
Chapter 5 - Now or Never

Ethan and Carmella left already?", Stacy asked almost pleadingly as if she can't live without them

"Why? Are you not comfortable with just the two of us?, Berty asked with much sexiness in his voice.

"Not with that voice please", Stacy said to herself. "Of course not, i am comfortable with you here".

"Need anything else", Berty asked

"No am ok"

"Berty glanced up and made eye contact with her. "You had nothing much here. Are you dieting?

Stacy chuckled "Did you and Ethan put heads together while i was away on this subject. He asked me same thing but it's ok. I have certainly overdone it number of time."

Berty laughed" Who hasn't overdone it?

" Mostly, am not a big eater to be honest, i get full pretty quickly and the portions on my plate have nothing to do with dieting though i try to eat healthy", Stacy explained

"There's nothing wrong with that, just add a salad and chicken wings"

Stacy gave him a hard look. "Do you suggest what Sharon should eat?"

"Sorry if i hit a nerve. I didn't mean to, Stacy apologized after see Berty's facial expression to her question.

"To answer that, i do concern myself with what Sharon eats. She diabetic and she often ignore her health issues which is a big concern to me"

"Slightly embarrassed by her odd behavior. Stacy bit her lower lip. "So sorry about my behavior. I honestly didn't know about Sharon's health problems.

"It's okay, am just showing my concern to people i care".

"Notes taken Berty, she said, hoping they would just focus on their meal and leave already.

Berty's driver arrived with a briefcase and handed it to Berty and left.

Berty pulled from it the wrapped envelope from the brief case and handed to Stacy.

Stacy took the envelope and opened it.

"The invitations card designs are beautiful but the names and location aren't been written yet and this hasn't been printed", Stacy noted

"That isn't a problem. I just want to hear your thoughts on the design. I will have my staffs work on that as soon as possible"

"Well it's beautiful". What about the band?, Stacy asked

"Am considering hiring Ethan, he seem pretty good and confident as well."

" Wow, i didn't know you intended on hiring him straight away?, Stacy didn't hide her shock

" Since he works for you sometime, i don't mind giving him a try. I always trust your judgement, Berty assured her.

Stacy knew she had failed to hide her excitement around him just as much as he'd failed to hide his. They ate and talk about everything and anything and she was impressed with how tuned in he was to current events.

"Thanks Berty, You made my evening fun", Stacy confessed. Without hesitation, she gave Berty a kiss on his cheek. " Drive safely. Goodnight"

Berty's world shattered, he felt ambushed. The kiss to his cheek completely stunned him giving him an hint of what it'd be like if it was planted on his lips.

As Stacy's car drove by, Berty stood still for several seconds. In less than two months he nearly became a fool over a woman. He shook his head to clear the cobwebs from his head.

It has to remain a pure friendship even after the engagement party.

Carmella checked Stacy out, telling her to turn around and show herself off. "Girl you look gorgeous! I just love how this emerald green looks on you and you are on fire. With this, you are recently going to meet the guy for you. The right man.

Stacy raised an eye brow. " I don't know of any one that's lost on me".

Carmella laughed heartily." Should i tell you in? This ironic tongue of yours never sleeps, does it?

Laughing, Stacy slipped her arm around Carmella's waist

"Is it irony or it's just being sharo?". She hugged her friend. "Did Ethan get to see you in this beautiful peaches bold fashion statement?"

"Yes, for a hot moment." As she'd insisted from Stacy. Carmella twirled around and around, ending her twirl with an off balance curtsy. "Ooops", she yelped. "You almost had to pick me up off the floor. Wouldn't that be a scary sight?"

"Only if your butt had hit the floor with a thud", Stacy joked.

With her eyes nearly bulging out of her head, Carmella bumped Stacy with her shoulder. "Look who just walked in. Take in all that sweet looking eye candy, will you? Damn he's as fine as Berty. I wonder who he is.

Stacy had eyes off Berty long enough to see who was with him. "No doubt, Berty would introduce to this eye candy since we are working for him. He's gorgeous too, if you ask me. Maybe you are right, i just might found my lost Mr right.

"Girl, am feeling you. Am solidly behind you going for him. He's definitely your thing, he's so hot and sexy! Let's just hope he's available." Carmella said, finding it hard to her eyes of Berty's friend. Looks like, the gym house is his second home. Look at his chiseled body!

"I know girl. He is super hot", Stacy marvelled.

Berty's eyes suddenly zeroed in on the lovely Stacy.

"Lord help me. She is the most beautiful woman i have ever seen. Look at how that dress rhymed with her body. So stunning!. How did i get to feel this way about this lady? He had no right to feel like this. One commitment and his business was more than enough ", he said to himself

Berty slowly walked over to where stacy was with Carmella. He had never wanted anyone the way he wanted the being in an emerald green. Unfortunately he is allowed to keep his feelings to himself, yet she had become part of thoughts.

The butterflies in Stacy's stomach was going bananas with longing. He was dashing in a traditional attire, looking like a sexy model gliding down a runway. The closer Berty gets to her, the more her belly fluttered.

"Why do he possesses all these wonderful attributes?" He has both worldly and sex appeal. Only if you weren't engaged, I'd make you mine forever, Stacy thought.

The manly scent Berty wore wafted beneath Stacy's nose as he leaned in to kiss her cheek, she wished he was aiming for her lips.

"Berty", she called slowly. "It's your big night. I hope everything goes as we planned, i really can't wait to see Sharon. When is she arriving?"

"In a matter of minutes. I plan to go out and meet her to escort her inside. I want the lights out and turned on the moment we walk through the door. I really can't wait to see her reaction to seeing all her friends, relatives and colleagues in one place for one reason. Not to even mention this beautiful decorations you layed out here and the aroma of the sweet delicacies flying around. You and your staff did an incredible job!" He looked down at his watch.

Stacy knew her moments with him will be over in a matter of minutes and it saddened her. No more lunches, dinners or late evening meetings for them. Sharon would have a perfect engagement party where the Man she pined for would hers.

"I'd better get to the elevator. Please save a dance for me. You complimented the band on being good".

Berty leaned in and kissed Stacy again and this time it was right at the corner of her lips. The desire to turn her head and capture his lip was much more than she could stand to think of. Never would she dare to engage in a passionate kiss with him, especially not at his engagement party but the thoughts are daring.

Deep down she knew she had done the right thing by not listening to her desires over an innocent display of affection. It a slight like by Berty had excited every part of her being. it was an important decision she made and a smart move to getting her mind off another woman's Man.

Inside her suite at the Paradise Hotel, located only blocks from the hotel where the reception was held, her bags were packed for an entire week. She had a reservation on the earliest morning flight to Dubai. At seven o'clock a.m, she couldn't be flying through the air. A way to get her mind off another woman's Berty and focus on getting her own Berty.

As Stacy watched Berty disapear from the room, she signed, having a mixed emotions. The reality that's about to fall on her is minutes away. When Berty would walk in with his financee on his arm and of course would annouce his undying love for her, making it crystal clear what everyone already knew except for Sharon. The deal would be signed and sealed.

Tears unexpectedly welled up in Stacy's eyes. Regardless of how emotionally she felt, she couldn't help but be proud of the work she and her staffs had put up in this engagement party.

The six tiered cake, adorned with sugar roses and ribbons, frosted with butter cream icing, was placed at the center of a beautiful decorated table. Formally dressed waiters and waitresses walking in and out, attending to the guest. Handcrafter angels, candles and flowers were all set for the table.

For obvious reasons, Stacy could stay to hear Berty confess his love for Sharon. It would definitely hurt her.

Stacy knew Carmella would understand if she slipped out before the party was over. She wouldn't lie about being ok with the event, not only does her heart hurt if felt as though they would shatter.

Before Stacy could find Carmella to tell her she

was leaving, the lights flickered off. It was too late to make a quick get away, she'd had to stay and watch it all happen, she couldn't could blame Berty for what she was going through, though he flirted with her, bringing up all burning desires but just maybe he had no idea it so much effect on her.

As soon as Berty and Sharon came in, the lights came up and Stacy wiped away her tears. Faking up a smile to mask her broken heart. She moved slowly to the exit, making it a point to see less of the happy couple.

Berty held on to Sharon's hand. "I welcome you our family, friends and colleagues to the event. I proudly present to you my adorable lovely baby sister, my only sibling, Sharon Nard and her beloved fiance Frank Morrick. Congratulations to Sharon and Frank on their engagement. Please celebrate with me, for this is not just a special moment for the couple but also for me.

Stunned by what she just heard, Stacy opened her eyes in time to see Berty hugging Sharon like she was a fragile foreign made structure he didn't want to break. He loved her as a sister and not as a woman he's engaged to.

The idea of Sharon being Berty's sister never crossed her mind. Why did he play it cool all these while? "This is strange, strange but wonderful", Stacy's heart cried out joyously.