
Chapter 4 - Sweet Pain

Stacy and Berty worked together for another hour and half. They talked shop, mixed and mingle menu items and swapped ideas on the decorations. He chose the angel with the full wingspan, opting for lavender for the floral arrangements, just as he'd suggested from the onset. He wanted a gold embossed angels on the front for the invitation theme and he was interested in handling it himself.

Stacy had everything back into her briefcase then closed it. "I will call you after i pull this all together. We can link up again when it's time for your approval. I hope to impress you with the outcome of the reception. It's coming together in my mind now and i need to sort it out on paper. Then we can draw up a contract then."

"You are so confident, i like people who run their businesses efficiently", Berty assured Stacy

Stacy blushed, smiling at same time." I appreciate it. I like your honesty. When my customers are happy and satisfied, recommendations are certain and it helps in business growth. Aside that, pleasing our clients is out top priority.

"Bravo!. You are reall something else", Berty praised her again

Excited by his sincere praise, Stacy grinned. "Good night Berty. Have a nice evening."

"You too." His narrowed as he watched her walk to the door and leave.

Berty felt like he was crushed and bulldozed at same time. Stacy Hayes was one hell of a woman. "Where have you been all my life?", he murmured to himself. Women like her are hard to come by and just maybe Stacy was the rarest of them all.

Stacy slipped into the driver's seat of her Lexus. Once she started the engine, she laid her head on the steering wheel to give herself a few minutes to settle down. Berty has had her so high that she wasn't sure of touching earth again.

"The man is engaged to a very beautiful lady whom he's obviously obsessed with". The thougts of that broke the euphoria Stacy felt inside. Their was no harm daydreaming about the finest man she has ever met, knowing fully well he's romantically unavailable for her, it also didn't mean he can't star in her sexual fantasies every now and then.

Once she met Sharon, Stacy hoped all these crazy thoughts about him would vanish because this fine guy and his fiancee have promises to keep, promises to be there for each other.

Clad in a yellow double breasted pant suit and a brown top, matching it with brown leather heel and bag, Stacy had got attention of men the very moment she stepped foot inside the beautiful Eko Suites. She had spotted her brunch companions but decided to check out the food offerings first.

The decorations set off the buffet in such a beautiful yet healthy manner. Various types of whole and sliced red tomatoes infused the table with even more colour as did the variety of fresh melon slices, red and green grapes and pineapple chunks. There were many delectable items to choose from.

Moving to the omelet station, Stacy checked out all the available ingredients and then requested from the white capped chef an all vegetable omelet, consisting of sliced mushrooms, black olives, green peppers and diced tomatoes.

Ethan Adam pulled out Stacy's chair and then reclaimed his own. Sporting a close cropped haircut with a thick mustache which was well trimmed. His body was tight and muscled, his waves were dark and with a soft complexion. By all standards, Ethan was a good looking man and charismatic. Stacy loved how upright he is and how he loved his wife.

Carmella had fallen hard for professional music teacher and drummer in just a matter of weeks, surprised he felt same way for her too. Six months they took their vows in front of the family members and close friends. Stacy had been her maid of honor.

Plates piled high showing all sorts of delicacies, Carmella sat close to her husband's left. Dressed in a bright red pant suit and a wine red silk shell, she looked absolutely stunning.

A black leather shoes and a matching purse complemented her looks, making it obviously hard for Ethan to take his eyes off his woman.

"Are you good with just that? or your watching your weight?. You are adding up pretty much, Ethan jokely asked after having a quick look at Stacy's plate.

Stacy gave him a sideways glance."Not really moreover am just starting out, there's plenty of more there".

"I hope so", Ethan countered. He looked at Carmella's plate. "This lady of mine knows how to stack them food up so well, and it's so surprising she doesn't weigh much despite being a foodie"

"Ethan, Carmella scolded lightly, Never talk about a woman's weight in front of her or any other woman, don't be a jackass and disrespectful and let Stacy be".

Stacy smiled seeing how Carmella came to her defense and most importantly knowing how Ethan is, with making jokes. She definitely got use to him.

Ethan hesitated." I always say my mind, you should know me by now. Isn't it true, Stacy?

Before Stacy could respond, she felt a warm hand pressed on her shoulder. " I would have taken you out here if only i knew you go here. Hello, he greeted Ethan. My name's Berty Nard." He then nodded to Carmella. " Am one of Stacy's clients, she's currently working on my engagement party for me".

Ethan and Berty extended handshakes. "You came to the right person for the job, trust me. Please join us".

" Thanks for the invite but I'd fill my plate first, Berty strolled off".

Ethan looked right at Stacy seconds after Berty departed. " Do you two have a thing? I mean he's engaged i know but who says he can't cut it off because obviously my girl he has a thing for you. What'd you did to him to make him obviously obsessed with you? Hmm He's in your spell. The dude couldn't let his eyes off you even when he's addressing me".

Carmella tried to stop Ethan but he was far too gone with firing questions at her boss. And Ethan being a loud and open minded she only hope he doesn't piss Stacy off.

"Ethan, i love you ok but you gat to know how to mind your own business. Berty's my client and like he told you, we are working on his engagement party. You dig?, Stacy fired back, obviously trying to hide her guilt.

Ethan nodded." Ok if you say so. But you can't stop me from thinking about him calling off his engagement just because of you. You can't tell me he will be engaged and still look at you like you own his heart and you getting butterflies just because he stood so close to you".

"Butterflies?. What butterflies? Ethan mind you", Stacy defended

Carmella gave Stacy a pleading look, hoping she'd overlook Ethan's attitude and forgive him. It was likely he lost his senses. Stacy returned a nod of understanding. Ethan wouldn't embarrass her like this in front of Berty, that she was certain.

"The goosepimples are still visibel", Ethan joked again, laughing out so loud.

Berty walked in on them with his own plate of veggies, he sat down next to Stacy. His hand accidentally brushed against hers and she felt a tiny tingle in her clitoris and off course the air conditioners inside the Eko Suites wasn't quench the fire burning inside of her.

Discreetly, Stacy surveyed Berty's attire. He wore a black blazer with a silver royal crest and his light blue silk shirt was open at the collar. The revealing of the thick chest made her want to see more or probably see him naked. The thoughts of that made her gasp.

Berty looked at Stacy with concern."You good?".

"Me? Am ok. Thanks", Stacy managed to fake a smile. It's not ok with her and she's starting to realize it. Crushing and losting over an engaged man is really insane.

The tiny beads of sweat in Stacy's forehead didn't convince Berty that she was ok but he didn't further question her.

"I know Carmella works for Stacy, what about you Ethan.?

"Do you work for PERFICIENT too?, Berty inquired.

"On occasions. That's if she had clients who needs a band, we accomodate her if we are free. In addition, i teach music in Forder Junior College. I also teach private keyboard and drum lessons to youngsters and i write music too."

Berty smiled heartly" That's impressive, man. Ever written music for a film or television?".

"No, I haven't but i will when given a chance", Ethan confessed.

"Stacy call you up when a band is needed, so am sure you are quite good at what you do. Seeking for any other confirmation would be me doubting her", Berty praised while giving Stacy a dead stare. Stacy couldn't keep an eye contact and that made Berty smile.

Ethan and Carmella couldn't help but watch them display the hidden lust they have on each other.

"How about i being able to call you when for my next movie?. Am the owner of G.W films production. Heard of my firm?"

"I sure have, i mean you hasn't heard of your company?" "You have really empowered people especially blacks in theater arts. Am awed by what you've taken on. The power people in Thintel are not easy adversaries", Ethan said, obviously impressed by Berty's success and hoping he'd impact his musical career.

"I obviously don't want to see them as such. I just want to work with best directors and producers and of course good music, that's enough for us in the world if entertainment. I know I can trust you in the music aspect", Berty said.

"I can proudly say I'd give you what you are looking for. Wifey here feels we might be what we are looking for. She doesn't fall with her instincts and I don't joke with them as well, that's why she means the world to me." Ethan leaned over and gave Carmella a mouth filled kiss.

Berty grinned. " Your body language can tell that love really exist between you two.

"Love is loud and clear, with or without vocals, Ethan remarked, staring at Stacy who in return gave him a hard look.

Berty's eyes flickered. "I like that!

Talking about love and romance had Stacy travel back to the memory lane. Her dream man is just out there, not knowing when he'd show up and wasn't sure she'd recognize him. Having Berty here with him, her heart reaching out to him but unfortunately his belongs to another. A bitter truth that she has to live with.

Stacy excused herself and rushed to the rest room.

Getting to know Stacy outside her corporate persona was a challenge. Berty wished he could be one step closer. The lady was so intriguing that it was hard to keep his mind fixed on one of the finest engagement receptions he had to pull off.

He always found himself mentioning her in every of his conversations and for some reasons Ethan and Carmella's love affairs was getting to him but it shouldn't and he couldn't help it.

Ethan and Carmella were first to leave, having had a their time Berty.

"We got to go man. Looking forward to hearing from you", Ethan extended a handshake to Berty

"Sure thing, I'd definitely call. I promise", Berty assures Ethan.

"Tell Stacy we left already. I'd call her when i get home", Carmella said

"That would not be a problem. See you soon"

Berty felt deserted but the thoughts of Stacy joining him soon and with just the two of them now excited him a little.