


Chapter 2

Gift haven't you done enough? Why can't you let this girl rest for a second? Jennifer shouted as she dragged the weeping Diana away

This is my sister's child and I have every right to do whatever I want to her,who are you Jennifer.. leave my house right now...Gift shouted back at her

You're really wicked Gift, even you mama you're not saying anything...

What do you want me to say? Diana is very useless, she is useless like her father, how can a girl of seven years break a bucket given to her to fetch water with, do you know how much I got that bucket? You have overstayed your welcome please leave...Mrs Joseph told Jennifer

She is your grandchild,if you know you can't take care of this girl return her back to father... Jennifer said

Auntie please don't go,I'll go with you.. Diana cried grabbing Jennifer's gown

You want to go with who? Diana try me..Gift barked

Jennifer smiled, she removed Diana's little hand from her gown and left the compound

Diana stood aside, waiting for the next tradegy that will befall her

Her grandma stood up from where she sat and gave her a heavy knock on the head which sent her running to the backyard

Diana!! Gift called

Yes mummy.. she answered still holding her head

Who is your mummy? Gift asked dragged her ear

Diana cried, she tried releasing Gift's hand from her ear but received another knock from her grandma which sent her to the floor

She loosed consciousness immediately

Why did you knock her? Gift shouted at her mum

Why did you drag her ear? Her mum shouted back at her leaving some saliva on her daughter's face

Revive her back I'm going to the market,I don't want my oranges to spoil...Gift said, she picked up her basket which was lying on the floor and left

Come back here Gift...Mrs Joseph screamed

Take care of her, she is your grandchild...Gift replied walking faster

Mrs Joseph looked at Diana who lay on the floor, she touched her forehead and felt the little girl's temperature, she hurriedly went to the backyard and fetched a bucket of water

She poured the whole of it on Diana's body, Diana sprang up looking around like someone who has lost something

Please get out of my sight you idiot...Mrs Joseph told her

Mama.. Diana called slowly

How may I be of help to you papa?

Diana didn't say anything, she walked to the backyard and sat down, she used her palm to support her cheek

I know she's not my mother.. Diana said to herself

She thought about running away but waved the thought off, she heard Gift's daughter shouting her name from the window and rushed to answer her

My mum said you should start coming to the market right now.. Anita said shutting the window

Diana picked up her slippers and ran out of the compound, she was running and panting at the same time

She got to the market and saw her Aunt sitting and gossiping with her neighbor

"There's no market today" she thought within herself as she entered the shop

She greeted her Aunt and her neighbour but they didn't respond

There's no market, market is very dull,carry this oranges and go sell

Make sure you sell everything..Gift said pointing at the oranges

Diana stretched out her neck to see the oranges, some were already spoiling

She carefully packed them on the tray and waited for her Aunt to disclose the prices to her

What are you still waiting for? She asked her

The prices.. She replied

You didn't even bother to change this wet cloth of yours,you wore dirty and wet cloth to go sell market for me,three hundred naira..Gift said and continued gossiping with her neighbour

Diana carried the tray on her head and left

She was already hungry and tired after selling some of the oranges, she sat under a shade

She was arranging the oranges when a man walked under the shade

Diana! Henry called

Diana looked up and saw the man looking at her like a ghost

How much oranges do you want to buy? She asked

How much is everything?

Erm,I don't know ooo,let me calculate first... Diana bent her head to calculate the oranges, Henry carried her into his car and drove off

Diana screamed for help but nobody heard her until Henry got to his house

Diana looked confused as she shivered, she followed Henry into the house

Please I want to go back to my family,my mum will be looking for me... Diana cried

I'm your father Diana...Henry told her

To Be Continued