
North Of Lies

"North Of Lies" is the tale of the fall and betrayal of a once-mighty Deity who ruled the Celestial Heavens itself. Cast out and sealed under a mountain, this powerful being faced eternal imprisonment. However, before things could escalate, his soul was forcefully ejected from his divine body. He was then reborn as Jin, an ordinary boy stripped of all memories of his divine origins...

zowji · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Council Preparations And Acceptance

As the sun gracefully ascended over the Academy, its radiant rays caressed the majestic spires, bathing the campus in a warm, golden glow. For Ezekiel, this day marked a significant turning point in his life as he stepped into the coveted role of Student Council President. The honour and responsibility bestowed upon him were undeniable, yet a subtle undercurrent of doubt gnawed at his thoughts. Among the illustrious peers surrounding him, he couldn't help but feel like a mere shadow, unsure if he truly deserved this prestigious position.

As he readied himself for the day ahead, Ezekiel's eyes fell upon the Carved Wooden Sword resting on his desk—a sentimental gift from his dear friend, Jin. Memories of their shared past and the promise they made to determine once and for all who was the stronger of the two flooded his mind. Now, with Jin set to embark on his own journey at King Nhasiers Grand Academy, the timing seemed perfect for their long-awaited showdown.

Ezekiel's mastery over magic was unparalleled, a prodigy whose spells unleashed an inferno of power that defied natural laws. And then there was Jin's peerless swordsmanship, a living embodiment of lethal prowess that sent tremors through anyone daring to challenge him. Their paths had diverged, but fate had brought them together again, each destined to leave a lasting mark on the Academy's history.

As Ezekiel strode through the bustling halls, he couldn't help but notice the awe and admiration reflected in the students' eyes. They saw him as a beacon of brilliance, a promise of a future adorned with greatness. However, beneath the facade of genius, he grappled with self-doubt, wondering if he truly deserved the pedestal they placed him upon. The weight of their expectations loomed large, compelling him to strive for perfection as the youngest Student Council President to grace the academy.

With the Golden badge of the academy's emblem and the Aiguillette adorning his cloak, Ezekiel wore his new mantle with pride and humility. The symbols bore witness to the responsibility he had shouldered, a testament to his commitment to lead with wisdom and compassion, guiding the academy into a future brimming with endless possibilities.

But now he's heading off to his first-ever Student Council meeting as the President.

As Ezekiel continued his walk towards the Council's room, he suddenly heard a distressed voice of a first-year student pleading for help.

"Please, why can't you just leave me alone?" The desperate plea filled the hallway, catching Ezekiel's attention.

He turned the corner to find a senior student towering over the trembling first-year. The senior's eyes were filled with disdain as he berated the younger student.

"How many times do I have to tell you this, you lowly commoner?" the senior sneered. "You're not allowed to walk around these halls."

The senior raised his hand threateningly, prepared to push the first-year to the ground. However, before he could act on his aggression, Ezekiel swiftly intervened. With calm but firm behaviour, he held the boy with his left hand, preventing him from falling, and intercepted the senior's arm.

"Seriously, what could you be doing at this time of the morning, senior?" Ezekiel's voice was laced with a mixture of curiosity and challenge. His gaze bore into the senior with a hint of righteous anger.

"Huh? The president is here?" The senior's bravado crumbled, and he stepped back in surprise, realizing the authority of the young man before him.

The freshman's hasty departure left Ezekiel facing Rayner, the senior who seemed less than thrilled with the idea of a kid several years below him assuming the role of the academy's president. Rayner crossed his arms over his chest, a smirk playing on his lips as he looked down at Ezekiel.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the prodigy of the academy, the youngest president they've ever had," Rayner said mockingly, emphasizing the word "youngest."

Ezekiel maintained his composure, standing tall and unwavering. "Age is just a number, Rayner. It's not about how old I am but what I can bring to this position and this academy."

Rayner scoffed, clearly unimpressed. "Oh please, you may have some book smarts, but you've barely scratched the surface of real power. I haven't seen anything that proves you're worthy of leading us."

Ezekiel's eyes narrowed, a flicker of determination crossing his face. "You may not have seen it yet, but I assure you, I have more strength and skill than you give me credit for."

Rayner laughed arrogantly. "Prove it then. Show me what you've got, little president."

Cedric, sensing the tension, stepped closer to Ezekiel, ready to back up his friend. "Rayner, you should know better than to underestimate Ezekiel. He's not to be taken lightly."

Rayner shrugged off Cedric's warning. "We'll see. If you're as powerful as you claim to be, let's have a little duel. Prove to me and everyone else that you deserve to be our leader."

Rayner glanced at Cedric and then back at Ezekiel, shaking his head with a self-assured grin. "You're both a bunch of kids pretending to be grown-ups. You have a long way to go before you earn any real respect."

With that, Rayner crossed his arms once more and leaned against the wall, clearly enjoying the confrontation. "I mean, you can't even wake up on time for your own bestowal ceremony. How can we trust you to lead us when you can't even handle basic responsibilities?"

Ezekiel clenched his fists, feeling the heat of anger rising within him. He took a deep breath to compose himself, not wanting to let Rayner's taunts get the best of him. "You may have your doubts, Rayner, but I won't let that deter me. Actions speak louder than words, and I'll prove myself through my dedication and hard work."

Rayner chuckled again, seemingly amused by Ezekiel's response. "Dedication and hard work, huh? We'll see about that."

With a sharp turn on his heel, Rayner stormed away, leaving Ezekiel and Cedric standing there, the tension still palpable in the air. Ezekiel could feel the surge of anger welling up inside him, ready to unleash his magical prowess in response to the senior's insolence.

But before he could act, Cedric's reassuring hand firmly gripped his wrist, halting any thoughts of retaliation. "Don't even think about it," Cedric urged, his voice steady and calm, pulling Ezekiel back from the brink. "Let's just forget about it and head towards the Council room for our meeting."

Taking a deep breath, Ezekiel felt his anger gradually ebbing away, replaced by a sense of composure. He nodded at Cedric's wise counsel. "You're right. It's not worth it," he admitted, trying to regain his focus. "We have more important things to attend to, like the council meeting and the responsibilities that come with being the president." Cedric added a touch of levity, "You don't want to ruin your first day by accidentally redecorating a part of the school, do you?"

As they proceeded toward the council room, Ezekiel's mind was still swirling with Rayner's taunting words. He knew that being the youngest president would bring its fair share of sceptics, but he was determined not to let their doubts get the best of him.

Stepping into the council room, he was greeted by the familiar faces of his fellow council members - Matteo, Vanessa, Celestina, Alonzo, and Rex, all waiting for the meeting to commence. The weight of his new role settled on his shoulders, but with his friends' support and his unwavering determination, Ezekiel was ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

"Alright, everyone, let's get this meeting started," Ezekiel said, taking his place at the head of the table. "We have a lot to discuss and plan for the upcoming year."

Throughout the meeting, Ezekiel led the discussions with confidence and poise. He listened to each member's input and made decisions based on what he believed was best for the academy and its students.

"That concludes everything for today's agenda." Ezekiel stretched his arms, feeling the strain of the long meeting finally easing.

"Indeed, but for next week, we also need to prepare the welcome ceremony for the students," Vanessa added, her voice displaying her efficiency and dedication.

"That is true, and we'll be drawn out of all classes for the whole day," Alonzo said, rubbing his temples with a slightly exasperated expression.

"Well, you are the idiot who thought that quantum magic theory was easy," Matteo burst out laughing, playfully teasing Alonzo.

"Even geniuses can struggle, Teo, what don't you get?" Alonzo retorted, taking it all in good humour.

"Hmph, lucky for me and Vanessa, we have free periods for that day, unlike you losers," Celestina chimed in, adding a mischievous grin. "Andddd we're going to look for the new pretty boys entering this academy as well..." Her eyes twinkled with excitement.

"Celestina, that's only you. I personally believe that there's no one attractive in this entire academy," Vanessa stated matter-of-factly, her arms crossed, and her expression unchanged.

"Come on, Vanessa, surely there must be a boy out there that catches your eye," Celestina nudged her, determined to get a reaction.

"If you touch me again, I'll turn you into a Frozen Statue," Vanessa threatened playfully, and Celestina immediately backed away, laughing nervously.

"You're no fun, Vanessa," Celestina pouted, pretending to be disappointed, though she knew she had already pushed her friend's buttons enough.

"It seems this is what I'm going to be dealing with for a while," Ezekiel said with a wry smile, glancing at the chaos of the student council room.

"Hey, has anyone seen Rex around here?" Cedric wondered aloud, scanning the room.

"What do you mean? He's right here," Alonzo said, poking the body of Rex, who had his sleeping mask on. But suddenly, as if by magic, his body faded into dust particles, leaving them stunned.

"Well, I guess Rex really bit the dust," Matteo joked, bursting out laughing at his own pun.

"That's not funny, Matteo," Cedric said, his concern for Rex is evident in his voice.

"Well, it's pretty funny to me, but how did you not notice that he's actually sleeping by the couch?" Matteo pointed out, turning their attention to the couch facing the wall, where Rex was peacefully dozing off.

As Rex rose from his slumber he took off his sleeping mask to be greeted with stares from everyone in the room.

"Oh? Is this the rumoured staring competition that one of those guys mentioned? Well, I can play that game as well!" Rex said, adopting a playful and unserious tone in response to the situation. His eyes locked onto the challenger's, and he raised an eyebrow mischievously. The tension in the room lightened as Rex's playful spirit lifted the atmosphere, making it hard for anyone to keep a straight face.

The Unserious Vice leader ended up dismissing everyone and sending them back to class as they prepare for the new academy students for the next week.


A few days had passed since the academy exam trials, and my anticipation had only grown stronger. Every morning, rushing towards the inn's mailbox, hoping to find an acceptance letter from the academy. Each time, however, I was met with disappointment as the mailbox only contained junk letters from people promoting their business in the area.

As the days went by, doubt began to creep into my mind. Maybe I hadn't performed well enough during the trials. Perhaps his skills weren't up to par with the other applicants. The fear of rejection weighed heavily on him, but he refused to give up hope.

One morning, as the sun's rays painted the sky in hues of gold, I once again hurried to the mailbox. My heart pounded in my chest, and I took a deep breath before opening the mailbox's door. I hesitated for a moment, almost afraid to look inside.

But as I gathered my courage, I finally reached inside and pulled out a single envelope. The sight of the official seal filled me with a mix of excitement and trepidation. I held my breath as I carefully opened the envelope, revealing the contents within.


[Official Seal of The Imperial Grand Academy of Nhasier]

Dear Jin Kamuy,

We are delighted to extend our warmest congratulations on your exceptional performance in the academy exam trials. It is with great pleasure that we inform you of your acceptance into The Imperial Grand Academy of Nhasier, renowned for nurturing the most talented mages in the realm.

Your display of extraordinary potential and prowess during the trials has impressed our esteemed faculty and admissions committee. We firmly believe that you possess the attributes necessary to excel within our institution.

As a distinguished member of our academy, you will embark on a journey of unparalleled learning, growth, and discovery. The halls of Nhasier hold ancient knowledge, and you shall have access to a wide array of magical disciplines and mentors who will guide you to unlock your full potential.

Your induction into The Imperial Grand Academy of Nhasier is a testament to your dedication and passion for the magical arts. As you join the ranks of exceptional mages, we expect you to uphold the values of diligence, integrity, and camaraderie that define our institution.

Enclosed within this letter, you will find essential information concerning your enrollment and the commencement of the upcoming academic year. We urge you to peruse this material thoroughly and make the necessary preparations to join us on the appointed date.

Once again, congratulations on your admission to our prestigious academy. We eagerly anticipate your arrival, as we are certain that your presence will enrich our academic community.

May the winds guide you to unparalleled heights of magical excellence.


Headmaster Galahad Stormbringer

The Imperial Grand Academy of Nhasier


With the acceptance letter clutched tightly in my hands, I rushed back to our room at the inn. Excitement coursed through my veins like a surge of magic, making each step feel lighter as if I could float above the ground. Mother had always encouraged my dreams of attending the Imperial Grand Academy of Nhasier, and now, it was finally becoming a reality.

As I swung open the wooden door, I found her sitting by the small window, where rays of sunlight danced on her gentle face. The warmth in her eyes as she looked up at me filled me with a sense of pride and gratitude. Mother had sacrificed so much for me, and this acceptance letter was not just my achievement but a shared triumph between us.

"Mother, look!" I exclaimed, holding out the letter for her to see. "I got accepted into the academy!"

Her smile widened, and she beckoned me to come closer. "My dear Jin, I knew you could do it. I am so proud of you," she said, her voice tinged with emotion. "You have the gift, the passion, and the heart of a true mage."

A sense of belonging washed over me, and I felt a deep sense of gratitude for the unwavering support she had given me. It wasn't just about becoming a mage; it was about fulfilling a destiny that was intertwined with my mother's love and encouragement.

"I couldn't have done it without you, Mother," I replied, my voice trembling with emotion. "You have always been my guiding light, and I promise to make you proud."

Tears shimmered in her eyes as she embraced me, and I felt an overwhelming surge of love and determination. From this day forward, I would seize every opportunity, embrace every challenge, and hone my magical abilities to their fullest potential.

In the corner of the room, a framed portrait of my deceased father stood, watching over us with an aura of warmth and love. He was a swordsman, a man of great wisdom and valour who had left this world too soon. Although It was heartbreaking that he died in my arms, I wish to carry on his legacy.

"He would have been so proud of you too," Mother whispered, her voice filled with both joy and sorrow. "You have his strength and determination, and I know he will be with you in spirit as you embark on this journey."

The days that followed were a whirlwind of preparations and excitement. Together, Mother and I gathered the necessary supplies, including the elegant mage robes adorned with the emblem of the academy. Each thread in the fabric seemed to carry a tale of ancient knowledge and wisdom.

Also, the decision to stay with my mother instead of living in the academy dorms was an easy one. I couldn't bear the thought of leaving her alone, especially after all the sacrifices she had made for me. Besides, being by her side gave me a sense of comfort and reassurance that no academy could match.

Hello everyone! I hope you're all having a fantastic day. I'll be aiming to release 3-4 chapters per week from now on. Thankfully, my schedule has opened up a bit, allowing me to focus on crafting high-quality chapters rather than rushing for quantity. Your support means the world to me, and I can't wait to continue this journey together! Happy reading!

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