
No strings attached

No Strings Attached Cameron Myles Diaz is the son of the most powerful and Influential business tycoon in the whole of Texas. His father is referred to as a business god; and has companies and empires not just in Texas alone- but all over different countries. Cameroon succeeded him when he came back from his master's programme. Their family was the wealthiest, most popular and Influential in the whole of Texas; with the headquarters of their company standing strong at the center of the city - with a very tall, huge building. It was the tallest and biggest the city anyone has ever seen. Inside this empire was a treasure house. Yeah... a treasure house. They were that rich. The treasure house was filled with diamonds, golds, silver, other treasure and valuable stones and precious stones. As a result of this, the company was in danger and has so many enemies who wanted to by all means get these treasures, because they know it was a fortune it they could posses it and would surely make them billionaires. But there was a problem; no one knows where the key to the treasure house was - absolutely no one. Many had searched for it, and some had gotten knowledge of where it was but still couldn't get it - it was well guarded. She is Anissa; just Anissa - no surname; because she grew up on the streets and doesn't know anything about herself or where she's from- a strong willed, coldhearted and beautiful girl who life forced to become what she was today. Anissa is a member of the strongest Syndicate in Texas - which were known for all sorts of crimes. The FBI's has been trying to get hold of them for a very long time, but it just wasn't possible. Their identities were unknown to the public, and this made it more difficult, as they always work undercover. They were Involve in all sorts of crime like - fraud, drug trafficking, extortion, killings, running thousands of nightclubs and brothels, blackmailing and so many others. They were a thorn in the flesh and people shivered at the mention of the name - REELERS Yeah..that was the name of the syndicate and it was a very known name in the whole of Texas. What happens when the leader of this syndicate got information that Cameroon was now in possession of the key? What happens when their determination to get the treasures for themselves and better their lives, was now more stronger than ever; as they think their chances were now higher? - Cameroon just got back and didn't know about the recent happenings. What happens when Anissa, being the most beautiful girl and the smartest in the gang Syndicate was given a mission to get close to Cameroon so she can get the key from him or at least know where it was? She was warned never to fall in love with him. " No Strings Attached"- she was told. Do you think it will be possible for her not to fall for the cutest, richest and baddest guy in town? Do you think Cameroon would fall for the beautiful, smart, daring Anissa? Do you think she'll succeed in the task given to her? What fate do you think awaits the both of them?

Ukinebo_Glory · Urbain
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8 Chs

Mission Accomplished

Chapter 8

Saturday, 10:45am

Each person selected for the mission quicky got dressed and headed to the arena. They took out all the weapons they would be needing.

A vehicle was provided which will convey them to the place. The vehicle arrived in time, so they left early.

Each person was dressed casually, but fully armed.

Anissa sat at the back, with Murphy and Noah by her sides.

She was with the map, and is expected to work alongside with Noah.

They both studied the map together,once again



About thirty minutes later, they arrived at the island where the ship was gonna sail off from.

The vehicle parked outside, as they all got down from it

" It's time to go in" Anissa said, looking at her watch

It was some minutes past eleven.

" But we can't all just go in; so, we are gonna go in pairs" she said, and asked each person to choose their partners.

They all did, Murphy wanted to pair with her, but knows he couldn't. He went ahead to pair with someone else.

They all went in, giving a little gap of about five minutes each

Anissa and Noah were the last to go in

" Where do you think we should sit?" Noah asked her as they walked into the ship.

" Close to the window" Anissa pointed. They walked there and took their sit.

Anissa's Pov;

I sat down with Noah close to the window. We both quickly placed our earbuds in our ears.

I asked the person in charge of the weapons, and was told it has been kept safely, in the mini room.

Each person, has found a suitable place to stay in.

We were just waiting for the right time to strike.

I checked the time again. 11:55am; it reads.

Just few minutes left.

I went over the plan again in my head.

We are to take the briefcase from Mr Jacobs, after drugging him. Two female will disguise as a ship attendant and go to his room, drug the wine he'll be having and alert I and Noah to come get the briefcase.

As soon as we are done taking it, I'll alert the others to go get the weapons; and then, we'll all go to the back of the ship and put on our life coats before diving into the water.

We are to swim back to the island, and back to the vehicle which will still be outside waiting for us .

This is the plan; easy but hard.

" Ship's about to sail" I pressed the button on my earbud to inform the others

Some Navy officers walked pass us, heading to their rooms.

Few minutes after they had walked passed us, a ship attendant walked to us - a very pretty girl.

She was dressed in an all white attire, which she crowned with her beautiful smile. She has a killer curve, which didn't fail to show, despite the fact she was in a uniform

" What would you like to have?" she asked straightforwardly

" A bottle of wine please" Noah said the same thing on my mind.

" Which?" she asked

" Tequila preferably" Noah replied again

She nodded and left and came back some minutes later with the wine and two glasses.

Noah thanked her, flashing her a very cute smile. She smiled back and walked away

Noah opened the wine and poured a large quantity into his glass, and mine

He gulped down half of the content in the glass.

What's wrong with this guy? Isn't he aware we are here on a mission?

Is he planning to get drunk? I asked inwardly

" Easy with the drinking" I chided, picking mine up.

" Mr Jacobs has arrived" some one informed me.

I turned to look at the cabin at the left hand side. A man was walking towards out dircetuon.

As expected, he was with a briefcase; and there were two guards at his sides.

He walked to a table first and shook hands with some men there, they exchanged pleasantries before he continued his walk to his cabin

"Is he in yet?" I asked, and the person that was close answered with a YES

" Good. He'll order for wine soon; you all know what to do" I said, and turned to look at Noah who hadn't stopped drinking.

I angrily snatched the bottle of wine from him and placed it somewhere far from him



" The coast is clear" a voice said.

I smiled getting the message.

" We gotta go Noah" I Informed him

He nodded and we both got up, heading to the man's cabin.

We took the path and arrived there. His two guards were there.

" Need some help with the guards" I communicated.

Noah and I stood close by, acting as though we were lovers who had excused themselves to come resolve a misunderstanding.

Two of our members walked out of the other route.

They walked to the guards and acted as though they wanted to discuss with them; and within the twinkle of an eye - they held their necks and snapped them out, dragging their bodies to a hidden place. They stood in their places.

I signalled Noah immediately and we walked to the door. We opened it and went in.

Mr Jacobs was on the bed, his suit has been taken off, and he looks almost lifeless.

The room was neat and tidy.

I snapped out of it and set to work immediately - searching all over for the briefcase.

Seems he's gone to hide it.


We were running out of the scheduled time.

" Nissa, what's going on there?" that was Murphy

" I dunno Murphy. We are still looking for the briefcase" I told him

" Okay, hurry up then. The rest of us are already at the back of the ship - just waiting for the four of you" he said.

I groaned and searched harder.

Where had he kept it?

" What's taking you guys to long?" I heard another voice, and before I could fathom who it was, he spoke up again

" A Navy officer just passed" he said again, and I figured it was one of the guards.

" We are still trying to look for the briefcase. Seems he has hidden it" I Said

" Just hurry up" he groaned and hung up

" There Nissa" Noah said, pointing to a small locker close to the mini table.

I wasted no time in rushing to it. I tried to open it but it was locked

" Damn!! it's locked" I told Noah.

He looked round and then rushed to Mr Jacobs. He turned him to his side and searched his pickets. He searched the first and there was nothing, and then the second.

There it was - the key. He threw it to me. I caught it immediately and rushed back to the locker.

We were running on out of time.

I hasteningly opened it and, was so happy and relieved to find the briefcase was in it - in one piece.

I brought it out and locked the locker, throwing the key back to Noah who played it back in Mr Jacobs pocket.

I opened the briefcase, and smiled satisfactory to find the right things in it.

" Let's go" I said to Noah. We hurried out of the room.

We got out and rushed to meet the others. The other two ran with us also.

We quickly changed into our life coats and started diving into the water, one after the other.

Noah and I were the last to dive in, and before we did; we heard one of the flight attendant, raising an alarm to the others about Mr Jacobs.

Shit! They've discovered. We better hurry.

We went deep down into the water, and swam back, just the same way the ship started sailing

We all came ashore and a loud noise was heard immediately

" Over there. Over there" We heard shouts. Some Navy officers on the ship were pointing at us.

They finally find us; but too late

Many dived Into the water also, coming after us in a hot chase

We ran as fast as our legs could carry us and got to the vehicle on time.

We hurried in, taking our seats.

Just as the driver turned round, and started driving, we looked back to see the Navy officers were out already.

They stopped running when they figured they had lost us already

Shouts of victory filled the vehicle immediately, as I smiled in fulfillment.

Dang!! That was so close.

I breathed out in relief as I took out a towel to dry my hair with.



We arrived and went straight to the arena, where Rhoko and Regard were already waiting for us.

We walked in, as I stepped forward to present the briefcase to them

Regard was the one that came forward to collect it.

He opened it and I could see a smile crept into his face

" Good job guys. Master would be so pleased" he said and we were dismissed

I rushed to my room, to tidy up myself and also get something to eat.

I was so exhausted.