
Expelled 5

"Of course I did." His friend remarked.

"What..what are you trying to do?" Mason stuttered.

Xavier ignored him and used his baseball bat to smash the glass of the car. 

"Stop! How dare you!" Mason screamed.

"Shh, lower your voice. Your glass just has a small crack, but I am willing to do more." Xavier stated, holding tightly to the bat.

Mason looked at his car. It was his favourite car.

"Since you are saying nothing, I will.." Mason cut in. 

"Stop!! I will do as you say." Mason grumbled.

"Are you sure?" Xavier asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes." Mason replied, although he knew he couldn't do anything about it because his parents were involved.

"I can't believe that a black slut has a loyal boyfriend." Elsa remarked. 

"Tell your girlfriend to stop calling my girl stupid names; she is lucky I don't beat woman. Let's go." Xavier said to his friend, and they both scurried away.

"You are not going to listen to him, are you?" Elsa inquired.

"No way, who does he think he is?" Mason said as he opened the door and got into his car. 

Elsa ran to the other side of the car, entered it, and drove off. 

Amber was in the kitchen cooking the family's favourite dish when she heard the sound of the doorbell.

She continued cooking because she couldn't leave the food on the gas or lower the gas. 

Mrs. Darlington and Bella stood in front of the house.

"I think the door is open. Did you forget to lock the door?" Bella muttered.

"I remember I locked it. Do you think Daniel is home?" Mrs. Darlington inquired.

"I don't know, maybe it's a thief." Bella suggested, and they both gasped.

"Let's go inside together to check it out." Mrs. Darlington suggested.

"No go inside, mom. I will be on the lookout." Bella replied.

"You don't need to come with me." Mrs. Darlington stated and grasped Bella's hand, dragging her into the house.

"Shh, I think the person is in the kitchen." Mrs. Darlington whispered, and they both tip-toed towards the kitchen and hid behind the door.

"At the count of three, we look at the same time." Mrs. Darlington instructed 

"Okay, one, two, three." Bella counted, and they both sighted Amber and sighed. 

"You are early today." Mrs. Darlington stated she was walking closer to Amber. 

"Wow, what's that scent?" Bella muttered as the aroma of the food entered her nostrils.

"I came back early because, I will tell you guys at dinner go bathe." Amber said, pushing them out of the kitchen. 

"Wow, I love the new Amber." Mrs. Darlington remarked as they walked away.

Amber finished cooking the food and started arranging it on the dining table.

"Wow, lovely. Came home early today and she is cooking." Daniel remarked, licking his lips. 

Amber turned to look at him with a frown. Killing him with her eyes.

"What with the face?" Daniel inquired, walking closer to her at the dining table and trying to carry a cookie from the table when Amber held his hand.