
Next in line to the Primordial

BluRog · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

Chapter 27 : Last Level

Cain looked around the landscape again , till the end he could only see flames raged , it looked as if this place was hell , with a little broken tone

"Huh , I'm dead again ? Well , it was fun... . FUCK NO!! WTF am I dead , i wanted to live a lisurely life not in this shitty place where nothing except flames are seen !!"

Cain kneeled and hit the ground in anger with all the force he could muster , All loud thundering sound of the ground cracking was heard when he punched the ground a crater was created . He was surprised but then looked at his fist it was completely undamaged , just then he heard a voice in his head

[Umm... you're not dead but were just sleeping for a long time , do you remember that you light the whole 5 th level on fire before you fainted]

'Huh ? how long was i out ?'

[one month ]

'hmm , so they are coming in 3 weeks huh ? I may need an alibi , lets just break an arm or leg and tell i was lost when i was going to the Luxite forest so took time to come back . Well it'll be a stretch i can manage .'

Cain looked at himself , he was completely out of clothes but he could feel all the mana around him and was able to move them according to his will and even the flames around him were moving according to his will but he could also feel another type of energy , this was similar to mana , it was thin and dilute compared to mana . It was Ethereal mana , but when he absorbed just a little into his body he felt full , it was very strong just a pinch of it was comparible to a large amount of mana.

It was like mana can be compared to Honey which is viscous , sweet and nutritious and when consumed in bulk wouldn't cause too much damage but Ethereal mana is like Hydrochloric Acid thin and looks but dilute but just a pinch is enough to pack a punch.

'System show me my stats and new skills i've learnt , merge which can be done and give them a suitable name based on what they do'

[It will take some time ]

'Fine '

Cain then started to look for his space ring , he wasn't afraid much as he put strong protection spells on the ring after some time using the tracing magic he tracked it down under some rubble . He then took out some clothes and wore them , he was able to find them quickly as now Cain could manipulate mana and fire very well and using them both together he flew easily. He then looked around for his axes after almost an hour he found them but they were in a very bad state , they were boiling hot and several cracks had appeared on them . He wasn't disappointed much as they did their job well and put them back in the space ring and asked



Name : Cain

Race: Ignito Human


Innate Skills:

Immortal Hellfire body

Absolute combat mastery

Soul prison

Primordial's mind

Complete Thermal resistance

Favor of nature

Favor of flame elementals

All speak



Rank: Expert +


Health: ∞ [reduces to 1057 if Immortal Hellfire body is suppressed]

Defense: 1175

Agility: 1490


Dexterity: 1390

status points : 544


Skills (New\Improved):

Battle sense [Mastery: Saint]

Blazing claws[Mastery: Peak]

Ground manipulation [Mastery: Expert +]

Mana manipulation [Mastery: Peak]

All Sight [Mastery: Saint -]

Stealth [Mastery: Saint -]

Flame Manipulation[Mastery: Saint +]

WarDemon's Roar [Mastery: Saint -]

Regeneration [Mastery : Peak -]

Bone Scales armor [Mastery : Peak -]

Energy Manipulation [Mastery : Beginner]

Flash Step [Mastery: Peak-]

Vines and Root Control [Mastery : Expert]

Buldoze[Mastery : Expert]

Silent Step [Mastery : Intermediate]

Dual Axe Battle arts [Mastery : Master +]

Concealment [Mastery : Intermediate]

Telekinesis [Mastery : Beginner]


'Didn't I become too strong or is this normal for expert rank ?'

[No , usually consuming that core you would've expelled or wasted more energy from it but as you were completely out of strength you were like a squeezed and dried out sponge which absorbed almost everything it had , this strength is comparable to a Peak rank]

'Fine but why did skills like stealth increase in mastery and concealment ,energy manipulation and Telekinesis appear'

[the former two are because of the people you killed while entering the dungeon and Energy Manipulation was most likely the ability of the war Druid and Telekinesis is because of your application of mana in the method similar to as used in telekinesis ]

'Hmm , how can i raise their ranks'

[Usage and understanding , But for Energy Manipulation you need understanding of all forms of energy to rank up once so it is advised not focus on it much till later stages]

'Ok , what are these + and - in ranks and mastery'

[It represents they are close or in a transition state from one rank to another and may drop down a rank if not improved ]

'So i was out for a month huh , might as well clear the next level and go back i'm hungry . Lets see if there is anything edible '


After some time Cain took out edible supplies from his space ring and headed to the next level the level no one had been to .

This was similar to the 5 th floor in size but had ruins instead and had a group of 12 Mythic Rank Poison Wyvern , and were led by a Ethereal rank one which was slightly larger .

They Looked at Cain and one of them started to fly at high speed towards him , Cain didn't feel much threat from it though it was a Strong beast enough to fight the Mountain Tusker.

Cain lifted his hand as mana and flames started to swirl from his arm like a huge tornado and at the top it started to form a face of a beast with only a mouth , this was formed with the control of black red Flames , mana and some amount of mana . Looking at this large attack all the Wyverns started to fly at high speeds to attack him with a large roar .

Cain Used his War Demon's roar as he attacked them as the swirling flames from his arm grew out and started to bite and eat all the wyverns while moving in the sky like a snake.

Within 5 minutes he cleared the 6 th Level , looking around as the remaining beasts ran away from him he spoke

"Well no wonder that all Expert Ranks feel other A ranks are Shit and Peak ranks are strong and others are stronger as well i don't want to die without atleast dragging them down with me need to get stronger , What Skills did i gain ?"


Poison Breath(Mastery : Master -)

Blood Venom (Mastery : Master +)

Blood Venom Mist (Mastery : Master +)

Blood Stinger (Mastery : Expert)

Air manipulation (Mastery : Intermediate)

Terror Gaze (Mastery : Peak ) [Merged from paralysis gaze and Draconic Terror , When the enemy is paralyzed they enter state of terror]

Fire Eater (Mastery : Absolute Creator)


"It was Good , but what is this Fire Eater and how is it absolute Creator rank "

[It was the skill the host used to kill the Wyverns , it was a new and improvises skill created by the host thus no one else in the world knows it and you are the one who defines the ranks and is the creator you get Absolute Creator rank and can't be overtaken by anyone .

You can also recreate other skills by recombination of of skills ]

"Hmm ,Nice lets see if we can salvage anything"


After an hour of searching he found a pavement on which a ring was there and the concentration of magic on it was exceptional . there was writing on the pavement but he could not read it , he asked the system what it was

[It is written in the language of the Ancient Dwarven Empire which is now a part of the territory controlled by Gaia . It states

'To Whichever bastard who finds this , this great piece of weaponry was crafted by me Augustus Maleate , once known as the great Dwarven blacksmith , this is a living growing weapon , it consumes weapons and materials and changes to weapon and armor of your choice , based on the material you feed it will grow accordingly . But it gets bonded to you once you wear it so others won't be able to use it and know this you can't transfer ownership.

Now as to why I put such a great weapon here , the Fucking King of my country got to know i crafted such an item , so he wanted to kill me take credit as the creator of the ring . FUCK HIM ! That cunt , rewarding my loyalty like this . I hid my weapons and artifacts all over the continent . I most likely was killed when i was getting hunted , due to mana emanating from it i'm sure a strong dungeon will form so i ask you , Just massacre his whole lineage that's all you can have the ring , if it's not possible just make my name well known , the name of the ring is called 'Ring of the War God'']

"Whoa! I can feel the anger , hmm don't worry if this ring is like what you told Augustus Maleate you are my personal blacksmith from on "

Cain Went forward and looked at that ring it had a black body and a single jewel at the center which had various shades of colors mixing and swirling in it . As he took it and wore the ring he felt as thought the ring attached it self to his body . He then took out his worn out axes and took it closer to the ring ,the ring absorbed those axes , now when Cain thought to hold axes in hi hand the ring swirled out and became into the two axes as he gripped them as he left those axes or felt to disarm himself the axes then went back to become the ring.

He then took out all his weapons and armor and fed it to the ring , He could simultaneously call out all the weapons and any he wished for , they also regulated the size to his wish , Cain was very happy .

He then fed the remains of the Wyvern to the ring and of the Mountain Tusker in the 4th level , he had removed the pavement where he found the ring and stored it in his space ring as Cain had Plans for it .

Cain then using Stealth to hide himself and concealment to hide his rank came out of the dungeon as he made the fire on the 4th floor to slowly die down .

When he came out he saw several guards at the entrance of the Dungeon and no adventurers here , Cain got to know some issue would have happened because of him as he headed to Zrervin City.

Poison Wyvern , Fire Eater attack and Ring of War god Refernce art in comments

BluRogcreators' thoughts