?" He asked surprised to see her in his bathroom.

_"I...umm..I..." Sophia tried to speak but was to embarrassed to formulate a proper sentence. Her cheeks were as red as a potato.

Anthony didn't say anything, he left the bathroom and closed it.

_"Finish whatever you are doing and get out of my room." He ordered with anger before storming out of his room.

Sophia then even felt more embarrassed. She didn't know if she ever she would be able to face him again.

After some minutes, she finally finished her bath, wrapped a towel around her body and get out of the bathroom. She took a back from the corner where she put it and was about to go out when she hit something with her bag making it fall on the floor.

It was a photo farm which contain a picture of Luisa and Anthony but it fell on its back so she didn't saw it. At least not yet.

She picked it up and was going to look at the picture when for the second time of day, she was surprised by an opening door.

It was Anthony who expected her to already out, but wasn't yet.

She let the picture fell from her hand and this time it was broken.

Afraid, she picked it up on the floor with the pieces of the broken glass.

Anthony was beyond raged, seeing the girl broking his picture with Luisa.

Immediately, he took harshly the broken frame from Sophia, not even paying attention that he could hurt Sophia with the pieces of the broken glass.

Indeed, Sophia's hand was cut by the broken glass but Anthony didn't notice it and she didn't complain too.

_"Who told you to touch my thing." He yelled with anger.

Sophia was so surprised by his anger. She knew that it would make him angry seeing her invading his privacy but not that much.

_"I..I..It fell on the floor so I pic..." Sophia tried to explain but Anthony didn't listen to her.

_"Didn't I told you to get out of my room?" He looked at her with so much anger.

_"Get out.." he ordered to her.

Sophia wanted to move but her feet seemed to be paralyzed making her unable to move.

_"Get out!" Anthony yelled and after only that that her body had moved. She grabbed her bag and get out worriedly still with her towel.

At the end, Sophia didn't saw the picture in the frame.

Sophia finished her preparation in the guest room. She was not really good with make up so she just did her lips and with a little mascara. Her hair was attached in a high ponytail. She wore a simple dress that goes to her knees that she wore with a pair of stilettos.

She was ready.

Sophia went to the room where Emilia and Mrs Bridget was. She knocked on the door and waited for Emilia to let her in before entering.

The two ladies were almost done. Well, Emilia was completely done, Mrs Bridget was the only one left.

Looking at the girl, Emilia couldn't help but to feel guilty.

Guilty about what she was doing to her. Guilty for not telling her anything about what is waiting for her. She felt guilty for lying to her. She knew that her son loved an another woman that she won't find love with him yet she was organizing their union. She was setting her practically to hell. Every woman wants to be loved by their husband and she as one very well know it but she isn't doing anything to stop it.

What could she probably do, it is her duty as a wife to support her husband's decision and as a mother, she only wants her son to be happy.

During the moments where she had to be with Sophia, she learned to know her, she even began to treat her as her own daughter!

No, she doesn't hate Luisa. On the contrary, she loved her too. She loved her because she is the one that made her son happy and that's all she want. She loved her because she was the one that Anthony loved. But her love for her was different from her love for Sophia.

For Sophia, she developed a motherly love, like Sophia was the daughter that she has never had.

So she felt guilty to inflict that to her.

At first, she didn't agree with her husband, wanting to marry her son to someone that he doesn't love but Anthony's father didn't want to hear anything about it so she gave up at the end. She knew that her Husband loved their son and he only wants the best for him so she resigned herself by the thought that it was for Anthony's shake.

Emilia shook away her thoughts and composed herself.

"You are beautiful." Emilia complimented Sophia looking at her with her eye glimmering with wonderment.

Sophia was never used to receive compliments from others less for her beauty. Receiving that compliment from Emilia made hr somehow uncomfortable, her cheeks were turning red but somehow she managed to utter shily a thank you.

Finally, Mrs Bridget was ready.

_"I'm done!" Mrs Bridget informed then.

_"Then what are we waiting? Let us go." And with that Emilia grabbed Sophia's hand, guiding her to the door but she stopped when she felt something on her hand.

Emilia looked on the thing that was disturbing her. How surprised she was when she found a bandage!

_"What happened?" Emilia asked Sophia with concern but before Sophia could answer, Mrs Bridget rushed to her side and at her turn asked what happened to her hand.

_"Well it is nothing" Sophia nervously answered. She didn't want to talk about the little incident earlier in the bathroom, she didn't want to think about it, just at the mention of it she could feel her body hot for shame remembering how humiliating it was.

Looking closer to her little wound, the two women saw that it was not a big deal, just a little wound.

Finally, the three of them got down, Mr Ambrose already waited for his wife at the reception.

Guests started to arrive, Emilia introduced Sophia to her guests

Anthony was still upstair, he didn't want to take part to the craziness that was happening just under his eyes.

Sophia was waiting for her father. Her father informed her hours ago that he was going to be a little bit late since something important that he couldn't delay occurred. Sophia was then dragged between people that she barely know. Emilia went to verify if everything was ok in the kitchen so she left her alone. She was in the middle of strangers that made her feel a little bit uncomfortable.

One guest that just arrived catched her attention. The guest had a blonde hair, she was tall and dressed in a beautiful golden dress.

Sophia was amazed by her beauty, never in her life had she sawn someone as beautiful as that woman. She was all every could wish for.

Sophia watched intensely the girl and saw a waiter accidentally fall and poured the drink that he was caring to the girl.

The girl's dress was ruined.

Sophia saw from afar the scene before her, she could she the anger on the girl's face. Who wouldn't feel the same at her place? And the fear in the waiter's face.

It was not waiter's fault though, it was an accident.

Sophia didn't wait any longer and went to the girl with an handkerchief.