

The princess was pressured by her mother as being the first child and legitimate daughter of the Emperor, her father to get married so she could be able to access the throne and lead her people like her father always wanted while the major and commander as the Emperor's fore men wanted the adopted son of the Emperor to rule in regards to the fact that he was a male. They believed they would lose respect from the neighbouring provinces if it is heard that a woman leads an empire. The princess in this note, faked a marriage with a close friend of hers who wasn't from that province. With time, he found an amulet belonging to the late Emperor which was the perfect match of his mom's. Combining the two, forms a heart shaped gemstone. He told the Princess out of excitement that he has found his real dad. His mom has told him about him before but never told him he was royalty. The princess reminded him they were in a contract of faked marriage. After the contract is done, he can go make it known. She felt he was not going to make anything out of his recent finding because the dad in question is late already; but when it was made known, the major was on his side and is ready to fight with him through the hearts of the people to make them accept him as emperor. With the quest for power so he could take revenge on his mother's clan people for traumatizing him for an accident he knew nothing of. The Empress was with her daughter and would want her to rule her people with grace. Emilia has grown in the castle and around her father, so; she knows the ways of royalty better and it's her father's wish too to see her become the first ruling Empress in the whole of the seven provinces. It's a battle of the fittest! But when the case was brought before the royal court, Emilia confessed she was already with a child growing in her for Mario. With series of check-ups, It was confirmed and Mario was made to pick a choice between continuing the marriage with Emilia leading as Empress or find a new life outside the castle be it within the empire or not but the Emperor's wealth would be divided into two and he would possess half of it. The choice was difficult which made him revolt into a protest. On the day of final court hearing on what decision he made, the princess was missing. She never showed up in court and a search party was set up to find her. Things can never get any messier!

Chukx_Whyte · Urban
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10 Chs


"My mother would be more than happy to meet you. You should hurry princess, we are running out of time" Tania said hurrying over the final touches on Emily's makeup. They were done with the makeover and dressing ups and are on their way to go to see Mrs Deborah, Tania's mom. The kids hid beside the pillars in front of the gates waiting for them to leave. Finally they were out. The first kid whistled in a manner that told the other that they were out. After they are about 10 feet away, they came out of their hiding places and followed them silently, unnoticed and closely. They took off on a royal chariot. Took some jars of peanut butter, two wraps of white roses and one basket filled with red roses, some wild lilies and hibiscus in purple and red petals; specially hand picked by the two young women for this purpose since Tania's mom is obsessed with flowers and peanut butter. "How many long is the distance between the castle and your home? cause I am getting weaker and bored. Now I am missing the fact that we are not boarding Mario's chariot." Emily said, letting her head fall back to the cushion on the neck region of the seat. The trip was short and smooth and finally they arrives at Tania's home. Her mom was already sitted in the balcony, legs crossed, the right on the left, helping her relax effortlessly as her head fought with her eys against sleep. Beside her sat her last child, Kira who was just 5 and was fully awake, her hands twirling flowers trying to make a crown out of bush lilies. "Mother, they are here! The princess and miss Tania!!!" Kira screamed as she flew on her mother's body with joy and her hands fell on her body, shaking her to awakeness to receive her daughter and royal guest."What is it this time Kira, is the black cat back, there is a food trap for it, just lead it into the kitchen!" She said, trying to wave off Kira. "No mother, the princess is here with miss Tania" Kira said running towards the alighted chariot. "Miss Tania! Oh how i've missed you!!!, she said giving her elder sister a flying hug. "Tania???!" Her mother asked. "Yes mother." Tania answered and the princess alighted with the baskets of flowers and jars peanut butters. "Princess Emily!" Kira said in a scream and ran to her, helping her with the baskets. "Mother look at what they brought!" Kira said putting downn the baskets in front of her. The scent of the roses filled her nose, for they were used to smelling flowers. "You brought me all these? She asked turning to Emily for she knew, her daughter is not a flowers person. "Yes Ma'am. Tania told me how you love flowers just as much as i do. So i hand picked them this morning for you. I hope you like them ma'am." Emily said separating the roses from the lilies and hibiscus. "Please lovelies, do come inside." Tania's mother said to the girls as she picked up the baskets and headed for her sitting room. What do i get you girls? "We are fine ma. We already ate before setting out to see you." Emily said as she dressed strands of hair on her face backwards. "Mother i came to introduce the princess to you. She have always wanted to come but the emperor's restriction was strong on her. At least she now has little liberty". Tania said smiling. "Good day ma, please we are lost and its been two days we have been hungry. Every one seems to ignore us and we are getting sick. Please, could you spare us some food and water? We would appreciate a lot.We can help you sweep and do the dishes; my brother and i" A boy said, pointing at another younger boy.These are the two boys Wendy sent to trail Emily and Tania. "Ohhh poor things! Tania's mother exclaimed as she ran to them in a warm embrace. Please do come inside. Make yourselves comfortable, lunch would soon be ready. We are having rice soup for lunch. Do you mind a bath? You two stink of forest shrubs!" Tania's mother exclaimed as she gently led them by hands to their bath. "Mother I thought you asked them for an opinion? What if they don't want to. You are forcing them!" Kira said with a frown, murmuring "Now i would have to wash the bath room before using it. I can't bear the stench of shrubs in there". Please, Lunch is ready!" Emily said, stepping out of the kitchen with Tania. "Dear princess! You are our guest and should not be made to do anything! Tania!!! What is wrong with you?!! Do you not see that you are getting loose of your manners already?" Her mom scolded. "I tried stopping her but she wouldn't stop. She have always wanted to be in the kitchen to see how meals are made. I just found this to be an opportunity to make it happen for her. "Ohh is that so? well, you could not have let her serve lunch!" She echoed and the girls laughed. "moms!" They said simultaneously. "You may now join us young lads. I forgot to ask your names." Emily said, signaling them with her two hands pointing towards the direction of the meal on the table. The table contained a set of six chairs and is circular in shape. Big enough for six adults. "We could forget about their names for now and let them eat back their strength. They need it to talk." Tania's mom said as she scoop meals into plates. Emily looked at Tania and shrugged her shoulder. Tania did same too and they looked away, took their spoons and began eating with Kira doing the questionnaire. "I heard that dragons are extinct but why is there still rumors of an existing one in the castle? Do they actually have a dragon there because i have not seen one since i was born. I was hoping to see the legendary blue scale on the day the major wanted to be prosecuted. I still do not understand what happened and it did not still later happened the way tales were going on that the legendary blue scale would surface once again after a hundred years?" Kira was still on and on with her questioning until her mom shushed her. Lunch was finally over and the girls waited as Kira and her mom did the dishes. "Let's help in the compound, one of the boys said as they stood and left. They were done with doing the dishes and Tania bidded her mother goodbye and left with the princess in their chariot but did not find the boys anywhere in the compound when they wanted to bless their day with spare foodstuffs they kept to give to beggars at the gate. The Emperor was out with the vehicle and the journey would've been faster in it. Nevertheless, it was not so late after all. They got home before the Emperor arrived.

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