
Chapter twenty one

New couple at the college

Becky said "it was so cool what you did standing up for your girl like that to Mr Grey, wish I had someone like you it's cool and cute."

Jakes said "I don't like being called cute, please move I need to get to my class."

Becky said "okay, lover boy."

Laura said "wow, was she flirting with you?"

Jakes said "babe, don't be jealous."

Laura said "I'm not just can't believe you used to be friends with her."

Jakes said "forget Becky and we need to talk about last night dinner."

Laura said "at lunch time, should be heading to library not wanted in Mr Grey class remember."

Jakes said "he is just being a punk, syllabus done and these presentation just a way for him to prepare us for exams. So those marks will not be included in the final year marks and they don't count don't worry about it."

Laura said " I know , I got an email the vice chancellor want to see me, hope this is about that job placement she and I talked about. "

Jakes said "tell me more. "

Laura said "earlier this year, having being the top achiever since I got here, they promise to place me in one of the fastest growing business company in our country but never had anything from them."

Jakes said "so, that's why you're applying in case they don't fulfil their promise."

Laura said "will they?"

Jakes said "you will have to go and find out what is all about."

The meeting with the Vice chancellor.

Vice chancellor said "how are you doing?"

Laura said "great, why am I here?"

Vice chancellor said "straight to the point, you are here because you disrespected your lecture Mr Grey and I won't allow such behaviour from you."

Laura said "I didn't do such a thing, I should be the one reporting him, for being unprofessional and yes I was late. My first time some of the students come late every day, why call out me only?"

Vice chancellor said "So you think he has favourites?"

Laura said "he said people like me, what's that supposed to mean nothing good I tell you, he made it sound like I should not be here."

Vice chancellor said "So you think he is racists?"

Laura said "what I think is not important, just want to be treated fairly same as the other students, 21century we are still discussing race issues needs to stop."

Vice chancellor said "what do you suggest?"

Laura said "it's too late for that, I'm in my final year just waiting to write my exams and I'm done."

Vice chancellor said "Laura, what do you suggest please?"

Laura said "you are part of the problem, just only white lectures here and you the only black person the vice chancellor and you have people of colour who find it hard to get here not because of the fees you pick others ahead of them."

Vice chancellor said "the selection is based on their results only not race."

Laura said " might be true, but I know that those who are rich get pick above the other's no matter what their results are."

Vice chancellor said "do you think you belong here?"

Laura said "you tell me, you're black person."

Vice chancellor said " I don't appreciate your tone please drop the attitude, trying to help you Mr grey doesn't want you to write the exams and you do know what this mean for you."

Laura said "unbelievable, he humiliated me he has a problem with me, like it or not people like me deserved to be here, I work hard to be here and represented this college well. Did you forgot about that, I won competitions for this school? "

Vice chancellor said "Laura Black, I know thank you for representing us well but this school has been the best before you came and after you there's still going to be brilliant minds."

Laura said "I know that, you said Mr Grey doesn't want me to write the exams and you?"

Vice chancellor said" what about me?"

Laura said "you're the boss act like one, stop running around taking orders from them , being a yes person, if you can't run the school how you want it then you shouldn't be a boss."

Vice chancellor said "I'm black, I should take your side in this matter."

Laura said "you should know how it feels to sit in that chair, your board members only white, if that doesn't inspire you to open the doors for other races and make change then I don't know."

Vice chancellor said "Not everything is about race, you can go attend lessons and you will write your exams."

Laura said "alright, well that's what they all say and including those who have forgotten who they are."

Vice chancellor said "is that all, Laura you live in your own world, this is how it's in this real world. "

Laura said "young people look up to you, but you're just being used."

Vice chancellor said "you're also white you're mix and from what I heard you prefer to be call that but here you are talking about black people have work to do, if you could excuse me."