
North Of Lies

"North Of Lies" is the tale of the fall and betrayal of a once-mighty Deity who ruled the Celestial Heavens itself. Cast out and sealed under a mountain, this powerful being faced eternal imprisonment. However, before things could escalate, his soul was forcefully ejected from his divine body. He was then reborn as Jin, an ordinary boy stripped of all memories of his divine origins...

zowji · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

A New Dawn at the Academy

Jin's first day at the prestigious Imperial Grand Academy of Nhasier was turning into a chaotic whirlwind. He had overslept, and now he found himself running as fast as his legs could carry him to make it to the academy on time.

With no time to spare, he quickly dressed in his black blazer, white long-sleeve buttoned-up shirt, and a high-grade black cloak with the academy logo. Completing the look with a black tie and a popover jumper, he was ready to go.

"Good morning, Mom!" Jin called out as he dashed through the house. "I'm off to school! Can you please feed Inzaghi?"

"Of course, dear. Have a great day!" his mother replied, waving him off with a warm smile.

Jin continued running through the city's bustling streets, his mind racing with thoughts of the academy and the adventure that awaited him there.

He knew he had been slacking on his training lately, and he felt a sense of urgency to improve his skills.

The Adventures Guild seemed like the perfect place to start, where he could take on quests and earn money.

As he approached the academy's gates, Jin saw them starting to close. With a burst of energy, he sprinted and managed to slip through just in the nick of time.

He took a moment to catch his breath and looked around in awe at the magnificent academy before him.

The grand buildings, the vast courtyard, and the history that permeated the place filled him with excitement.

"I made it!" Jin breathed a sigh of relief, gazing at the academy's towering spires. But there was no time to bask in the moment; he had to hurry to the presentation hall.

As he navigated the academy's labyrinthine halls, Jin couldn't help but feel a bit lost. However, with determination, he finally found his way to the presentation hall, although he ended up at the back of the room.

The opening ceremony was already underway, and he quietly slipped into a seat, hoping to go unnoticed.

Settling into his chair, his eyes caught a figure on the stage. It was Ezekiel, the student council President.

It had been seven years since Jin last saw him, and he couldn't help but notice the changes in Ezekiel's appearance.

He had transformed from a scrawny-looking kid into a confident and imposing figure, but Jin refused to believe that he was the student council president.

As the murmurs in the presentation hall settled down, Ezekiel stepped up to the podium, his charismatic presence capturing everyone's attention.

"Good morning, esteemed students of the Imperial Grand Academy of Nhasier!" he began with a warm smile. "I stand before you as the Student Council President, but more importantly, as a fellow student eager to embark on another year of growth and discovery."

"You may wonder what awaits you in the coming months, but fear not, for this academy is not just a place of learning. It is a sanctuary of knowledge, camaraderie, and opportunities. Each one of you holds immense potential, and it's our duty as the student council to nurture and guide that potential. I'd like to introduce to you the Student Council Committee."

With all of them now on stage, Ezekiel introduces them one by one.

"Our Vice President, Rex Vasile, is in his 3rd year at the academy. He ranks among the top 5 Dux rankers in our academy across all years." The whispers around the hall became evident as they looked at one of their goals to be among the dux rankers themselves.

Rex Vasile's appearance exudes an air of laid-back coolness that instantly draws people in. His jet-black hair falls just above his eyebrows, effortlessly tousled, perfectly complementing his relaxed demeanour.

His dark eyes, like pools of mystery, hold a glint of mischief and intelligence, revealing a sharp mind behind his calm exterior.

Clad in the academy's distinguished uniform, Rex's black cloak proudly displays the badge that distinguishes him as the Vice President.

The badge gleams against the dark fabric, symbolizing his important role within the student council. Despite his position of authority, Rex's casual and easygoing nature makes him approachable to all, and he often befriends students from different backgrounds.

Ezekiel continued, "Our Academy's blessed number one academic student who ranks first in all of her subjects, Vanessa Evangeline Asteria Laurent."

Around Jin, the whole male audience goes wild for the enchanting beauty of Vanessa. Her appearance was nothing short of elegant, and seeing her for the second time still couldn't get his head out of it. There was something familiar about her.

"A teacher amongst students and a teacher among teachers, she is a natural genius with extreme talent and prowess when it comes to providing others with new techniques of spellcasting. She's also a dux ranker herself, Celestine Vitale."

Waving her hands to the new students, her green eyes shine like emeralds, and her hair casts a soft glow around her as a cascade of wavy honey-brown silk frames her face and shoulders in an enchanting manner.

"Cedric, the Chief Event Planner, excels in orchestrating elaborate events such as tournaments, exclusive courses, and captivating excursions that provide students with opportunities for deeper exploration and understanding of their subjects."

Despite being the shortest among the student council members, Cedric carries himself with unwavering confidence that belies his stature.

His piercing green eyes exude a deep intensity, reflecting his focused and analytical nature. His neatly groomed brown hair cascades in soft waves, adding a touch of sophistication to his overall appearance. With his sharp features and composed demeanour, Cedric commands a presence that demands respect and attention.

"Since the beginning of his attendance at this very school, he was anonymously chosen as the school's ambassador, with his charisma and open-minded thoughts and consideration, Matteo Elaine."

"Last but not least, he's the director of extracurricular affairs, responsible for overseeing the academy's extensive activities. He works closely with various clubs and organizations to ensure there's a diverse range of options for our students. Alonzo Nero."

Ezekiel's speech was engaging, setting the tone for the day. The academy had planned various activities to welcome the new students and help them get acclimated to their new environment. Excitement buzzed in the air as groups quickly formed among the nobles and royalty, leaving Jin to navigate through the crowd on his own.

Amidst the mingling students, Jin was approached by a cheerful and familiar face, Alice. "Jin! Fancy meeting you here," she exclaimed, giving him a warm hug. "How's your first day at the academy been?"

"Hey, Alice! It's good to see you again," Jin replied with a smile, feeling more at ease in her company. They caught up on their experiences during the first day.

As they chatted, Jin couldn't help but sense a strange presence observing them from a distance.

"Who's that?" he asked Alice, nodding subtly in the young man's direction.

"Oh, that's Tristan," Alice explained. "He was the top-ranked student in the academy trials and quite the perfectionist. He takes his studies and training very seriously."

Jin's curiosity was piqued as he observed Tristan, who seemed to be engrossed in his own thoughts. He could sense an air of intensity around him, and it intrigued him further.

Before they could delve deeper into the matter, the announcement for the workshop classes was made. Jin and Alice had other interests in classes they wanted to see first. They bid each other goodbye, promising to meet up later for lunch.

As Jin briskly made his way to the Combat Arts Class, he accidentally collided with Ramsworth, who seemed to be lurking around with a sinister grin on his face. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the little dropout," Ramsworth sneered, looking down on Jin with arrogance.

"I don't have time for this, Ramsworth," Jin replied, trying to brush past him.

But Ramsworth wasn't about to let him off so easily. He stepped in front of Jin, blocking his path and clenched his fists. "You think you're so special, huh? I heard you got lucky in the trials, but let's see how you handle a real challenge," he taunted, his voice filled with malice.

Just then, Tristan, the top-ranked student of the academy, walked by and noticed the confrontation. He raised an eyebrow and scoffed, "What a pathetic sight. Two low-rated dropouts squabbling like children."

Ramsworth was taken aback by Tristan's dismissive attitude and scowled. "Stay out of this, Tristan. It's none of your business," he snapped.

Tristan's expression remained unchanged as he looked at Ramsworth and then back at Jin. "I have better things to do than watch you two fight over petty matters," he said calmly, his gaze lingering on Jin for a moment longer before turning and walking away.

To Jin's surprise, Ramsworth also seemed to be heading towards the Combat Arts Class. It was evident that Ramsworth was not ready to let go of the confrontation. With a determined look in his eyes, Ramsworth glared at Jin, silently challenging him to a confrontation.

In the Combats Arts class, Jin found himself training alongside his fellow students, eager to hone their skills. The workshop class members—Cedric, Alonzo, Matteo, and Imerial stood on the sidelines, offering guidance and support to the students.

As the instructor Garry demonstrated the various techniques, Jin's attention was drawn to Imerial, whose mana flame seemed different and unique. He watched the dux ranker's movements closely, trying to grasp every nuance of his technique.

Imerial, in particular, noticed Jin's trying to copy his technique. He approached him with a nod of approval. "Impressive, Jin. Keep up the good work," he said, his voice firm yet encouraging.

Jin's face lit up with pride, grateful for the praise from someone as skilled as Imerial. "Thank you, I'll do my best to improve even further."

During the Spell demonstrations, Jin's dedication and determination shone brightly. He executed each move with precision and grace, catching the eyes of his classmates and the workshop members alike.

The girls in the class were in awe, their eyes captivated by Jin's skill and his striking appearance. Whispers spread throughout the room, and they couldn't help but wonder who this talented newcomer was.

"Who is he? He's quite the sight to behold for a commoner," one girl remarked to her friend.

"I don't know, but I need to find out his name," the other replied, equally intrigued.

Ramsworth's face contorted with a mix of outrage and jealousy. He couldn't believe that Jin, a commoner, was outperforming him and earning the admiration of his seniors. In a huff, Ramsworth stepped forward, his voice laced with arrogance and irritation.

"You think you're so good, huh, Jin? Let's settle this once and for all. I challenge you to a practice match, right here, right now, using the new techniques we've learned!" Ramsworth declared, his eyes narrowing with determination.

Jin, never one to back down from a challenge, accepted without hesitation. "Fine, if that's what you want, Ramsworth. Let's do it."

The other students watched with anticipation, not knowing what to expect from this match. Cedric and the others exchanged glances, concerned about how Ramsworth might behave during the battle.

The instructor, Garry, stepped in to ensure a fair contest. "Alright, boys, let's keep it clean and respectful. This is a practice match, not a fight to the death," he reminded them, eyeing Ramsworth with a stern gaze.

As the two students prepared for their battle, the air crackled with tension. Ramsworth was determined to prove himself and put Jin in his place, while Jin remained focused and composed, ready to demonstrate his skills once again.

The match began, and Ramsworth launched himself at Jin with all the pent-up frustration driving his every move. He unleashed a barrage of spells and attacks, trying to overwhelm Jin with sheer force.

But Jin was prepared. He dodged and weaved with incredible agility, countering Ramsworth's attacks with precision and skill. He remained calm and focused, refusing to let Ramsworth's taunts and jeers distract him.

With every successful move Jin made, Ramsworth's anger only seemed to heighten. "You're nothing! Just a commoner pretending to be better than the rest of us!" Ramsworth spat, his face flushed with rage.

Jin remained unfazed by Ramsworth's insults, his eyes locked on his opponent. "It's not about being better than anyone," he replied calmly.

As the battle raged on, Jin continued to impress the onlookers with his skill and composure. The other students cheered for him, their admiration evident in their voices.

Matteo couldn't resist making a teasing comment. "Oh, Ramsworth, looks like you've got some tough competition!"

Alonzo shot him a warning glance. "Enough, Matteo. Let's focus on the match."

As the practice match between Jin and Ramsworth intensified, Ramsworth's frustration reached its peak.

He was determined to prove himself superior to Jin, even if it meant resorting to underhanded tactics.

As they exchanged spells and engaged in physical combat, Ramsworth attempted to get in cheat shots whenever he could, aiming for Jin's blind spots and vulnerable moments.

Jin, however, remained focused and composed, countering Ramsworth's attacks with ease. His movements were fluid and graceful as if he anticipated every move Ramsworth would make.

He appeared almost nonchalant as if the intense battle was nothing more than a casual sparring session.

Despite Ramsworth's attempts to throw him off balance, Jin refused to stoop to his level. He played fair, relying on his skills and knowledge of the techniques they had learned in class.

With every dodge and parry, Jin seemed to exude a sense of confidence and control that only served to irritate Ramsworth further.

"You think you're so clever, Jin, but I see right through your act!" Ramsworth sneered, attempting to provoke Jin.

Jin responded with a calm smile, "No act here, Ramsworth. I'm just doing what I've learned."

As the battle continued, Ramsworth grew increasingly desperate. He launched a barrage of spells and physical attacks, but Jin effortlessly avoided them all, his movements precise and calculated. It was evident that Jin was the one in control.

Despite the pressure and Ramsworth's attempts to rattle him, Jin remained cool-headed. He could sense Ramsworth's growing irritation and knew that his opponent was becoming more reckless in his attacks.

With a calculated move, Jin seized the opportunity to counter one of Ramsworth's spells, redirecting it with precision. The spell missed its target, causing an explosion that sent Ramsworth staggering backward.

The other students gasped, impressed by Jin's skill and composure under pressure. Even Tristan, watching from the sidelines, raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"You can't keep this up, Jin! I won't be defeated by the likes of you!" Ramsworth bellowed, his face flushed with anger.

Jin's voice remained steady as he smiled at him

The match continued, with Jin staying true to his principles, while Ramsworth grew increasingly desperate and reckless. The more Jin displayed his skill and fair play, the more the other students admired him.

Matteo couldn't resist adding his own commentary, "Oh, Ramsworth, it's getting embarrassing now. Maybe you should throw in the towel now buddy."

Alonzo nodded in agreement, "Yeah, stop trying to cheat your way through. Jin's got this in the bag."

As the battle reached its climax, Jin's mastery over the techniques they had learned became even more apparent. He skillfully deflected Ramsworth's attacks and responded with his own well-timed strikes.

In the end, Jin delivered one final, decisive blow that sent Ramsworth sprawling to the ground in defeat. The other students erupted into cheers and applause, impressed by Jin's fair play and exceptional combat skills.

Despite his loss, Ramsworth couldn't bring himself to acknowledge Jin's victory graciously. his pride was hurt.

Jin, however, simply smiled and extended a hand to help Ramsworth up. "Good match, Ramsworth," Jin said. He struggled to contain his anger but managed to let a few words out to Ramsworth, "I can tell you this much, but your abilities aren't even half of what I can do. So, it's best if you play nice from now on." Jin whispered into his ear.

Extending a hand to help Ramsworth up, the defeated student's face contorted with even more anger and humiliation. He swatted Jin's hand away, letting out a string of profanities before storming off, leaving the room in a fit of rage.

The other students exchanged glances, unsure of how to react to Ramsworth's outburst. However, Jin simply shrugged it off. "I guess it's just the way things go," he said with a dismissive smile.

As the rest of the students continued discussing the match, Cedric, Alonzo, and Matteo joined Jin. "That was incredible, Jin!" Cedric exclaimed. "You really showed him who's boss."

"Yeah, and you didn't even break a sweat," Alonzo added, a grin on his face.

Matteo chimed in, "Ramsworth got what he deserved. Maybe now he'll think twice before trying to cheat his way through a battle."

As the practice battle with Ramsworth came to an end, Jin noticed Tristan waiting for him at the edge of the training area. While everyone else praised him for his exceptional performance, Tristan's expression was smug and mocking.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the compassionate hero," Tristan sneered, crossing his arms.

Jin raised an eyebrow, not backing down from Tristan's taunts. "What's your problem, Tristan?"

"Oh, nothing, just wondering why you didn't finish that match sooner," Tristan said, feigning innocence. "You had him eating dirt from the start, but you dragged it on like some kind of spectacle."

Jin's jaw clenched, but he maintained his composure. "I didn't want to humiliate him. We're all here to learn and grow, not crush each other's spirits."

Tristan let out a condescending laugh, "Grow? This is a battlefield, Kamuy. In the real world, your kindness will get you killed."

"I disagree," Jin retorted firmly. "I believe there's strength in compassion. I won't compromise my values just to win a battle."

Tristan's eyes narrowed, "You're naive. Do you think you can change the world with your little ideals? You're just setting yourself up for disappointment."

Jin's expression hardened, "I'm not trying to change the world. I'm trying to be true to myself and become the best mage I can be."

Tristan scoffed, "Well, good luck with that. But mark my words, Kamuy, you won't get far with your soft-hearted ways."

Jin took a deep breath, refusing to let Tristan's words get to him. "We'll see about that."

As the two faced off, their eyes locked in an intense gaze. Tristan's taunts still lingered, and Jin couldn't help but sense something familiar about his opponent. It was as if they were two sides of the same coin, each with their approach to combat.

"What can you see with my eyes?" Jin challenged, trying to understand the connection between them.

Tristan smirked, "The same thing you see, Kamuy. Don't act like we aren't cut from the same cloth. We may be different in social status, but we both understand what it takes to survive in this world."

Jin was shocked, realizing that there was more to Tristan than met the eye. But in the heat of battle, Jin looked at Tristan more clearly, seeing that their instincts and powers were strikingly similar.

But Jin wasn't about to let Tristan's mockery go unanswered. "Survival doesn't mean losing yourself in darkness and cruelty," he shot back. "I may not see eye to eye with you, Tristan, but I won't compromise my principles for the sake of winning."

Tristan's expression darkened, and his grip on his weapon tightened. "We'll see who's standing at the end of the day, Kamuy."

Tristan's hand tightened around the hilt of his weapon, ready to engage in a full-blown battle with Jin. But just as the atmosphere seemed ready to explode, a flicker of realization crossed Tristan's face.

"Hmph, don't think you're off the hook, Kamuy," Tristan warned, his voice laced with a mix of irritation and disappointment. "I've got better things to do right now, but this isn't over."

Jin kept his stance firm, refusing to let Tristan's abrupt retreat make him lower his guard. "Anytime you're ready, Tristan," he replied, mocking him for running away from the confrontation.

With one last scowl, Tristan turned on his heel and strode away, leaving Jin standing there.

The bell rang, signalling to head to the next class, Jin made his way to the workshop class for today.

He navigated the bustling hallways of the academy, weaving through the sea of students until he reached the door of his next destination: Enchanting Arts, taught by the renowned Celestina.

As he entered the classroom, Jin was immediately struck by the enchanting atmosphere. The walls were adorned with shimmering tapestries and sparkling crystals, casting a soft and captivating glow throughout the room. Celestina stood at the front, her graceful movements exuding an aura of elegance and mystique.

The class began with Celestina's soothing voice explaining the intricacies of enchanting weaponry and armour. She shared her knowledge of ancient runes and symbols that held the key to imbuing objects with magical properties. Jin listened intently, fascinated by the art of enchantment,

As the class progressed, Celestina encouraged her students to try their hand at enchanting. Jin approached the enchanting table with a mix of excitement and apprehension. He carefully selected a plain wooden staff and focused his energy, attempting to channel the magical essence into the staff.

At first, his efforts were clumsy, and the staff remained unchanged. But with Celestina's patient guidance, Jin began to tap into the latent magic within him. Slowly, faint glimmers of light danced along the surface of the staff, indicating progress.

Celestina's eyes lit up with pride as she saw Jin's potential. "You have a natural affinity for enchantment," she praised, her admiration evident in her voice.

Jin nodded, feeling a sense of accomplishment at his small success. "It's a fascinating art," he admitted.

Throughout the class, Jin and his fellow students continued to practice enchanting, each one making progress in their own unique way. Celestina moved from student to student, offering guidance and encouragement as they explored the magical world of enchantment.

As the class came to a close, Celestina approached Jin, her eyes gleaming with admiration. "You have great potential," she said earnestly. "With dedication and practice, you could become quite skilled in enchantment."

Jin thanked her, appreciating her encouragement. "I'll do my best to learn and improve," he replied.

As Celestina and Jin were talking, the imposing figure of the headmaster, Galahad, approached them. Celestina respectfully greeted him, and Galahad's piercing eyes landed on Jin.

"Ah, Celestina," Galahad spoke with a deep, resonating voice. "Have you seen Ezekiel and Rex? They're supposed to be in their Honorary Class for Combat Arts Extension."

"They might be in the Simulation room, sir," Celestina replied, pointing towards the direction of the training facilities.

"Thank you," Galahad nodded, and with a regal air, he walked away, his presence leaving a lingering sense of awe.

As Galahad turned to leave, he paused and looked back at Jin. "And who might you be?" he inquired, extending his hand.

"Jin Kamuy, sir," Jin replied, trying to steady his nerves as he shook Galahad's hand.

Galahad gave a firm handshake, his gaze never wavering from Jin's. "I see potential in you, young Kamuy," he said, and for a brief moment, Jin felt an overwhelming pressure emanating from the headmaster's presence.

However, to Jin's surprise, Galahad retracted the overwhelming aura, and as he shook Jin's hand, he added a hint of pressure himself. "You're not too bad," Galahad said with a faint smile before leaving.

Celestina chuckled lightly, breaking the silence that followed. "Well, that's Galahad for you," she said with a knowing grin. "He always does that to new students, testing their worthiness by seeing if they'll pass out from the pressure. It's his way of pushing them to their limits."

"I see," Jin replied, feeling a sense of relief that Galahad's intense pressure wasn't a personal attack on him.

"He's a strict but caring headmaster," Celestina continued. "If he sees potential in you, he won't hesitate to push you to become the best version of yourself."

As Jin processed the information, he realized that he was not alone in facing Galahad's rigorous tests.


~(Extra Mini Chapter)~

The academy day continued, the top-ranking students, Alice, Franz, Tristan, Ramsworth, and Theron, gathered at the Simulation Room for the exclusive training session led by the President of the Student Council, Ezekiel, and the Vice President, Rex.

The room hummed with excitement as the demonstration began.

crackled with intense magical energy as Ezekiel and Rex faced off against the formidable golems. The air sizzled with anticipation as the two student leaders prepared to demonstrate their prowess.

Ezekiel's eyes glowed with determination as he channelled the power of his water and lightning elements.

He thrust his hand forward, conjuring a massive wave of water that surged towards the golems, engulfing them in a torrential downpour.

With lightning-quick reflexes, he followed up by summoning bolts of electricity that crackled through the water, electrifying the golems and weakening their defences.

Meanwhile, Rex's dark magic surged within him, empowering him to summon dark flames that danced around his outstretched hand.

With a sinister smile, he unleashed the flames upon the golems, their intensity burning through the rock-hard exterior with ease. The dark flames melded with Ezekiel's electrified water, forming a deadly combination that ravaged the golems.

As the golems were obliterated by the impressive display of magic, the students watching couldn't contain their excitement and admiration.

Alice clapped her hands together, her eyes sparkling with awe. "That was incredible! Did you see how they combined their powers? It's like they're unstoppable together!"

Franz nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely! I never thought water and dark flames could work so well in tandem. It's like they were made for each other!"

Tristan, though typically reserved, couldn't help but give a rare compliment. "Impressive... They made it look easy, but that level of coordination and control is no small feat."

Ramsworth, who was always trying to maintain his cool demeanour, couldn't hide his amazement. "Well, I suppose I can't deny their skills. It's hard to top that."

Theron, the more soft-spoken of the group, spoke up with a smile. "I'm glad we get to learn from them. Maybe they'll teach us some of their tricks someday."

As the students chatted excitedly, they realized that witnessing Ezekiel and Rex's abilities had left a lasting impression on them. They felt inspired and motivated to push themselves to reach new heights in their own magical studies.

Meanwhile, Ezekiel and Rex acknowledged their fellow students' reactions with a modest smile, appreciating the support and connection.

They were aware of the expectations placed upon them as student council leaders, and they were determined to live up to those expectations.

This chapter took the energy out of me so enjoy it and point out any mistakes I've made and I'll go fix it ASAP

ty for reading!

zowjicreators' thoughts