

The princess was pressured by her mother as being the first child and legitimate daughter of the Emperor, her father to get married so she could be able to access the throne and lead her people like her father always wanted while the major and commander as the Emperor's fore men wanted the adopted son of the Emperor to rule in regards to the fact that he was a male. They believed they would lose respect from the neighbouring provinces if it is heard that a woman leads an empire. The princess in this note, faked a marriage with a close friend of hers who wasn't from that province. With time, he found an amulet belonging to the late Emperor which was the perfect match of his mom's. Combining the two, forms a heart shaped gemstone. He told the Princess out of excitement that he has found his real dad. His mom has told him about him before but never told him he was royalty. The princess reminded him they were in a contract of faked marriage. After the contract is done, he can go make it known. She felt he was not going to make anything out of his recent finding because the dad in question is late already; but when it was made known, the major was on his side and is ready to fight with him through the hearts of the people to make them accept him as emperor. With the quest for power so he could take revenge on his mother's clan people for traumatizing him for an accident he knew nothing of. The Empress was with her daughter and would want her to rule her people with grace. Emilia has grown in the castle and around her father, so; she knows the ways of royalty better and it's her father's wish too to see her become the first ruling Empress in the whole of the seven provinces. It's a battle of the fittest! But when the case was brought before the royal court, Emilia confessed she was already with a child growing in her for Mario. With series of check-ups, It was confirmed and Mario was made to pick a choice between continuing the marriage with Emilia leading as Empress or find a new life outside the castle be it within the empire or not but the Emperor's wealth would be divided into two and he would possess half of it. The choice was difficult which made him revolt into a protest. On the day of final court hearing on what decision he made, the princess was missing. She never showed up in court and a search party was set up to find her. Things can never get any messier!

Chukx_Whyte · Urbain
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10 Chs


"This is absurd to my hearing. How could you say Wendy said all that to you? And how could I have asked her to help me with chores when the only thing I do each day was wake up, feed and water the animals. Not all the time do I help in cleaning the arena. There are young women who do that! Honestly, what I do know is that one of you must be telling a lie or hiding something. It is either Wendy is telling a lie or You two are." Mario said with hands on his chin and elbows resting on the rail attached to his wagon in a thinking position. "Princess, what do you suggest we do now? Because you told me you promised her you would speak with Mario and find out if he truly loves her and get back information to her". Tania said with an emotionless face. "We have to be players in her own game. I am sure we would definitely beat her. She is up to something we know nothing of yet but we would definitely find out." Emily said walking around, trying to figure out what Wendy might be up to. "I would go back to her and tell her about how we looked everywhere for Mario and could not find him. And if she approaches you anytime", she said, tuning to Mario. "Tell her you never saw us and it might be because your old man here asked you to go to Yak Town to pick up new parrots for the circus. Okay?" she said to Mario who was already nodding to her statement. "Princess, I think we should get going so your mother would not notice our absence for so long. Worse still, the emperor, your father! We do not want to get into any sticky situation with him", Tania said as she took hold of the princess' hand. "Alright, Mario, we would keep meeting as usual, nothing changes. Talk to everyone the same way you've always done. Please don't mess this up okay?" Emily said and squeezed Tania's hand mildly and she pulled her alongside. They walked away to the stable, borrowed a horse and rode home. "Welcome princess. Your father had been worried sick about where you were. So i had to tell him that you took Tania with you to take a walk around the gates. Should incase you were asked, tell him the same." Wendy said and walked away. Emily didn't waited for her father to ask after her, she went to him herself. "Father, i was just returning from a walk with Tania and Wendy called me to say you were worried about where i've been. I'm safe dad." Emily said, smooching her left arm with her right hand. "I am so happy you are safe. But why the face. Whenever you begin this move, you've always have something to ask. What is it this time?" Arthur asked his only daughter, pulling her by the arm closer to himself. "Daddy, I have something to ask of you. I do not know to say this for quiet sometime now but maybe i think i have enough courage to do so now." She said scratching her hair. "Go ahead daughter!" He said, taking her hand off her head and pulled her close to a warm embrace, giving her the comfort to say whatever it is she has been keeping for long now. "Father, can I keep friends outside the walls of this castle?" he asked with a shaky voice. "Oh my princess, I know someday you would come up to ask me this. Let me be so open to you honey. Being royalty is a very demanding status. Everybody expects you to be perfect. They see you as super human that is similar to a god. They would all want to associate with you if you decide to go down there to mix yourself up with them. Some thugs would see you as a means of getting fortune to themselves and that's something i cannot want to happen to you. "But dad, I am aware of all these and would be happy if I can be seen as a grown up that I am. I am not stooping so low, I just want to know how it feels like to connect with those people and besides they are my people. I should have this mild intimate relationship with them so they could understand the kind of person I am." Emily said. I totally understand honey. Well, you can do whatever you want, just be extremely careful not to get into trouble with anybody. Do not stay out late and most importantly, do not go out alone. If you vow to keep to my instruction, then you can have your way. Life don't seem rough on the outside but in reality, its rougher than the carribean seas on stormy times". Arthur said as he let go of his soft grip on her arm and walked towards the major who was not far from the entrance door signaling him to come urgently. Emily smiled to herself and walked-run to Tania first and broke her newly found freedom to her. "My father finally let me have a life outside the walls of this horrible castle! But he also made me vow to stay out of troubles, not come back late and always go into town em if she with someone. I must not go alone!" She said excitedly to Tania who was just watching the princess express so much joy. "Thats nice princess. Would you like to meet with my parents? Tania asked. "With pleasure!" Emily replied but on the other hand, Wendy was eavesdropping. She was glad everything is working according to how she planned. She knew that the princess would ask her father's permission to let her have a life outside the castle soon but she have been waiting for this day so long so she can begin her plot. The moment she heard the princess agreeing to go see Tania's family, Wendy knew she needs to move out faster than them if she actually want the princess humiliated. This has been the top plan of she and the major. Creating any incident that would bring humiliation to the princess and the palace so that her people would lose belief in her. "My princess you have to go now and get dressed so that we would leave soon and return before it's dark" Tania said pulling Emily along as she walked briskly to the princess' room. "Hey! would your mom feel comfortable if I ask her to show me the market?" Emily asked, adjusting her hair band and brushing her hair while Tania did the back laces of her purple gown. While they prepared for their outing inside town, Wendy was putting things in place to ruin the day. She made contact with two town boys who were both pre-teens of 12 and 13 years old respectively to follow Emily and Tania and make sure something relevant goes missing and must be found in their carriage. Emily got into trouble but something narrow happened, and Wendy was bursted.

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