
Chapter twenty

Welcome to the Smith family

*Welcome to the Smith family Laura things about to get interesting after last night dinner.*

The helper said "Morning, how did you sleep?"

Laura said "Morning, I slept fine thank you. "

The helper said "if you need to talk I'm here, did you get your stuff and jakes did send someone to fetch your belongings yesterday."

Laura said "I did, just one bag, few plastics with stuff on it nothing much."

The helper said "No need to be embarrassed, about Jakes's father he is just worried about his son."

Laura said "I get that, but him .....Never mind."

The helper said "it's good to have strong views and beliefs, but don't except everyone to see the world the way you do. "

Laura said "I don't want him to see it the way I do, I want him to respect my opinions I like his son."

The helper said "just give him time, he is not that bad."

Laura said "fine, I will do that, thanks for the chat."

The helper said "Feel at home, when you're done come down stairs for breakfast. "

Laura went to have breakfast down stairs

Laura said "Mr Smith I would like to apologize for yesterday, I'm just business student not a CEO for 13 companies around the world and I'm sorry."

Jakes's father said "apology accepted, was no need for it, disagreeing it is common and it's good to have different views. We live in a democratic country, we are allowed to voice our opinions without killing each other."

Laura said "I guess so."

Jakes's father said "you should come to where I work, to see how the business is run and I think you can be an asset to my company. As long your ideas won't bankrupt me, what do you say?"

Laura said "I would love to see how you work."

Jakes's father said "come with Jakes to tour there, tomorrow after your lessons."

Jakes said "Jakes is sitting here, don't use Laura to get me to work for you and I will do that when I'm done with my studies Laura lets go will be late."

Laura said "will think about what you said Mr Smith thank you. "

Jakes's father said "seems I was wrong about you."

Eric's Mother wanting a divorce so this should be one great morning for the Thompson family.

Eric said "Morning, why are you all so quiet?"

Eric's Mother said "just eat your breakfast and mind your business."

Eric's Father said "don't talk to him like that, he is an adult now and has a right to know what is going on with his parents."

Eric said "are you dying, mother?"

Eric's Mother said "No, but I might as well be living in this house."

Eric's Father said "you don't know how to control yourself, can't we eat breakfast in peace."

Eric said "you two fighting about something that happened in the past, get over yourself Mother."

Eric's Father said "don't talk to your mother like that. "

Eric said "Laura is going through a lot she moved out, knowing her father he didn't give her a choice but you two don't care about that, worried about your perfect image."

Eric's Father said "john, chase her away what kind of a father he is and where is she staying now?"

Eric said "I don't know, have to go now."

Eric's Father said "have great day, it's time I went to see john and talk."

Eric's Mother said "I don't care about Laura or what you do now."

Eric said "Good luck dad and bye. "

Eric's Father said "Thank you son and I need it."